Blogs from Bahir Dar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Africa


Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar March 8th 2019

4 mars (À Addis Ababa) J'embarque dans un taxi avec Mikael, un voyageur dutch expérimenté (en fait, la grande majorité des backpackers en Éthiopie ne sont pas à leurs premières armes en matière d'aventures) et nous partons rejoindre la gare de bus d'Addis Ababa, au milieu d'un terrain vague et poussiéreux du Meskal square. Il est 4h15AM. Le départ du Yegna bus pour Bahir Dar (vers le nord) est prévu pour 5h00AM. Même à cette heure matinale, la température suggère le port du t-shirt. Ça vous surprendra peut-être, mais le bus dans lequel je prend place a des allures de Greyhound: classy, propre et bien organisé. Même la route vers le nord aura de quoi me surprendre: le 11 heures de route pour rejoindre Bahir Dar sera un 11 heures de belle asphalte lisse. 5h00AM: le ... read more
Rue de mon auberge Bahir Dar
Berge du Lac Tana

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar January 4th 2019

Bahir Dar effectively completes our short circuit of northern Ethiopia. From here it's a direct, but full day by bus back to Addis Ababa. The city is a regional capital so is a sizeable place with a few decent sights so is a fine place to stay for a night or two. The main attraction here is Lake Tana, one of the largest lakes in Africa and the source of the Blue Nile, though the lake is certainly not blue but a disappointing dull muddy colour. On the lake there are quite a few islands some of which have historic monasteries. These are some of the oldest and most important in the country and are known for their impressive murals. As we can't visit all of the monasteries - they are well spread out - we ... read more
Murals in Monastery
Mural of St George
Miriam monastery in Lake Tana

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar October 28th 2015

I decided to grab a bus towards the north. My bus left Addis Ababa at 6am so it was an early start of the day. The journey to Bahir Dar took 11 hours and on the way I was able to enjoy the beautiful Ethiopian countryside, including the spectacular Blue Nile Gorge! Bahir Dar has about 300 000 inhabitants and lies at an altitude of 1800m at the southern shore of Lake Tana. On board I started to speak to one “faranji” (white person in Amharic) who was also going to Bahir Dar. His name is Alex from Belgium. Neither of us had booked a place to stay yet but we had names of a few pensions. The moment we arrived, people didn't even let us get off the bus and they already started to ask ... read more
monolithic churches, Lalibela: Bet Giyorgis
Blue Nile Gorge
Bahir Dar

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar May 15th 2014

Nakon zanimljivih 6 dana u Gondaru uzeo sam minibus za Bahir Dar. Put je bio dosta sličan prethodnom, uz puno lijepih stijena i brda, pa ne tako lijepog masovnog povraćanja suputnika i divlje vožnje šofera pod utjecajem khata. Stigao sam u Bahir Dar koji mi je na prvi pogled izgledao isto kao toplija verzija Gondara bez planina. I prvi motel pristupačne cijene je bio dosta skromniji od hotela u Gondaru. No kad sam otišao u predvorje na ručak ugledao sam poznato lice – Juana, Argentinca s kojim sam se rastao u Kahrtoumu. Kao što sam ja odlučio uzeti predah u Gondaru on je učinio isto u Bahir Daru. Bilo mi je drago vidjeti opet „starog prijatelja“ koji se pokazao sad i kao sasvim dobar vodič. Bahir Dar je zapravo bio značajno veći i urbaniji od Gondara, ... read more
Bahir Dar slap
Izvor Nila
Nilski konj

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar February 4th 2014

6 November, 2012 We arrived in Bahia Dar, met the truck and made for a campsite on the edge of Lake Tana. Over the next couple days, we made the most of the wifi, the bar with a large selection of drinks, the television and the rooms that some decided were worth the upgrade from the tents. The truck was parked in a large open space where we could set up the kitchen and chairs and it was a walkable distance into town. A café across the road served great coffee (so I'm told!) and Ethiopian dishes but Kevin and I found a pizzeria on the second floor of a building in town and settled on that instead. Nico and Alexis also had the same idea. I think the last time I'd had pizza was in ... read more
Ura Kidane Meret monastery
Best doorbell ever!
Art work, Lake Tana monasteries

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar November 11th 2012

Hola, Photo success and our plans have gone well. We have moved north to Bahir Dar via two long days of rattling bus travel, were going to head further north via the lake Tana ferry but the uncomfortable passenger boat had been replaced by an even more uncomfortable cargo boat so I think memories of the long boat to Timbuktu and stinky lake Volta boat got the better of us so we vetoed in favour of the bus. We are in the swing of things now though and having a good time and meeting lots of lovely Ethiopians drinking lots of Bedele Special beers. Saw the Blue Nile falls - (5% of water here ends up where we were three weeks ago in Egypt - FACT). Gonder next for castles aplenty then hopefully some trekking in ... read more
Addis hotel / brothel
Tuktuk love

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar October 31st 2012

31st October ’12 Awash to Addis Ababa So driving back to Addis today as returning there is the easiest way to then head north and there is a bit of sightseeing organised in the city for the afternoon but I doubt I will make it as I feel lousy and just need sleep! We drove back through the volcanic landscape, passing lava fields and jagged crater peaks. We stopped at Lake Beseka where there were lots of endemic (new word for the trip) Ethiopian birds whose names I have totally forgotten and great views of the volcanoes. Another stop was at a view point where there were lots of children, with lots of older children carrying babies strapped to their backs and once more they were all smiling, laughing and saying hello to us faranjis. By ... read more
Aswa Mariam
Aswa Mariam
Aswa Mariam

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar March 4th 2012

We were told to be at the ferry dock for 6.30 a.m. as it would be leaving at 7 a.m. Even though, we very much doubted this, we arrived just before 7 a.m. and sure enough it didn't leave until after 8 a.m. (not bad going really in hindsight). The MV Tananich is a weekly ferry between Bahir Dar and Gorgora, which makes several stops en route, including an overnight in a small village called Konzula. We decided to take this as Gorgora was quite close to Gonder where we were returning to organise a trek in the Simien Mountains. We thought it would be more interesting to see a bit of Northern Ethiopia right off the tourist trail and there was also a certain romance about sailing across Ethiopia's largest lake. Any illusions of romance ... read more
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Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar March 2nd 2012

We took a bus down to Bahir Dar after a couple of days in Gonder. This should have been a relatively straightforward 3 hour bus journey. But we quickly learned that straightforward and bus journeys don't belong in the same sentence in Ethiopia. Despite our bus having 'Lufthanza' emblazoned on the front, it was anything but reliable or efficeint and after about 45 minutes we were broken down. After about a half hour or so of maintenance work, there was still no restarting 'Lufthanza'. A second bus pulled up and more maintenance work continued. We were assured that the guy from the second bus was an expert mechanic and would get the bus started. After about an hour we decided to cut our losses and decided to get on a minibus going by, despite having to ... read more
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