Blogs from Fish River Canyon, Namibia, Africa


Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon December 12th 2017

Cederberg to Fish River Canyon was a full day driving, 8 hours in total. We stopped off at Springbok just before the border, a small dusty place with a frontier town vibe. The local industry seemed to revolve exclusively around vehicle repairs, luckily for us. After fixing the lock the previous day, we’d uncovered another car problem. The fridge in the back should run off a second car battery, which didn’t seem to be working. It functioned fine while driving, but cut off as soon as we killed the engine. We had the battery tested at a branch of SupaQuick and were told it was working but flat, meaning there must be a problem with the charging circuit. Off we went to find the local electrical mechanic. He identified the problem almost immediately, when an important ... read more
Canyon Roadhouse
Canyon Roadhouse
Canyon Roadhouse

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon August 8th 2016

It's a week since we left home and tomorrow will be halfway through our holiday. It already seems like longer as we have fitted in so much. It hasn't been as windy today; last night it was blowing up a storm so loud that you needed earplugs to sleep. Today we have been on an excursion down to the bottom of the canyon. This involved an early start so we could be on the road by 7:00. Luckily it's not as cold now as earlier in our trip so the start wasn't as uncomfortable as the trips from !Xaus Lodge. The last few days have seen temperatures peak at 28 degrees Celsius and on the coast we are expecting night time temperatures similar to summer in the UK. I doubt that the pictures will do justice ... read more
Fish river from view point

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon August 7th 2016

An amazing start to today, as we were on our way to breakfast this morning we spotted wild love birds feeding in the garden. After breakfast we explored the quiver tree forest. These trees got their name from the fact that the San Bushmen used to use the branches as quivers for their arrows. They are actually a type of Aloe and seem to thrive in the rocky volcanic terrain. They are incredibly slow growing and some of the trees are estimated to be around 300 years old. The site is also home to a colony of rock dassies. We have seen these before but they are incredibly cute. We then moved on to a site called the Giant's playground which is reminiscent of some of the landscape we saw in Iceland. The rocks are volcanic ... read more
Rock Dassie
Quiver Tree
Rock Dassie 2

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon November 6th 2015

On the road again down to a place called Luderitz. This town is home to some of the fastest wind surfing on the planet as well as a ghost town lying on the outskirts. The ghost town is a ruminant of the diamond era which came and went in the area. Apparently it is also the home of the first x-ray machine used too. Probably to find the jewels people be tryin to sneak out. Ha. When we got to the ghost town it was closed so Zac jumped the fence to snap a few pics for us all J The other awesome thing about Luderitz was the hostel where I triedto camp at. The owner was gracious enough to offer me a sweet little dig instead of camping, as its super windy all ... read more
and again
my quarters
aye captain!

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon September 28th 2015

Die ersten 170 km bis Rosh Pinah waren wunderbar ausgebaut - ich fragte nmich schon beim Fahren, warum. Es war naemlich sehr viel Geld ausgegeben worden, um die Strasse vor den Starkregen der Wueste zu schuetzen. Ueber lange Strecken lag die Strecke auf einer von Ost nach West geneigten Flaeche, und das Wasser, das dann die schiefe Ebene hinunterschiesst, wuerde die Strasse komplett unterspuelen. Deshalb waren die ganze Strecke entlang parallel zur Strasse Daemme gebaut, die in Abstaenden zu einem betonierten Durchlass unter der Strasse fuehrten und so fuer einen geregelten Abfluss sorgten. Die Antwort auf die Frage "Wozu das Ganze?" ergab sich, als ich mich dem Ort naeherte - Bergbau, genauer: Zink. Grosse Anlagen und offenbar haengt der ganze Ort von diesem Wirtschaftsfaktor ab. Ab Rosh Pinah war Schotter, bis zum Ende des Tages. Erst ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon April 7th 2015

Last Hurrah A mere 205k trip in our trusty truck takes us to our last campsite in Namibia on the banks of the Orange river. We've made it. Tomorrow we will cross the boarder into South Africa a far different country, far more developed, organized, populated, industrialized. We'll be back on the grid. Driving toward our camp on the Orange River the dusty flat desert suddenly gives way to mile after mile of vivid green fields, so symmetrical and uniform in appearance it could only be big business, organized farming on a massive scale. Suddenly next to the road, born of dust and grit, made of dried reeds from the river bank, as far as the eye can see is the housing of the farm workers. Such dire poverty, no amenities, even their water is not ... read more
Constructing new home
Lovely Gertie

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon April 7th 2015

The next day, somewhat rested despite the stony ground, we set out once again at the crack of dawn as is our custom. Today we we travel a grueling 425k before our next camp site. We pass through Bethany a town remarkable only for having the oldest church. Along the way stop at yet another coffee house purportedly offering 'The Best Apple Strudel in Namibia!' How odd it is to find these antiquated German establishments and attitudes deep in the African hinder land. Even my European co- travels look askance at the proprietors frosty voice and superior attitude sent in my direction. Several overland hours later, sustained by coffee, sandwiches and apple strudel (definitely NOT the best in Namibia) we arrive at our impressive destination: The massive Fish River Canyon, the largest in Africa, second in ... read more
Contemplating time and space
Fish River Canyon

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon September 22nd 2014

Geo: -27.8269, 17.5259The return date for the Wounded Zebra was fast approaching so we needed to head to Namibia (or as the self anointed Irish Princess, Wilma C would say, "why the heck would you want to go gosh and by golly??"). As the Wounded Zebra backfired its' way across the border, South African authorities were surprisingly eager to see us go and the Namibian border guards were equally reluctant to let us in- we had all of the needed paperwork so after the usual power-tripping antics by bureaucrats, they waved us on mumbling something about Canadian hillbillies. Namibia is a large and sparsely populated (2.1 million people) country on Africa's south-west coast which has a surprising German flavour. Surprising because Germany wasn't exactly a beloved colonial occupier initiating a genocide that saw 10,000 Nama ... read more
Namibian Landscape
The Straightest Road In The World??
Namibian Landscape

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon December 15th 2013

After the relaxed and efficient Namibian border formalities, we covered the 50km of gravel to Tsumkwe in 30 minutes. It was great to have some pace after battling the morning road. We were very low on fuel, so it was a relief to roll into the Tsumkwe general store and fuel station to fill up. I noticed that most of the locals had very similar facial features – small flat faces, with high cheek bones and wide-spaced heavily-lidded eyes. As the local teenage guys were checking out the bikes, their speech was riddled with clicks. It was one of the times during the trip where I put together stuff I’d seen on TV with a concrete location – “this must be the area where the San people come from”. Heading in to the store we encountered ... read more
The Hoba Meteorite - the largest known meteorite in the world. That's a block of solid metal that until 80,000 years ago was flying through outer space.
3L Stiefel (glass boot)
The nocturnal Palmato Gecko

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon November 17th 2013

Den forstenede skov ved Ketmanshoop i den sydlige del af Namibia. Og blot til orientering så er det jo SLET ikke varmt i Namibia!!! Men utrolig smukt område med de "forstenede træer. Vi kom til vores overnatning som var et Hotel in the middle off nowhere og med ca. 40 grader....og meget ucharmerende og alt alt for VARMT! Næste morgen kørte vi helt ned til Fish River Canyon som er den næst største canyon i verden - fantastisk og helt klart en Hiking tur til næste gang i Namibia.... read more

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