Blogs from South, Western Sahara, Africa


Africa » Western Sahara » South November 30th 2023

In my last blog I nearly said my goodbyes to Morocco. The truth is, I was and I wasn't leaving Morocco after Legzira. It depends on who you talk to. If you talk to Moroccans, I wasn't, the border extends all the way down to Mauritania. If you talk to the UN, I did leave Morocco when I entered the Western Sahara. By some it's called the last colony in Africa. For all intents and purposes, I didn't leave Morocco. Because there were no border formalities, and travelling down to Mauritania was no different then travelling anywhere in Morocco. Same buses, same taxis, same everything. Only more military. But as a tourist you notice little of that. Eighty percent of Western Sahara is controlled by Morocco, the remaining by Polisario, the political and military arm of ... read more
Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni
Guelmim to Laayoun

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla March 16th 2013

Dear All, We hope you are all well and surviving the snow that seems to affecting the UK and the continent. We are meeting loads of Europeans on our travels at the moment who are marvelling at the transformation in temperatures as they travel from -5 to +25 and arid desert conditions! Well, we are now truly in the holiday part of the trip so please excuse the following words if you were hoping to hear of car troubles and stomach troubles. Both have also been also experienced but more about that later. We are currently at Ocean Vagabond, Dhakla, southern Morocco trying to kitesurf. I seem to be always 'trying' to kitesurf....but it is particularly more difficult when there is no wind! The wind is supposed to pick up tomorrow so fingers crossed as our ... read more
One of many...
A new basin!
The wedding diet is definitely over..!

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla April 14th 2012

Thursday Day 33 Woke up to a very wet tent and we waited until after breakfast to see if there was any chance of them drying. Of course it started raining and it ended up being even wetter, the gravel and sand sticking to the fly sheet as we rolled it up. We took off towards Agadir for one last stock up at the marjane and two nights of very little sleep meant I spent the majority of the morning with my iPod on, dozing. I knew when we'd arrived at our free camp site when we turned off the sealed road and onto a bumpy path that led past a farmhouse with a decent sized field full of olive trees and oddly enough, gum trees! Past the dog and machinery we drove up to a ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla August 29th 2011

Troche historii z drogi. Lotnisko w Marakeszu jest bardzo blisko miasta ale postanowilismy tam nie zagladac i ruszyc odrazu w trase,co prawda pojechalismy nie w ta strone co trzeba,ale mily starszy pan wywiozl nas na wlasciwa trase w stone Agadiru. Nie przemieszczalismy sie za szybko ale co dzien o kilkaset km do przodu poznajac nowych ludzi. Znow ladowalismy w Tiznicie i Tarfaji. Trafilismy w srodek ramadanu wiec czesto musielismy poscic razem z muzulmanami bo glupio pic i jesc przy kims kto posci caly dzien. SZczerze mowiac nie wytrzymywalismy i jak tylko zostawalismy sami wpychalismy w siebie szybko co sie dalo,szczegolnie wode. Ogolnie do Al Ujunu dojechalismy w kilka dni,ale nie bylo latwo ze wzgledu na policje ktora czepiala sie kierowcow ciezarowek ze nas biora na stopa i przetzymywala nas razem z kierowca do pol godziny ... read more
lotnisko w Dahli z ktorego odbywa sie lot raz dziennie do Casablanki ok godz 19
meczet tuz przy naszym hoteliku nie dawal spac. W ostatnie dni ramadanu zbieraja sie przy nim tlumy ludzi nie wiadomo skad, glosne spiewy Imama budza nawet w nocy.

