Blogs from Cape Cross, Namibia, Africa


Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross April 14th 2012

During our visit to the Skeleton Coast we found that not just the name of this coast was created from the unforgiving nature of the coast. It is a foggy region with rocky and sandy coastal shallows that has not only been a graveyard for ships and their crews but also we found hundreds of skeletons along the beach which are belonging to the seals, whales and other animals. Hyenas’ tracks are leading to the dead bodies and their remains as well as jackals and birds of prey. Imagine walking through an unburied graveyard and a fresh smell is of the previous nights ramblings wafting on the breeze. On this beach very few walk as you can drive the few kilometers to one of the biggest seal colony viewpoint in the world but we hadn’t choice ... read more
Puppy eyes
1% of all seals on the Skeleton coast
Barking up a storm

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross July 31st 2010

Day 8, hangovers are gone, and it's the day of the wedding!!! First stop the Cape Cross Seal Colony, thousands of seals laying, honking and stinking on the beach. We can't stay too long as the smell is too bad, they are cute though. The rest of the day is mainly driving to the next bush camp, this one has a pre built drop toilet with even a toilet pan placed over the hole, could do with better netting though as anyone walking past can see you! This camp is surrounded by rocks, which some people opt for sleeping on, the scenery is stunning. A local takes us for a bush walk and explains how the locals live. There is no running water for them so they have a 10km walk to collect water which they ... read more
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Photo 4

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross May 3rd 2009

Day 13 (Sunday 03-May-09, JRJ) Up at 7am for breakfast. Got on the road just after 9 cos Benji had a few problems. Got to Cape Cross at around 10:30 to see the smelly seals. Probably one of the worst smells ever! Even worse than Natalie after a Lamb Bhuna! Stopped for lunch at roadside next to a road sign riddled with bullet holes - very comforting! Not long after lunch we arrived at Brandberg White Lady Lodge & Campsite. Put our tents up and went for a short drive to a National monument site to go see the White Lady cave paintings. The cave paintings were about an hours walk from the car park through quite rough terrain. On the way to paintings, we encountered a troop of chacma baboons, horned viper, loads of birds ... read more
Cape fur seal
Cape fur seal and pup
Cape fur seal chillin'

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross November 24th 2008

Not long after leaving our bush camp site we arrived at the famous Cape Cross Seal Colony. Now the first thing to say is that we had been warned that the smell of these seals is usually very unpleasantly overpowering. When we first arrived I could therefore confirm that my sense of smell is as bad as I have always thought as I couldn't really smell anything, let alone anything unpleasant! Ha ha. We spent about 45 minutes at the colony and it was amazing. There were seals as far as the eye could see. Thousands and thousands of them. However, the best thing was that we had timed it just right for when the seals were giving birth to thousands of tiny babies. We even saw some being born there and then in front of ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross July 18th 2008

Ok sooooo.... I am having the time of my life! Constantly on the search for showers and clean toilets but loving Africa so far. My first few days in Cape Town were a little daunting but I have adjusted well. It was really great to start here because it is somewhat similar life style to home. I stayed at the Raddison which was gorgeous and my room overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. This Hotel was la di da! and I had everything I wanted. I spent the first day visiting museums and I had this taxi driver take me around for most of the day for about $10. I had my only scary moment late in the afternoon when I visited my final museum and none of the public phones in the museum worked. I was unable ... read more
Nelson Mandelas cell
Top of Table Mountain
Better photo

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross June 13th 2008

Today we set out from our almost-bush-camp at Spitzkoppe (old rock paintings to be seen there) and drove to Cape Cross to visit the massive seal colony. It was incredible to see so many of them all in one place. If they weren't sleeping or swimming in the water, they were battling each other for positions on the rocks. By far the most memorable part of the seal colony is the overpowering odor, and hence why they get called the Stinky Seals. I think I prefer the penguins...... read more

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross June 15th 2007

Just wanted to add that when we left Spitzkoppe.. before we drove into Swakopmund, we first went to this Cape Cross Seals Sanctuary... about 100+km north of Swakop.. and there, you see soooo many cape fur seals.. lying on the rocks.. fighting for territories.. sunbathing.. socializing.. against the huge crashing waves of the atlantic... It was a pretty interesting thing to see.. for a boy from Singapore... Photos will be up later! ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Cape Cross May 11th 2007

Seals are smelly! I did already know this from NZ where a small number of seals made a terrible smell. This was NOTHING compared to the stench of Cape Cross. There are 200,000 seals here and they all smell! When we first got out of the car it was pretty overwhelming. You did get used to it pretty quickly though. The seals were amazing though mainly because there were so many of them. They were as far as the eye could see. It was like being in a BBC documentary! The only not so pleasant thing about it all was the fact that there were loads of black backed Jackals about waiting to prey on any unattended seal pups. Once we had finished at the seal reserve we went back to our very nice accommodation for ... read more
More seals
We had the beach to ourselves

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