Blogs from Ghana, Africa - page 2


Africa » Ghana » Volta October 27th 2018

Look at a map of Ghana and you’ll soon spot a spiky body of water towards the east that seems to reach its fingers back west and north, as if probing the country for Ashanti gold. This is Lake Volta, the largest manmade body of water (by surface area anyway) in the world. And it was proving remarkably hard to find. After a couple of days in the lively and colourful Accra, I headed east to the hills that form the border with modern-day Togo. My immediate destination was the Wli Falls, thought to be the highest waterfalls in West Africa. The road there led close to the Lake, or so it appeared from the map, but neither during that journey nor on my unexpectedly arduous six-hour scramble up to (and, more wobblily, back down from) ... read more
Lake Volta from the Accra-Tamale flight
patience is an African way of life
a welcome break in the greenery

Africa » Ghana May 10th 2018

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch Africa is hot. The sheer temperature of this place keeps me in constant sweats. Between the hours of 9am to 5pm the heat is almost unbearable. Trying to think let alone operate in this type of heat and humidity is simply not possible. The best hours in Africa therefore are dawn or dusk, this is when the people come out, this is when the suns rays are lowest and it actually lets you live. In days gone by travellers to this area of the world would have taken months to get here. Slowly acclimitising as the ship or horse carriage came closer and closer. A European traveler would cross France, into Spain and the heat of the southern region all via horse and ... read more
Skyscrapers of Abidjan
Fort Batenstein, Ghana
Surf Shack, Ghana

Africa » Ghana » Western » Busua November 30th 2017

Durant ces dernières semaines la charge de travail a été bien plus faible que d'habitude, la faute au paludisme qui a mis a plat un de nos hôtes. Comme nous nous sentions bien seul sur ce chantier vide nous en avons profité pour nous balader dans les alentours. Nous avons tenté une petite excursion vers la ville de Princess Town pour visiter son fort allemand (puis néerlandais et enfin anglais). les infos détaillées sur Wikipedia sont meilleures que le résumé que nous pourrions vous faire mais globalement il s'agissait d'or et d'esclaves... Mais la vraie histoire c'est surtout le transport, 1h30 de 'trotro' blindé (le jeu de mots n'est pas fait exprès) après avoir attendu 1h à la station de départ. Puis arrivé sur place une demi-heure pour faire le tour (avec un guide présse qui ... read more
The view from Butre hills

Africa » Ghana » Western » Busua November 22nd 2017

Now that we've been in Ghana for a whole two weeks, it's time for a culinary update. As you all know, we both love eating and we've been trying out loads of new and interesting dishes since we've arrived ! Here in Busua it's very easy to find food, in the restaurants the food is prepared there and then and usually takes about an hour to arrive so if you're starving it's best to try out food stalls in the street that have large quantities of rice, beans and plantain ready to go. Food is available all throughout the day and there are always a few ladies selling round doughnuts (Abdel's favourite breakfast), savoury pastries filled with beans, grilled or fried fish, bananas, pineapples, coconuts, mangoes and oranges (that's all we've tasted so far and it's ... read more
Chicken salad, they like their baked beans here !
Chilling out with a bean-filled pastry
A huge serving of beans and rice from the street

Africa » Ghana » Western » Busua November 18th 2017

After some migraines and 'funny tummies' this week we've realised that when we're feeling unwell we miss some of the home comforts ! Our living arrangements are pretty nice, right on the beach but it's basic and we've come to find that things like not having clean running water or consistent electricity can seem like a bigger deal when feeling a bit rough. Things like having to go outside to the toilet with a headlight (it gets dark around 6 here), carry a bucket of water to flush and another small bucket to wash your hands...or going outside to shower, again with a lamp and buckets of cold water. Especially in the middle of a tropical rainstorm ! Having some alone time is next to impossible here, there are neighbours and kids from the village on ... read more
Our (handwashed) clothes
Views from today's walk
Sunset on the beach

Africa » Ghana » Western » Busua November 16th 2017

Our trip isn't all about surfing, swimming and checking out the nearby hospitals... The main reason we're here in Busua is to help Peter & Julia with the eco lodge they're building ( For the moment there are the walls, the roof, some of the electrics and plumbing and since the day before yesterday, 4 solar panels. There's a whole team that's motivated (for the most part) to get the work done and we try to keep ourselves busy with one or two jobs a day. So far we've sanded the floors in one of the bedrooms, filled in the floorboard joints upstairs with a mix of sawdust and glue, brushed down earthen walls and tried our hand at plastering (or rather clay + sand that has to be hand-sieved !). Here are some pictures to ... read more
Filling in between the floorboards
Brushing the walls in one of the downstairs bedrooms

Africa » Ghana » Western » Busua November 14th 2017

Our first home together is a cabin on the beach with no running water and it's very nearly perfect ! We moved in on Sunday and were supposed to got to Princess town for the day with our hosts Julia & Peter but Olivia was sick (something like sinusitis with a fever somehow) so we stayed put and Abdel spent the morning surfing. Lobster red Abdel entered our new home to take off his t-shirt to put on some cream and forgot about the low hanging ceiling fan... The rest of the story is blood and panic as we (mostly Olivia) ran around trying to find out where to go. Luckily our new landlord was nearby to help us out. After a walk through the village to find the pharmacist, we ended up in a small ... read more
Relaxing on the porch

Africa » Ghana September 11th 2017

Don’t you just LOVE IT when the calendar of events line up just perfectly! How often does that happen right? Well it recently happen for us. Friday, Sept 1st – Kwabena graduated from bible school. Saturday, Sept 2nd – A national YWAM meeting for Kirk & I to attend -- Children of the Light program for Cynthia & Kwabena to assist with Sunday, Sept 3rd – Praise’s 14th birthday spent with Levi, one of his best buddies in life The icing on the cake? Every one of these events took place in our capital city, Accra, which is a 12-15hr drive (drive time depends on the Market Days you meet on the way and traffic in Accra). We are so proud of Kwabena! While Kirk and I were getting further training in Texas, Kwabena took the ... read more
Kwabena's parents
The Famous Orangus
Cynthia & Emmanuel

Africa » Ghana August 28th 2017

As you may well know, we have relocated. We are still in Ghana but working with a different tribe, culture and language group. Not everyone in the family was eager to move so in April we had a two week trial visit to our new area. By the end of the two weeks we were all of the same mind, 'let's move". Who has moved? Well of course Kirk, Praise (soon to be 14) and myself. We also have Ophelia and Cynthia who were students in the remote village school in Apebouso. They are now young adults and eager to join in the work that we do. Emmanuel is among the group. He's our newest (Ghanaian) addition to the family (Born November 18, 2017). At this time we are living in a nice little town. The ... read more
"The Girls"
A few new friends

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Teshie July 26th 2017

Hey hey! Ik heb al een tijdje niks geschreven en nu ik weer even tijd heb dacht ik dat het wel leuk zou zijn voor de mensen die gedoneerd hebben om te weten wat ik tot nu toe met het geld heb gedaan (en wat ik nog van plan ben te gaan doen). Een paar dagen geleden heb ik samen met een paar andere vrijwilligers ervoor gezorgd dat het weeshuis weer genoeg eten heeft voor een aantal maanden. Zo hebben we bijvoorbeeld rijst, tomaten puree, verse groenten en nog veel meer gekocht. Ook hebben wat frisdrankjes gekocht voor als er iets te vieren is bijvoorbeeld. Ik zal een foto bij dit bericht toevoegen zodat jullie een beetje een idee krijgen van wat ik bedoel. De organisatie en de kinderen zelf waren natuurlijk super blij hiermee, dus ... read more

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