Blogs from Himachal Pradesh, India, Asia


Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh October 2nd 2023

23.9. Ich habe eine schlaflose Nacht hinter mir, mit Herzklopfen und Kopfschmerzen. Ja nu, wir wollen heute trekken gehen! Alle nötigen Dokumente im Sack, treffen wir etwas zu früh (Swiss time) respektive viel zu früh (Indian time) bei «Trek the Himalayas» ein, bereit für den Trek auf den Hampta-Pass. Erst werden alle Medical Forms geprüft, dann wird Blutdruck gemessen. Und da geschieht etwas Unerwartetes: wir haben beide einen hohen Blutdruck! Klar, das war es, was mich letzte Nacht geplagt hat! Es gibt scheinbar «reverse altitude sickness», vielleicht war es ja das? Wie auch immer, es gibt nichts zu rütteln, sie nehmen uns - und zwei weitere Trekker in spe, die die Blutdruckgrenze überschreiten - nicht mit. Sie hätten noch eine weitere Gruppe, die den Trek morgen startet, wir könnten es ja nochmals versuchen. Enttäuscht und auch ... read more
die Blut-Gruppe
viel Verkehr
Stau am Bach

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala August 3rd 2023

Dalhousie - Dharamshala / Mcleodganj - Amritsar Dharamshala Day-3: Travel to Dharamshala. And McLeodganj: Started from Dalhousie after breakfast and travelled to Dharamshala. About 5½ hrs journey. On day-1 it was almost the same time between Jammu and Dalhousie. However, 3 hrs were on Jammu-Pathankot highway, rest in the hills, so less tiring. Today it was almost entirely in Himalayan foot-hills. Since the roads are narrow and have sharp bends, only medium sized buses ply. They do not (cannot - as we were told) use air-suspension - only leaf springs. So the journey was more bumpy and taxing. Reached Dharamshala for late lunch. Like Dalhousie, there is very little to see specifically in Dharamshala. Beautiful views all around. A special attraction is the world’s highest cricket ground. Visit to the stadium was not possible as it ... read more
77-Bhagsunag Temple-20230220
78-Bhagsunag Temple-20230220

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dalhousie July 28th 2023

Dalhousie - Dharamshala / Mcleodganj - Amritsar Dalhousie - Khajjiar Andaman through ‘Make-My-Trip’ (2012), Chardham (Himalayan) with ‘Radhe-Shyam’ (2016), Sikkim with ‘Ajay Modi’ (2021), and now, Dalhousie - Dharamshala - Amritsar with ‘Kesari’ (2023). Fourth organized trip with four different agencies. Allows for good comparison. Andaman was a personalized tour through MMT. Overall good. You don’t get guide services in personalized tours. Rest all reasonably good. Chardham (Himalayan) with ‘Radhe-Shyam’ was a group tour. It was good in every way, not only because of Gujarati food but also good tour management, good guide services and good hotel accommodation. Chardham is Radhe-Shyam's specialty. Sikkim with ‘Ajay Modi’ was a bad decision. Partly our mistake - ... read more
02-From Dalhousie Hotel-20230219
03-From Dalhousie Hotel-20230219
04-AjitSinh Smarak-20230219

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Kullu September 29th 2022

Gyaghi, Inner Seraj Valley “Throughout this life, you can never be certain of living long enough to take another breath.” Huang Po “What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favourite day,” said Pooh. A. A Milne “You only lose what you cling to” Gautama Buddha “We were right, we were giving. That's how we kept what we gave away” Neil Young, Comes a Time. Three nights ago at around 9pm, just one km up the the road from where I stay, a tourist bus driving in the rain, and containing 17 people, missed a corner on the steep road coming down from Jalori Pass (failed brakes and failure to use gears for braking on a wet dark road in unrelentless rain) and fell into the ravine below. Seven people died there and ... read more
The Himalis in the distance

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Rewalsar September 22nd 2022

