Blogs from Jinka, Southern Nations Region, Ethiopia, Africa


Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka November 16th 2015

Back in Addis Ababa I planned my visit to the south. Asking for information at the tour agencies was worthless, since they charge a ridiculous amount and they tell you that it’s almost impossible to go to the Omo Valley by yourself, which is a lie! I stayed two nights in Addis Ababa to rest, did some laundry and wrote a blog-entry. I also went to the Ethnological Museum, which used to be a palace of Emperor Haile Selassie. Today it’s part the Addis Ababa University that opened in 1949. The museum displays several old, (religious) artwork, handicrafts etc. This particular part of the museum displays everything in order, starting with birth and continuing to childhood and so on. You'll also get to see Haile Selassie's bedroom and bathroom among others. At the hotel in Addis ... read more
Lake Awassa
Bull-jumping ceremony of the Hamer tribe
With two rasta's from Jamaica at the Nyahbinghi Tabernacle in Shashamane

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka January 26th 2014

Ethiopia is going to be difficult to write about. We spent the best part of a month there and I was lucky enough to see a lot of the major sites. I should've written this sooner! October 23 After a couple stops en route to the tribes, we arrived at a lovely campsite alongside a dry riverbed. We set up tents under the shade of the trees and then it was back onto the truck for the drive to the village in the late afternoon. Three young boys stood staring at us as we pulled up and our fixer greeted Suse and took the group into the village. Everyone from the village as well as nearby villages were gathered together in a shaded area and a lot of them gave us nothing more than a glance. ... read more
Hamer village
Kevin sharing his photos
Also sharing my photos

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka November 28th 2011

Painted in white and wearing animal skins. Decorated with bones and walking on stilts. Carrying spears and wondering naked. You have been transported back in time. A time when the first adventurers stumbled across African tribes. A time when food was gathered by painted warriors, a time when only the strongest survived. Intimidated into paying a bribe for a bogus guide you head deeper into the Omo valley trusting only your driver. As an Ethiopian soldier jumps in the vehicle to offer protection, you can’t help but laugh at the poor state of his AK47. Carrying no bullets and speaking only Americ, he sits and smiles, expecting payment for his services. Driving through mountain terrain and stunning fields, its hard to believe you are in Ethiopia. A country that once struggled to feed its people. A ... read more
New Age Warrior
Tribal Stilts
Carrying A Bowl Of Food

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka July 22nd 2011

ETHIOPIA...Stretched Lips & AK47s...THE MURSI 25 January 2011 was an important day in Jinka, capital of the South Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples Regional State...not because we passed through that day on our way to see the Mursi...but because the President of Ethiopia was in town...for the 13th Annual Pastoralists Day Celebrations... and the news he brought will have far reaching consequences for the exotic tribes of the Lower Omo Valley. The President had cancelled all pre-booked accommodation for Western tourists in Jinka, so we suddenly had nowhere to stay...ended up in Konso, a few hours drive early start that day...breakfast in Key Afar...with Ethiopian coffee...after all we are on a "coffee tour" of Ethiopia...soldiers everywhere...then onto Jinka...possibly my favourite name for a destination. Flags everywhere...there'... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka February 15th 2010

It's a not so short hop to Sodo, skip to Arba Minch and a jump to Jinka that begins my final days in Ethiopia. The last leg into Jinka is hilarious. The road is lined with young children who bob up and down, springing in and out of a squat position whilst simultaneously waving their hands, sometimes with a coordinated salute. It is as if they are auditioning for a work-out video. The reason for this is that the region is surprisingly parched and they are providing "entertainment" for passing vehicles in the hope that passengers will give them some water. Some of my neighbours do just that, flinging a few half full bottles out the window to some of the more adventurous children who also do handstands and, in one case, back flips. I am ... read more
Setting up
Market scenes
Spice sachets

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka March 20th 2009

Some vids from the traditional Hamer coming of age ceremony I went to near Lala... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka March 20th 2009

Some vids from the traditional Hamer coming of age ceremony I went to near Lala... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka December 27th 2005

From Lucy, to Haile Gebreselassie via women with lip plates We also travelled before we joined TravelBlog. We have started to digitalise photos from those pre-TravelBlog trips and we are planning to write about some of them. We will write when we have the time and time is usually scarce so these blog entries will be far in between. As of now we have been averaging one per year. This blog is from one of the last journeys we made before we got our first digital cameras and started blogging about our travels. It's about a trip we made in Ethiopia in 2005. All photos we have here were taken with reversal film, also known as transparencies or slides. Much of the original colours have been lost in the years from when they were taken until ... read more
Church of Saint George
Church of Saint George
Flag of Ethiopia

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