Blogs from Ghana, Africa - page 4


Africa » Ghana May 16th 2016

Why are you going there? What's there to see anyway? Who goes to West Africa?! I took their point; the UN says it is the poorest region on Earth based on economic terms and quality of life, it is an area riddled with wars, poverty, corruption, coups, dictators, malaria, Ebola, fundamentalists, Boko Haram and an uneasy history centred around slavery and colonialism, not to mention it's pretty damn big. But it was that fact that nobody went there, that it was fairly uncharted territory and that there were as many reasons NOT to go that enticed me to it. I joined a tour that covered 12 countries and along the way we encountered robberies, bush camping, road blocks, bribery, voodoo, became bogged, defied FCO warnings and dived with sharks. Strap yourselves in, it's a busy one. ... read more
WA roads
Local kids enjying the sea
West African beaches

Africa » Ghana January 10th 2016

Takoradi, Ghana, We thought Dakar was hot, but in Takoradi the temperature was 39C and the humidity 80%. One only has to go to Africa or any other underdeveloped country to realize how lucky we are to live in North America. The terrorist attacks had just happened in Paris. It makes no sense that these people want to tear down a civilization that they have come to to be replaced by one that they fled from. Back to Ghana, the people were quite friendly, while we may be struck by their poor living condition's, they don't know any better. We saw a lot of school children, and lots of different churches. A visit to the fishing market was a bit of an experience. I will let the pictures tell more of the story.... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra December 11th 2015

11/12/15 we travel to our canopy walkway at National Park, a cool structure & fairly easy place to get cool photos, my foh meant I wimped out of going no hands for very long. no animals sighted, nor birds, only Danish women. Drive onto our camp in the grounds of a prespetarion church in Koumassi. 12/12/15 Next morning head out to the cultural centre, despite a cool little museum of the Ashanti people's most other workshops were closed on a Saturday hah. I spend the remainder of the daytime in Koumassi's huge market (largest in WA), most of which is rooted on the old train station its tracks. Anything from truck springs, bananas & panties to leopard skins & monkey skulls. Go out that evening with Adam & Mike to Vienna City, chain of bar/club. Next ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti » Kumasi August 4th 2015

In December last year I was applying for an internship for the Enterprise Growth Services (EGS) at EY. And now I am here: Ghana. The last couple of weeks have been hectic, especially since the country I was going to, and the project I would be working on, was still unsure. On the 15th of July I got a definite GO for Ghana. In two weeks everything had to be arranged: booking tickets, getting a visa, accommodation, and everything else that needs to be done before getting to the African continent. When I got onto the plane and read about the country, suddenly, everything became real and I got more excited the closer I got to Ghana. Last Friday was the first time I set foot on the African continent. My colleague Ian picked me up ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Teshie July 9th 2015

Okay, I know I didn't update this blog in my last two months of living in Ghana. For that I'm sorry. I told you that Ghana had problems with electricity, which leads to horrible internet connections. Many of you know I'm now back home in the United States. I arrived 2 weeks ago. Therefore this will be my last post, my musings on life in Ghana. First of all, I never told you just how dirty it is in Ghana. There aren't public trash bins, so people just throw their litter everywhere and anywhere. In my neighborhood there was actually a dump. Well actually it's called a "recycling" center, but there's no recycling at all. Garbage lines the streets, floats in the streams, and fills the obruni traps. It's no wonder why the tap water is ... read more
Garbage embedded in the ground
Litter on the side of the road
The AMA "recycling" center

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Teshie April 17th 2015

April 17, 2015 After living in Ghana for 10 months I’ve met a lot of people and made a lot of friends, especially right in this neighborhood. I’ve mentioned a couple of them over the course of my blog. Adults, children, and even animals. So where do I start? First of all, I told you about Mavis as our “house mother.” However, I never mentioned that she only comes on Saturdays now. After she graduated from university she was required to do a job specific to what she studied (nutrition). Therefore, in October we had to hire a new woman to do her job. Hannah has been here this whole time now. She’s definitely different from Mavis, but she’s nice and sweet. She’s 19, from Tamale, and didn’t go to school, so many of us have ... read more
No longer scared of obruni
Naughty Callie
Sleeping Peace

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra March 30th 2015

(by guest bloggers Kit Rawson and Kathy Thornburgh) Time has flown by, and now it is hard to believe that we will be flying out of Accra on this evening's flight to Amsterdam. It has been such a great time for us, seeing Laurel after 9 months, meeting so many of her friends here, and learning about all the wonderful places where she and the other volunteers are working. Laurel really put together a great tour of Ghana for us. Hopefully a lot of the great times have been well captured in these blog posts, but of course there was much more than we were able to talk about here. We came back from the north a few days ago. We stayed in Laurel's neighborhood, returned to a few places (orphange, Art Market) and saw a ... read more
Laurel showing us where ne of th temporary clssrooms is set up at the fishing village
High jumping at the orphanage
Oven of termite mound mud for making glass beads

Africa » Ghana » Northern » Mole National Park March 25th 2015

Oh it’s been so nice to be back up north. Larabanga is such a wonderful community, which is why I enjoyed my time up here so much. I’ve been having so much fun playing with Hussein’s children and seeing my students from Class 5. On Monday I went to school and spent time with my class. Today I took my parents by the school to meet them. For me and the children it got pretty emotional because I had to say goodbye again. One of the boys even cried. Today also marks exactly 3 months before I leave. I recently bought a ticket home and I’m flying back on June 25. Therefore saying goodbye to these children again was like a precursor to what saying goodbye to my children in Accra will be like. It’s going ... read more
School headmaster
Blogger at work at Savannah Lodge
Shoing off the flag ofthe Black Stars

Africa » Ghana » Northern » Mole National Park March 24th 2015

(by guest blogger Kit Rawson) Besides spending time at Mole Park and hanging at the Savannah Lodge, we found several other interesting things to do around Larabanga. Ten km from town, on a dirt road bordering the park, is the Mognori "Eco-village". Some years after the park was set aside and the elephant population started to grow and expand its range, the agricultural areas around this village were devastated by foraging elephants. Rather than move away, the villagers obtained some funds to make Mognori a place for ecotourism as an alternative economic activity. We visited one morning and had a nice tour of the village, learning a lot about the culture and the old ways. We also noted that the town has installed solar panels that provide public outdoor lighting and a little power for other ... read more
15th Century (or older) mosque
Mognori eco village
Canoe trip from eco village

Africa » Ghana » Northern » Mole National Park March 22nd 2015

Coolest birthday ever! My parents and I went into Mole National Park and went on a jeep safari with four other tourists, including one guy from Tennessee. We saw some warthogs, several different kinds of antelope, lots of birds, but best of all I finally saw African elephants in their natural habitat. Of course I’ve seen them in zoos before, but it’s just not the same as seeing them where they are supposed to be living. We actually didn’t see them until the end of the safari and the three of us decided to get out of the jeep to extend our safari in foot so we could watch the elephants. We watched a couple of different elephants at two different watering holes. There were also crocodiles hiding in the water while tentative antelopes came down ... read more
Birthday girl and guide
Laurel and Lukeman
Big ears (and egret)

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