Rewalsar, September 22nd2022 “When you do something, if you fix your mind on the activity with some confidence, the quality of your state of mind is the activity itself. When you are concentrated on the quality of your being, you are prepared for the activity” Shunryu Suzuki: Zen Mind Beginners Mind “When the mind goes out to an object, it's suffering The mind going out to an object is the arising of suffering When the mind has no object, that's the end of suffering Withdrawing the mind from all objects, that's the path to the end of suffering” Pandit Bikkhu “Everything changes, nothing remains without change” MrGuatama (aka The Buddha) “Plans are things that change” Fujio Cho I didn't plan to be exiled from India for four years. But that's a long story (and a lo ... read more
The Overhaul
Bike Puja for Safe Travel
Back to Glory

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Sirmaur May 9th 2020

Renuka ji the hidden jewel of Himachal Pradesh Hidden amidst the thickly forested serene hills is set one of the prettiest mountain lakes in india and the biggest in Himachal Pradesh,India is Renuka Ji. Renukaji lake and temple are a well kept secret of Himachal Pradesh. Renuka ji is situated in sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh in India and is approx around 672 m or around 2132 Ft above sea level. This place is around 37 kms from Nahan. We wanted a quick easy weekend trip and also to rejuvenate ourselves we planned a trip to Renuka ji. My trip started from New Delhi and i travelled alongwith my family by my own car. This was my first visit to Renuka ji although i have travelled a lot in Himachal Pradesh. Sirmour District is least known ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala April 2nd 2020

Another few days of uncertainty and obstacles have brought us to Delhi today, en route back to Montreal. It was make the decision and take the first opportunity that came my way. So we’re coming home. No thanks to the Canadian government who “tried” sending 10 planes for the estimated 20,000 citizens waiting in various parts of the country. Some are choosing to stay, given the uncertainty of what their coming home to, others didn’t have the means to fly their families home at $3,000 a ticket. By some stroke of luck I was offered last minute seats on a flight taking French citizens home and jumped on it...despite having only a few hours to pack and secure a “curfew pass” to allow the private taxi I had to hire, to get through each of ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala April 16th 2019

Warning: long blog ahead. Make your tea now. I started to write this before I got sick and never sent it. Now it feels unfinished to send without being updated first. So here goes: March: This past year has been filled predominantly with joy, watching my baby become a boy. Considering I left the decision of my motherhood up to fate, I never counted on having a son. So I’m beyond grateful everyday that he came to me. But once the sadness of the situation surrounding his arrival subsided, I was still left with wonder and questions, many questions and worry of our future. Much of this was surrounded by finances of course. But with no clear path for me and the unusually large amount of hours of sleep I’ve needed since Taylor’s birth, I often ... read more
Taylor drinking his chai at the local chai shop
Taylor with Kuku
Getting his haircut

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Kangra Valley March 17th 2019

I’m facing a stupa, with the Dhauladar mountain range hovering behind it. Snow still resting on the top peaks, with one mountain falling into the next. It’s a pretty incredible place to write a blog! Taylor and I have sat here in meditation everyday since we arrived (I think only 4 days ago but its so far removed from Goa that it feels like its been months). He seems to feel the same contentment that I do here…he calls it “my nunnery”. He doesn’t ask to leave, ask for new toys, he doesn’t ask for anything here. The entire 5 weeks we stayed in Goa, a place he loved, he called our apartment by his friend’s name…the friend who lived on the bottom level of the house. He never referred to it as his. Yet here, ... read more
My best travel companion so far
Batman made in to a nunnery
Our large nunnery room

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj December 1st 2018

The day starts with only one thing in mind to go for a strip. I went home for Diwali and before even being to home I had only one thing will surely make a trip there were certain options Pahalgam, Mcloedganj, Patnitop even Vashno Devi (at that point it was also trip). So here’s how it all start and went. We were 4 friends of whom 2 reside in Jammu (my hometown) and me & the 3rd were arriving from delhi. The day I arrived at hometown we started making plans from Kashmir to pahalgam, Himachal and other places but couldn’t fixed any of them. As I was uncertain even though I was the one who initiated this because deep inside I always wanted to have solo trip. Since we were making plans for it and ... read more
Day 2
Trek n Dine
Iliterati Cafe

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