Blogs from Addis Ababa Region, Ethiopia, Africa


Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region January 8th 2022

The line for Ethiopian Airlines going to Addis Ababa did not look promising. Chaos ensued when the flight was called for boarding. One of the passengers was asking people in line if they could carry a bag for her. It was chocolate for her kids and she was over the limit so she couldn't bring them into the plane. I had a seventeen-hour layover in Addis Ababa before my flight to Cairo. I intentionally chose this long layover because I learned that if you had a layover in Adis with Ethiopian Airlines that's longer than eight hours, they'll give you a hotel room in the city. A visa is required for Filipinos to enter Ethiopia but I read somewhere that if it's just a layover that's less than 24 hours, there would be no need for ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region January 4th 2020

Addis Ababa The flight was late arriving at Bole Airport in Addis Ababa and by the time I’d got through immigration, change some money and jumped into a taxi it was nearly midnight. The streets of Addis were quiet apart from taxis most of them parked up and a surprisingly large number of working girls who seemed to be on every street we drove along. “We don’t take bookings on the internet, sometimes over the phone but not the internet.” The gateman at Ambassador Pension told my taxi driver. I had booked and paid for 2 nights at the Ambassador through a third party website who I had had my doubts about all along. The pension was now full so the taxi driver drove me around the corner where I checked out another place that had ... read more
It's good to chat

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region November 30th 2019

Yes, you read that right. Addis Ababa. Our tour group with just six people (5 guys and me) had an early morning flight from Dubai to Madagascar via Addis Ababa. However, our connection was very tight and with a mechanical issue that took over an hour to fix, we knew that we would miss the one daily flight to Madagascar. We ran to our gate anyway, where the adjacent gate agent confirmed that our flight had left on time more than 20 minutes before. Thankfully, Dagi was a complete angel and she took great care of us, starting with rebooking us on the next day's flight (after confirming with us that we did NOT want to fly to Kenya late that night and take yet another flight that arrived at 3am), and allowed us to pick ... read more
Holy Trinity Cathedral - Museum
National Museum of Ethiopia
Lucy Cafe

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region November 29th 2019

We are now in the busines class Lounge in the Ethiopian Airport in Addis Ababa. It crowded even though it’s 10pm. We take off at 1:30am for London where I’m hoping to take a shower at their lounge. There is a buffet here with a lot of Ethiopian dishes and I might sample them later if I get brave. Our flight here was on a new Dreamliner and was very comfortable. I hope the next one is the same so I can sleep. Until London.... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region November 17th 2019

We just stepped foot on the continent of Africa for the first time. We are here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia before boarding our final 5 hour flight to Cape Town, South Africa. We’ve been up and traveling for 24 hours and will be so glad when we can check into the Cape Grace Hotel and freshen up. We have access to the business class lounge here in Addis Ababa but it is nothing like the one in Istanbul or even Newark, for that matter. It’s a place to sit down and blog though. I added a photo of the lounge so you can make the comparison. Until you hear from me again in Cape Town ....... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region March 3rd 2019

1 mars L'avion de Lufthansa dans lequel je somnole se pose sur la piste de l'aéroport de Bole à Addis Ababa, capitale de l'Éthiopie. Il était 21h45 lorsque les pneus cognèrent le tarmac effacé par la nuit, bang, d'un heurt appréhendé mais brusque comme un coup de feu, nous faisant tous sursauter dans l'aéronef. Il n'y avait que le cockpit qui connaissait le moment exact de l'impact: nous, passagers, venions de vivre notre atterrissage à l'invisible. Assis dans l'allée centrale, je n'ai eu aucun accès aux hublots de tout le vol Franckfort-Addis Ababa. Par dessus l'épaule des passagers, j'avais pu entrevoir quelques points lumineux dans la noirceur en approchant la capitale, mais c'était tout. Aucune idée donc de l'étendu de la ville, ni même dans quel décor je m'injecte. La nuit, tous les chats sont gris. ... read more
Premier repas
Vu de ma terrasse: décharge municipale
En route vers l'église

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region December 23rd 2018

Probably every traveler who has been outside their own country more than once has discovered that counting the countries they have visited is another way we humans have found to rank ourselves amongst our peers. Travel is not really a competitive sport but people will always have a necessity to compare themselves to others, no matter what the endeavor. Eventually, most travelers will come across websites with a list of recognized countries and what they have determined actually constitutes an official visit to a country. Like rules to any game we have created, we must set requirements to actually keep score. Some sites suggest that you must spend at least one night or must spend money or must at least leave the airport, cruise ship terminal or transit facility to get credit. Some sites make an ... read more
Lucy Restauraunt
Busy streets of Addis Ababa

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region October 4th 2018

For once it’s obvious which title I should use for my blog entry. Perhaps the standout attraction of Addis Ababa is the Ethiopia National Museum which houses the skeleton of Lucy, a well preserved 3.2m year old fossil, considered to be an early ancestor of man. It was discovered in 1974 in the Afar region of Ethiopia and has been described as simply one of the most important fossils ever discovered. At the team campsite after the skeleton was discovered the lead scientist played a Beatles cassette and the track “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” came on. They already thought that the skeleton was female so the name seemed appropriate and stuck. The real Lucy skeleton is securely locked away in a vault, but if you didn’t know that you wouldn’t realise. There is also ... read more
Lucy in closeup
Status of Emperor Haile Selassie at Ethiopian museum
You might not guess it from the picture but this is Addis Ababa

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region September 15th 2018

The flight from Dubai on Ethiopian was surprisingly comfortable plenty of legroom reasonable food and beverages and good entertainment if only my fellow travellers weren't so over the top it would have been pleasant. I find the Africans I meet extremely friendly almost overly friendly which leads to suspicions that may be totally unwarranted, but I am more cautious than I would like to be. Getting through immigration was easy and Nur and I were soon heading for our hotel transfer vehicle and our hotel located in the Bole area of town. After check in we walked to the Black Rose to meet his mate who works as a correspondent for Reuters. The bar was quite nicely set up and the booze is cheap, we then moved further down the road to the Piano bar which ... read more
Ethnological Museum
Lake Koko

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region January 1st 2018

Most of us are so fortunate, either already retired (like us), or working in a good job. But have you ever stopped to think about people in poor countries? Take a look at these: The average income in the world is about $10,300 per year, per person. But can you believe there are many countries where the per capita income is less? Let's see if I have visited any of them (two only). Tanzania has a per capita income of only $900. But it does have domestic and political stability. My visit there was primarily focused on two safaris, one in the Ngorongoro Crater, and the other on the Serengeti. At Ngoro, we stayed in a better than average safari resort, and on the Serengeti, in luxury tent cabins. Though gold is their top export, they ... read more
Unexploded ordinance in Laos
With my friend, Mr. Willie in Tanzania

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