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla November 28th 2010

Ok, Western Sahara, what did we know about this? Not much, besides that it's a disputed territory. Morocco claims it, while the local claim independence. It was quite 'peaceful' for quite some time, but just when we started to plan our crossing through Western Sahara, Moroccan security forces shot dead some local protestors... The cause of the shooting is still 'not' determined. Some say it was self defence, some say it was unnessary violence.... The border was closed for some time bt was open again when we wanted to cross, so from Nouadhibou went tracked on North... Danger, mines!!! So after our fish-feast night in Nouadhibou we took a bush taxi with 2 American and a French fellow travellers through the border up until Dakhla in the middle of Western Sahara. As it was Mauritanian independence ... read more
Are we still on the road???
Got a car for sale?
The one and only: Sahara Station

Africa » Western Sahara » South May 22nd 2009

So I didn’t go to Laayoune after all, as I went straight through on the bus to Dakhla. It took 16+ hours and was uneventful except for the numerous police checkpoints. Also this fruit vendor, Abdullah, who bought me a yop and then asked to exchange phone numbers. I was suspicious, but his near illiteracy made me think he was just extremely nice, which he was. He gave me a bunch of photos of himself (odd?), and we are now brothers. I arrived at Dakhla at 5 am and found a crappy hotel around 7:30 am that let me check in so I slept until noon. Then I explored the city --- so many cops and military!!! Bought a sweet “Lawrence of Arabia” suit! Off to Nouadibou, Mauritania tomorrow. Actually in four hours as I have ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla December 9th 2008

A blistery wind front roars through the town, and the sky is blotted out with clouds of orange and grey. One could call it a dust storm, but any storm in the Sahara is worthy of that title. The wind merely lifts all the particulate that's always present into frenzy. Maybe you just don't see it until the storm. The landmass of Western Sahara is a region sparsely populated but largely contested. This is nothing new, and is evident even by the language spoken here. The dialect is known as Hassaniya Arabic, and only has about 3 million speakers. Its origin stretches back into the Middle Ages when Bedouins led by a Beni Hassan migrated and conquered the Berber tribes. Today's more pressing issues are rooted in Africa's colonial history. A brief history: The mass known ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla July 7th 2008

Dakhla doesnt appear in this platform, big sourprise that is... well, so the 24 hours bus was a piece of cake, as expected. I think by now I can sleep in any position, so a bus with air conditioning seemed pretty nice. just took my sheets and towell out and I was ready to roll. in the end it was more like 28 hours I think? although it was partly my fault? cause in every police control they checked me out (only white in the bus...). first three a cop bothere to come in and find me. last three the bus driver just told meto get off and do my thing, which consisted on saying spanish student to dakhla yeah spain rocks and won the eurocup!! dakhla is wonwonwonderful. well, not really. the city is just ... read more
goat park

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla May 21st 2007

Ess-Agadir-Laayoune-DakhlaTom Griffith When is a country not a country? According to Morocco, and 25 other countries, and the Arab League, Western Sahara is not a real nation. It is simply the large, sandy, camel-infested, southern provinces of Morocco. According to the Western Saharan government in exile, 45 other countries, and the African Union, Western Sahara is the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, an independent country under Moroccan military control. And, according to the UN, it is a non self-governing territory, whatever that means. Whatever it is, and whoever actually owns it, it is basically just a huge patch of desert, and is one of the most sparsely-populated parts of the world. There are only about 350,000 people in the whole place, and 150,000 of them are Moroccan soldiers. So why would Morocco wan... read more
Almost in Dakhla...
A real Saharan camel
27 hours to go...

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla January 31st 2007

Om 19:00u vertrekt de bus, ik ben ruim op tijd, drink een colaatje op een terasje pal voor de bus en om 19:30 vertrekken we, de bus zit niet vol gelukkig en ik kan schuin op twee plaatsen zitten, er wordt regelmatig gestopt, voor een pauze of om mensen in en uit te laten stappen, het valt best mee zo het is bijna comfortabel. Als we weer een keertje stoppen rond 6:30 loop ik slaperig naar buiten voor een sigaretje en we zijn al in Tan Tan blijkt, snel mijn spullen uit de bus halen. Het is nog donker en ik sta ergens in een buiten wijk, eerst maar eens kijken of ik het centrum kan vinden, dat is niet ver gelukkig, maar het stelt ook helemaal niks voor een paar winkeltjes en restaurantjes, eerst maar ... read more

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