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Africa » Egypt
October 12th 2022
Published: October 19th 2022
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Egypt - We decided to go with a tour as the most effective way to see as much as we could. Patti & Doug joined us along with their daughter (and our niece)Kelli, their friend Mary, Lynn, a friend of ours and our niece Courtney. We booked with Planet Tours and since there were 8 of us, we were able to book our own private tours. After seeing the many large tours of 40-60 people, we were grateful. It increased our flexibility.

Our guide, Akmet, was a PHD candidate in Egyptology, so was well versed in the history and hieroglyphs. We struggled to keep up. As Lynn stated, this is like drinking from a fire hose with 3000 years of ancient history. ln the last day we had Akemt draw us a timeline to assist in our understanding - Old Kingdom, New Kingdom, various dynasties, different Ramses etc...

It was 10 days of intense travel with many mornings starting with 3am - 4am wake up calls. This was due to flight schedules and attempting to escape some of the crowds and heat.

Our first day, happened to be Egyptian holiday - Armed Forces day, so we did not experience the chaotic Cairo traffic! Our first stop - the amazing Giza pyramids, and of course, a camel ride. Then on to the Step Pyramid of Dzoser in Sakkara and the Famous Red Pyramid of Dashur and the open air museum of Memphis, once the capital of Ancient Egypt. The 2nd day in Cairo, we toured the Egyptian museum. The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), is still scheduled to open by the end of the year, but there was still plenty to see in the old one.

Then an early morning flight to Luxor where we explored the Karnak, considered the largest temple in Egypt. Construction began in 2600 BC and lasted for @ 1500 years. There are over 134 massive columns, 33 feet tall, and several obelisks 90+ feet tall. History was recorded on the columns and walls in amazing detail. Installing the obelisks was done by creating ramps of sand, and then partially digging out underneath it, tipping it partially on end and then finishing with pulleys. Then walking down the avenue of the Sphinx to Luxor Temple.

The next day, another early morning with a long day of driving to the Temple of Abydos and Dendera. The next morning, a hot air balloon ride and then a tour of the Valley of the Kings. 'It was part of the ancient city of Thebes and was the burial site of almost all the kings (pharaohs) of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties (1539–1075 bce)'. The tombs were narrow passageways with the most beautiful art work still maintaining gorgeous colors. There was the first place where it was very crowded and hot!

At the end of the 2nd day in Luxor we board the Esmeralda ship for our 4 day trip down the Nile. In an attempt to get this posted, i will post the 4 day Nile cruise separately.

Additional photos below
Photos: 44, Displayed: 23


It was a beautiful morningIt was a beautiful morning
It was a beautiful morning

And from this side, it looked like we had the Pyramids to ourselves

20th October 2022

Whose your Mummy?
Hi Ed and Michelle: Not much to say except nice photos and sounds like a great guide. I think traveling like you are doing is smart as Covid could return and as the election nears it might not be good for most decent human beings but we shall see.
21st October 2022
It was a beautiful morning

It was a beautiful morning
And it was a stunning scene to behold. We have avoided Egypt and I cannot complain because everywhere we have been has been spectacular. Yet your pics are full of 'Wow" and we love 'wow'! I also love ancient things...and you would know...Egypt has ancient that looks hard to beat. We may need a poke and a prod but tempting is tempting.
22nd October 2022
It was a beautiful morning

Amazing Egypt!!
Yes, it definitely has the wow factor!! It was hot and at some of the sites very crowded, but totally worth it!!
22nd October 2022
It was a beautiful morning

Amazing Egypt!!
Yes, it definitely has the wow factor!! It was hot and at some of the sites very crowded, but totally worth it!!

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