Blogs from Cape Coast, Central, Ghana, Africa


Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast July 1st 2016

Ghana. A wonderful Special place that I've been to. You cannot beat the weather, beat the attractions off the beaten path. Very spectacular. And eveyrone should put Africa on their travel list or their bucket list just to see what it's like to live and travel to Africa because it's not the same as traveling and living in the USA. A town of wonderful animals as well as looks like a real safarai that's so different than you normally see on television. This is almost simliar to the Caribbean Islands. Everyone should check out the safaris and the animals in Ghana. Those features are what make Ghana a possibility. That what makes this place very interesting. If you notice, the Africa Continent is almost simliar to the Caribbean Region I've dominated in my travels. The two ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 16th 2014

In my first blog I forgot to write about the language. English is widely spoken, since Ghana was a British colony. Besides, the country has MANY different languages but the most spoken language is "Akan". I left Accra and went to Cape Coast. Getting there was an ordeal! Benjamin went with me so I could take the tro-tro (local small bus) to the Cape Coast station and from there continue to Cape Coast. First the buses wouldn’t pass, or they were full. And it was warm! Then I finally got into the tro-tro to the station. Here I needed to walk just a little bit to go where the buses depart from. The station is as chaotic as it gets, pffff! Once I found the Cape Coast bus, I bought a ticket, paid extra for my ... read more
Making boats in the beach in Elmina
A local woman in Elmina

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast December 28th 2013

After another great night’s sleep, we woke up a little earlier so we could hit the road. We had big plans for the day. First, breakfast. Rosemary, Frank, Alex, and I walked to a shop down the street for rice. While we were waiting for our food, some other guys walked up and started chatting in a local language. Alex sidled up along me and told me they were talking about me. “If I had her, I’d never work a day in my life. I bet she’s a billionaire!” This is a fairly common perception held about obrunis- everyone from America is loaded. While we were eating, Frank told me what the men were saying as well. He said he could barely hold his tongue, he was so mad while they were talking. All that stuff ... read more
Alex Waiting for Breakfast
Jesse Sees Frank

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast December 28th 2013

Here are some more photos from our time it Kakum.... read more
It's very green here!
Checking out Frank

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 23rd 2012

Words can’t describe day three in Ghana. Others that had made this pilgrimage in the first two days in country came back looking shell-shocked so we all knew what was coming. Unlike the rest of our car rides, this one is virtually silent. We arrive at the first of two stops: Cape Coast Castle. A large, white washed complex accented with black shutters on the windows and black cannons standing guard for a threat long forgotten. There is an eerie silence to this place despite the bustling fishing community outside its doors. Our guide takes us first to the Male Dungeon, a complex of 5 rooms in near darkness. He leads us into the first chamber, closes the door behind us and turns out the modern light that has been added for the convenience and comfort ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast May 3rd 2011

Hey all, Since I last updated my blog I have done a bit more travelling (down south this time) and so have a few new things to fill you in on. As you can see from the location, me and Louise went down to Cape Coast (a prime tourist spot, with no other tourists) and met up with the other 2 Brits who came at the same time as us, Rus and Christa. I think it is fair to say that I didn't hugely like it; I don't quite see why it is considered a tourist spot. It's dirty and grimy with very little to it (apart from a castle and a few dirty beaches) and the entire time you are just being constantly hassled, 'Oburoni, Oburoni where are you going?' 'Oburoni, Oburoni come and look ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 14th 2011

This weekend I took a trip to a nearby town called Cape Coast. This town is about three hours outside of Accra and is the site of the first European contact with Ghana. The town has many historical sites as well as lots of beautiful beaches. Just outside of Cape Coast is the Kakum National Park. On my first morning in Cape Coast I went to this national park where they have a famous canopy walk. This involves a short hike up a hill and then it is made of a series of rope swinging bridges up high in the canopy of the forest. The walk was incredible, but a little frightening. Unfortunately Saturday is a big tourist day so the walk was fairly crowded and noisy and most of the wildlife that lives in the ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast April 5th 2010

So our adventure today began at 6.30am, (for those of you that know me i don't do mornings)! We ate a quick breakfast and then set off to get a bus. We arrived in Cape Coast about 11am and grabbed a taxi (after much haggling). Our hotel is lovely, we have a room right on the beach and can lay in bed and listen to the waves. After settling in we chartered the same taxi to take us to the rainforest (Kakum National Park) where we heard that was a treetop walk. Everything began so well...the drive was good and when we got to our destination, our driver pushed to the front of the queue, in true Ghanaian style, to get our tickets. We set off on our guided tour until we had to stop and ... read more
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Photo 5

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 7th 2010

I am writing this little diddy from my hotel room in Cape Coast and I'm like teetering on the edge of my seat. Though the jitters are partially due to the fact that I've had like three cokes today (they taste so much better when they don't have corn syrup in them and come from glass bottles), I'm jumpin' around like a Mexican jumping bean because Sam and I are officially starting our internship with the United Nations tomorrow! By a stroke of (true-to-Ghanaian-fashion) luck, last week Sam randomly went by the director's office (Yvonne) on her way to class. If you recall from my older posts, we were supposed to be interning with Yvonne last semester, working to develop training manuals and seminars for teachers for environmental education. Specifically, we were to work with climate ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 6th 2010

While in Cape Coast, we visited the Progressive Womens' Co-op Credit Union Ltd. This credit union was originally formed to help women of the area save, borrow and build their businesses. It is now an open bond credit unions that has members from all walks of life and also includes men. They have what is locally called the "Wonder Box". It is a savings box that the member keeps either at her home or or place of business. Atany time, savings may be dropped through the slot in the box and until the Su Su collector comes, there is no access to the funds. On a monthly basis, the money is collected to deposit to savings, repay loans and use for larger ticket items. It has been given the name "Wonder Box" because at the end ... read more
Perhaps my hand will fit
Progressive Womens' CU staff and Board Members

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