Blogs from Province de L'Ouest, Rwanda, Africa


Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest January 31st 2016

So there are some interesting parts of Rwanda. Hugest change from Uganda to Rwanda was that the automobiles drive on the right-hand side of the road! WOA!!! That blew my mind. The rest of the places Ive been in Africa have been driving on the left…Second biggest change was the language. Francophone. Whaaaaa….French??? I thought that was only in the western parts of Africa! Cool! So I was on my way to a place called Red Rocks in Rwanda and yet again I didn’t have all the pieces of information on exactly how to get from Lake Bunyonyi to Musanze. But it was a fun adventure J hehehe…I took a car from the lake to Kabale town with Miha and Jane to say goodbye, another car (Toyota camry or corolla) with 7 other people from Kabale ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest September 19th 2012

Monday September 10 Yesterday we could stay in the motel of the ‘maraine de Evelyne’. Her maraine was already awake at 6 am to go to the daily church at 6.45 am. At 7.30 am she was back at the motel to look if we were already awake (which we were not). Eventually we woke up at 9.30 am. After a quick shower we went downstairs to return the key. The reception said we could and must take the breakfast first! We searched ourself a table and took place on it. Quickly after that the cook came in and asked if we wanted a steered egg. Yes, we said and 5 minutes later we both had one. We enjoyed the rich breakfast including eggs, bread, cornflakes, igitoki’s (bananas), maracuja, thea,… When our stomach was ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest September 13th 2012

Saturday 8 september Finally weekend! Today we could sleep a little bit longer, but not that long because we said to 'tantine Myliam' we would come to her match (football). At 7u30 we woke up, washed us and took a breakfast. The match would start at 9u (altough that was what Myliam said). When we arrived at the stadium there were other people playing a friendly match and others were training. At 9 o'clock they kept playing and at that time we knew the match wasn't really at 9 o'clock.. lol (but at 10 o'clock). To kill some time I took my camera and started to change my settings to be prepared when the match of Myliam started. Suddenly a guard came to us talking in 'Kinyarwanda' (the local language) saying we were not allowed to ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest » Gisenyi September 12th 2012

Thursday 6 september Again a new day. Maybe you’re wondering why this blog is in English… Well, if it was in Dutch, some people couldn’t read it and because almost everyone knows a little bit of English Evelyne said it would be better to write in English (and my French writing is bad! :P) Today was practicly the same as yesterday. In the morning Evelyne and I had our own things to do. Evelyne her internship, I had to do my preparation of my lesson. Today it didn’t go so well. It happens often that suddenly the electricity falls out. Bye bye researching. During the time the electricity was out, I made pictures of the work place (the different machines their using). It didn’t take long before a student came in the workplace. It ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest » Gisenyi September 11th 2012

Welkom opnieuw bij een nieuwe blog .. Het heeft weer een tijdje geduurd, maar je weet wel waarom ondertussen. Ik zal er direct invliegen met het vervolg op de voorgaande blog. Dinsdag 4 september: Na ons dagelijks ontbijt vertrokken wij (Tante Myliam, Eve en ik) richting Gisenyi hospital om Eve af te zetten. We namen de moto omdat het sneller zou gaan. Een moto is hier het meest gebruikte verplaatsingsmiddel. Een ritje kost 300 RWF (+/- € 0,40). Het kan ook 400 RWF zijn, maar dit is dan voor de langere afstanden. Eens aangekomen op de stage en één man (of in dit geval: vrouw) minder stapten Tante Myliam en ik terug naar het project. Dit was mijn eerste voormiddag die ik daar ging spenderen. Het project heet IREBERO, een 'training school'. Het richt zich op ... read more
Eve & Glenn @ tantine Martine
Eve & Glenn @ tantine Martine II

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest » Gisenyi September 7th 2012

Hier is hij dan !! De eerste post vanuit Rwanda ! Jullie vragen je wellicht af waarom het zo lang geduurt heeft ? Zoals je misschien kan vermoeden is de internetverbinding niet denderend. Het meeste gebeurt hier met een USB stick + simkaart. Als we dan eens connectie hebben met internet dan is het uitzonderlijk dat we connectie hebben voor 20 minuten. Gisteren morgen heb ik weeral 20 minuten geprobeerd eer ik op travelblog geraakte. Ik had een eerste post gemaakt maar net toen ik op 'save' drukte, kwam er nog maar eens op dat de internetverbinding verbroken was... Het makkelijkst lijkt nog een GSM met 3G , dat weten we dus voor de volgende keer ^^ Nu, buiten het internetgebeuren is het hier heel tof! De mensen zijn zeer aardig, gastvrij, spontaan, etc etc ... ... read more
Eve @ mama rosine

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest » Gisenyi June 4th 2012

I left Kigali to go check out Gisenyi or Ruhengeri. Since 2006, the Rwandese government has started a programme of renaming a lot of the provinces and towns. This can lead to quite a bit of confusion when looking for a bus to a town that is no longer known by that name anymore. I’m not sure of the reasons for the renaming of the towns, but someone told me that some of the names have either Hutu or Tutsi connotations and it is an effort to neutralise this, as everyone is ‘Rwandan’ now. Gisenyi is on the shores of Lake Kivu and is right next to the border with the DRC. From the shores of Lake Kivu you can see into Goma. At the time of the genocide, there would have been a steady mass ... read more
Cleaning the Beach
Lake Kivu
Photo 8

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest » Gisenyi November 17th 2011

What an intimidating country Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) seems to be and it is clear when arriving at the Rwandan border town of Gisenyi. From the relative safety of Gisenyi it is easy to view over the lake into Goma which is the border town for DRC and is known as the one of the most dangerous cities in the world (for political and environmental reasons). Looking further afield your eyes start heading skyward until you reach a cloud of smoke at the most active volcano in Africa and one of the most in the world. Here you are staring at the Nyiragongo volcano which in 2002 covered half of Goma in a layer of lava. Then looking even further afield you will notice another larger cloud of smoke heading skyward, this is another ... read more
Nyiragongo volcano
Congo seems very intimating at night time.
Colorful wildlife

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest May 5th 2011

Anyone fancy tracking animals through near impenetrable forest in teeming rain, while climbing steep slopes with slippery mud up to the ankles, and surrounded by nasty stinging nettles that will get ya for sure every time there's a fall? Well, if the final destination results in an intense face-to-face encounter with a silverback gorilla you can count me in! Tracking the rare eastern mountain gorillas is one of life’s great experiences, and I chose Rwanda as the base for this once in a lifetime adventure. There are only three countries in the world where it’s possible to track the gorillas, those being Rwanda, Uganda and Congo. The journal continues, dear reader, from where we left off rather dramatically with riots engulfing Kampala. Obviously I needed to get out of town at the earliest opportunity, and to ... read more
Silverback gorilla
Business partners
Mother and baby

Africa » Rwanda » Province de L'Ouest February 18th 2011

After spending a month in Kigali, we drove south to the rainforest with friends to a five star lodge. Six hours later, we arrived at the lodge set in the midst of a tea plantation bordering the rainforest. The main building incorporated the best of Rwandan art with modern design. Our room was part of a cabin with a balcony overlooking the forest and a giant bathtub. We spent the weekend dining on excellent food, hiking, playing cards, and getting massages at the spa. The hike included the new canopy walk, over 200 feet off the ground giving us an amazing view. ... read more
Canopy walk
Rainforest waterfall

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