Blogs from Bissagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau, Africa


Africa » Guinea-Bissau » Bissagos Islands » Bolama January 24th 2020

Finalmente in Guinea Bissau! Qui si parla portoghese, si beve caffe' e piccoli barettini vengono improvvisati la sera lungo i marciapiedi; alcuni alberi di mango hanno gia' maturato i loro prelibati frutti, riso e pesce sono abbondanti ed economici, il mare non e' mai troppo lontano e la musica ricorda vagamente quella del Nord Est brasiliano, insomma, un piccolo paradiso nascosto agli occhi del mondo? Non proprio. Il paese si colloca stabilmente agli ultimi posti nelle classifiche mondiali di reddito pro capite ed indice di sviluppo economico, eppure qualcosa lo contraddistingue dalle altre nazioni che ne condividono questo deprecabile piazzamento: Siria, Afghanistan ed Iraq sono in uno stato di guerra permanente mentre paesi quali la Somalia, Ciad e Niger sono poco meno che degli stati falliti; in Guinea Bissau invece si respira un'atmosfera di pace e ... read more
In partenza dal porto di Bissau
Monumento ai caduti italiani
Il palazzo di Bolama

Africa » Guinea-Bissau » Bissagos Islands » Bubaque March 31st 2017

My colleagues jaw had not un-clenched for about an hour, the tendons were standing out like cordage. It it was hardly surprising. The return journey had been long and the greenish coloured sea had been heavy. The incidental background music for the trip was the Gee-Jaw sound of the engine; the swells causing the propeller to go in and out of the water. We were also running out of petrol. A garishly painted fishing canoe, so typical all along the West African coast, was waved down. A wad of CFA's exchanged for a white plastic jerry can of petrol and we were on our way back to Bissau's port. The entrance was again guarded by huge, rather decrepit Chinese fishing trawlers. New pilings were being sunk at the pier, a sign that after years of stagnation, ... read more

Africa » Guinea-Bissau » Bissagos Islands » Bolama October 5th 2015

Update Bolama Islands Ebola Corps 20.02.014 The Bolama Trios picked up their action of Ebola community awareness and since 3 weeks we’re up to full speed. In a fragile wooden boot which barely could face and withstand a stronger wave without getting wrecked we sailed 3 hours through the Atlantic waters to reach our first destination Bolama City. Such are the boats which too will carry us to the other islands. With our awareness action we have almost covered Bolama city and the rest of the city’s island. Throughout we found the Bolamer population to be of great support to our cause. Everywhere we came we met expressed gratefulness and blessings towards our mission. People appeared in great numbers to listen to what we had to say and from the population we could observe ... read more
Stuck on Tideland
Our canoe
Ilha de Maio

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