Khorixas to Uis

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Africa » Namibia » Uis
October 28th 2016
Published: October 28th 2016
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Well we are now at Uis and have travelled about 200 kms over sand and gravel roads which are like corrugated iron. We still have a few teeth left but our vision has gone but that might be the drink! There has been a 6 year drought where we have just come from.

Yesterday we were in the middle of nowhere when we were flagged down by a lady who said her little boy was very sick and they needed a lift to Khorixas, where we were going. How can you say no? Anyway, we loaded up mum, dad and little boy and gave them a 37km, teeth rattling drive to Khorixas. I gave them a packet of biscuits to eat on the way. It soon became apparent that there was nothing wrong with the boy but as it would normally take them a full day to get there and back in a donkey cart in a haze of dust so they were welcome to the lift. Poor Raynard has a cataract in his left eye and it looked like his right eye was developing one too. They were a lovely family and we dropped them off with a bottle of water and some sweets for the little boy. I was going to say to the mum 'keep the packet of biscuits' but she was already packing them in her bag! She said she needed some shoes like mine but I didn't ride to that one and they asked us to take a picture before they went on. Do we appreciate how lucky we really are!

We went to see the petrified forest but the trees were only a bit scared, we mucked up and missed the rock carvings and another navigational error led to missing the rock paintings. Never mind we thought, we will see the monumental painted White Lady instead. Knocked most of our teeth out on the 21 km drive down there only to find that it was a 2 hour round walk to the rock painting. We thought 'to hell with that' and took the rest of our teeth out on the drive back and on to the camp site.

OK now though sitting here with a drink and writing my blog.

Tomorrow takes us go Swakopmund where we should have a little more luxury. Then a sea trip to feed the seals, who board the boat, see dolphins and feed the pelicans in flight. All good fun!


29th October 2016

Well this certainly sounds like a trip of a lifetime. We have thoroughly enjoyed catching up with you via the blog. So continue too have a great time, keep in touch, keep well and safe xx

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