Blogs from Kalahari, Namibia, Africa


Africa » Namibia » Kalahari August 4th 2016

A day on the road today and plenty of adventures and sightings along the way. An early start this morning as I thought I could hear meerkats just as it was getting light, but despite checking all around there were none to be seen. After packing and a short walk we were treated to more wonderful food at breakfast. We were also able to see the elusive meerkats before we left and the adventures began. After a short blast down more tar roads we turned onto the gravel where vibration and dust are the hazards but solitude, scenery and wildlife are the rewards. Our route took us past farms of cattle, goats and sheep, which is an animal we had not seen in Namibia before. We were also rewarded with wildlife, even a meerkat standing in ... read more
Rob - and others - to the rescue!
Following John across the dunes

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari August 3rd 2016

Our first day on the road today, just a short hop south down the B1; tar roads apart from the approach to the Lodge so we made good progress. Whilst the tar roads are great for getting where you are going the journey can be monotonous as the chances to stop are few and far between and apart from the odd troop of baboons the wildlife is scarce. Red Dunes Lodge is our home for the night and this afternoon after a laze around outside watching the bird life, we went on a game drive around the park. There was plenty to see: ostrich, springbok, kudu, wildebeest, eland, steenbok, oryx, ground squirrels and birds but unfortunately no meerkats which is something we were hoping to see this time. After the obligatory sundowners the temperature dropped like ... read more
Ground squirrels
Sociable weaver adding to their already massive nest
Curious kudu

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari January 3rd 2014

3.01.18:51 Ich konnte letzte Nacht nicht schlafen: Bei der Kontrolle meines Portemonnaies gegen Mitternacht ist mir aufgefallen, dass ein wichtiger Bestandteil fehlt: Mein Führerschein. Nicht gut! Gott sei Dank sind wir immer noch in Afrika und der Angestellte unserer Autovermietung in Windhoek weiss nichts vom fett gedruckten Satz in der ÖAMTC-Broschüre: "Ohne gültigen Führerschein ist der internationale Führerschein nicht gültig". Er kopiert sich in gemütlich-afrikanischer Manier den Internationalen und gibt sich damit zufrieden. Sein Kollege Patrick übernimmt ab der Vertragsunterzeichnung. Patrick ist 20 Jahre alt, geboren und aufgewachsen in Namibia. Seine Familie stammt aus Dresden. Sein Vater hat die grösste Jagd-Ranch im Land und erlegt hie und da auch mal einen Elefant; Nashörner sind allerdings Tabu. Patrick erklärt uns unser Fahrzeug, kontrolliert das Inventar und erzä... read more

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari September 26th 2012

on the 20th December 2009,I travelled to Namibia with my family The Namib is one of the oldest and largest deserts in the world. The scenery may be out of this world but the Namib's wildlife and flora are just as fascinating... This was my first trip to Namibia, What a wonderful place to be. Bird life is magnificent, the right place for Bird lover to be! A real Oasis in the Desert at the foot of the Petrified Dunes with good Hiking trails along the Dunes, I had remarkably surreal experience Spend our day walking the trail at the hotel and in the afternoon a game/dune drive with a guide, which was just gorgeous. Watching the sunset with drinks at the top of the dunes was extra-ordinary with the whole landscape before us changing colors ... read more
namib derest
namib desert

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari April 4th 2010

Botswana & Namibia After having concluded our affairs ain Livingstone it was time to head to Botswana which meant going over the river in a boat, here I use the word boat in the loosest sense of the word. On the approach road to the ferry for about a mile and a half the sides of the roads were lined nose to tail with trucks and lorries waiting to cross the border. According to our driver it can take weeks for the necessary bureaucracy to be in place, and if the truck doesn’t weigh the same as it did in Livingstone where it also has to be weighed then they are sent back to be weighed in Livingstone with an extra fine, which makes it surprising that any business at all is conducted between these countries. ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari February 6th 2010

We woke up early the next morning as we had booked to go on the Bushmen’s walk at 7am. We met our guide and translator by the lodge who brought us out on the grassy plains surrounding the lodge. He stopped by a shrub and shouted out something. After a few minutes wait he shouted again and again. We were guessing the bushmen were late. After a while we saw 4 small skinny figures walking towards us, wearing animal skin as skirts around their waists, one carrying a bow and set of arrows, another a stick. They were very shy and didn’t want to look us in the eye. They spoke a Khoi-San language with click consonants. Summary from Wikipedia: The san people (or bushmen) are the indigenous people of southern Africa who lived as hunter-gatherers. ... read more
Me on top of dune
Typical dune

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari November 17th 2009

It's a strange feeling being the only person on a tour. Both you and the guide have only one person to talk to, meaning the guide/group relationship is broken down and it's more like two friends together. Not being a particularly chatty person, I can't say this arrangement necessarily appeals but fortunately my guide/driver/cook T is fond of monologues requiring no input from me. He's a white Namibian whose English comes with intriguing rolled r's. His several decades in tourism mean he has plenty of information to pass on, as well as enough connections to mean he knows 50% of the people we pass. Driving out of Upington, T points out the airport, saying it's one of the umpteen alternative landing sites for the Space Shuttle dotted around the world (though NASA's website doesn't mention it). ... read more
Young owl
The burning braai
Sand squirrel

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari November 23rd 2008

We had a really long drive through the desert today, but what beautiful scenery it was! We are bush camping tonight and arriving at our spot it looked like it could be used to film the moon landings here it was so desolate. The sunset was gorgeous and we made an 'Africa' sign out of people in front of it, I took photos and it looks like it came out well. It was on this occasion that I received my first, and only numpty nomination. Everyday on the trip after we have eaten our evening meal we get nominate each other for the numpty award, basically anything anyone has done or said that is completely stupid can be nominated and the winner of the numpty from the night before gets to choose who to pass it ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari June 19th 2008

I am in the Middle Eastern part of Namibia, in a one horse town where the horse is long dead. My hopes for internet dashed immediately, and I still have items to attend to in the personal life. Lesson learned... get all your crap done before you leave for Africa. My worldphone (that hot phone sold in the US by CDMA providers) which allows "world" access, doesn't work at all - neither their sim card or any other international card provided. GRRRRRR. Not terrible except for every other non-american phone is working just fine. We have the worst phone service in the world, I'll conclude, again. Anyhow, my impressions thus far are mixed, our guide, a native South African, I'd say about 60 years old, has rubbed the entire group the wrong way, and you now ... read more
Learning a Hunting Lesson

Africa » Namibia » Kalahari May 22nd 2007

We are at our last stop on our tour and we are cold! We are in the Kalahari and although the sky is bright blue and the sun is shining it is only about 10 degrees. It was actually freezing last night. We are staying in a very nice bungalow on stilts that over looks the desert. The first night we were here we were the only people in the whole place! Tim claims he booked the whole place out as a treat! On our first afternoon we went on a cheetah feeding drive. They have 4 cheetahs that cannot be released into the wild for various reasons so they are kept here in a large enclosure. We got in a safari vehicle and were driven into the enclosure so they could be fed. They get ... read more
Cheetah's dinner
Our bungalow
It may look hot but it isn't!

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