Uis to Swakopmund

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Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund
October 30th 2016
Published: October 30th 2016
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At present it is actually cold here at Swakopmund which is on the Atlantic coast by the sea and we had a BBQ tonight but were wearing trousers and fleeces. We had a really good laugh. We will be moving inland again in a couple of days so I suppose the temperature will go up again.

We had a tailback of about 8 motorhomes yesterday as two had punctures and when they went to put on the spares they were punctured too. We were stopping all the vans and trying to find one with the right wheel size for them. Went on a bit further and then John and Charmaine's van's gearbox packed up. It is an automatic like ours and Christo the mechanic fixed it with the computer and then it packed up again and they took about 5 minutes to kangaroo hop through a set of traffic lights. Fortunately the pace is slower out here so people are much more patient. However, poor Charmaine was a bit shaken up when they arrived at the camp site but nothing that a drink couldn't fix! It has been fitted with a new actuator but Christo is also putting in a new gearbox just to be on the safe side. Don't want them breaking down in the middle of the desert on Tuesday.

Today was our catamaran cruise where pelicans are fed on the wing and seals board the boat to be fed, also dolphins to be seen. Boy, did we see pelicans and fur seals! The pelicans landed on the catamaran right next to us and they were huge. The fur seals climbed up onto the back of the boat and we could stroke them. The first one suddenly appeared behind Muriel who was totally unaware and you should have seen her face when it slide down over where she was sitting and into the boat for some fish. Once again, they are huge as you can see from the pics. Also saw a few of the smaller variety of dolphins.

A quieter day tomorrow with breakfast in the camp site restaurant, a girly shopping venture and perhaps a trip to the museum. Later, an evening meal in the Lighthouse restaurant we hope.

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