Blogs from Red Sea, Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Port Ghalib December 25th 2023

Our day began with another visit from our companion - obviously knew a good thing when he was on it! But sadly, all good things come to an end for cats (and humans) and we had to depart our lovely boat. Our driver collected us for the long drive to Marsa Alam. We wove through the agricultural scenes by the Nile on our way…and I mean that quite literally as side of the road seems to be a vague concept here…through village after village until we headed east and the scenery changed starkly. Lush green fields quickly gave way to harsh rocky terrain which seemed interminable. Luckily we had something else to entertain us which also seemed interminable - Taylor Swift. A quick stop for lunch with some delicious chicken meals and we were on our ... read more
Friendly turtle hanging in the middle
Beautiful snorkelling
Lots of fishies

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Port Ghalib December 25th 2023

What does everyone want in their Christmas stocking?! An early morning wake up and the chance to spend the day with chain-smoking half naked Russians! If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place! Santa’s exceptional navigational abilities enabled him to find us here and his delivery partially offset the offence caused by the early start. Breakfast, pick up, some grumpy Russians and before too long we were on the boat with more. Luckily they had endless ciggies to suck down. But all was not too bad as we headed seawards into the waves towards Samadai reef, or dolphin house, hoping they had not been in touch with their lazier cousins of yesterday. A bit of rocking and rolling, some ciggies and more than our fair share of man boob and we were there. ... read more
Off on the boat trip
Dolphins found us too!
Hello beautiful dolphins

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Al-Qusair January 25th 2023

Sarfaga is a small port on the Red Sea. It is developing as a tourist / health resort as people enjoy the mineral rich waters and the assorted water sports that are starting to become available. But together with approximately 1,100 other passengers we are booked on the Valley of the Kings, Luxor and Karnak trip. We need to depart by 07:00am so it is a very early start with the restaurants opening at 05:00. We finally get to the Valley of the Kings and it is barely controlled chaos. They limit visitors to three tombs which they rotate so individual tombs don’t get too damaged. If you want to visit Tutankhamen’s tomb that is extra but we have been repeatedly told it is empty and not worth seeing. So we see those of Rameses III, ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada December 17th 2022

Finding Nemo in Hurghada - Piprey on wheels Hurghada is an Egyptian Red sea coastal town, famous for snorkeling, scuba diving and a beach holiday. If I took a flight, I had to change at Cairo. The best option was to take a train from Aswan to Luxor and then bus from Luxor to Hurghada. Train and bus journey from Aswan to Hurghada To catch the early morning train, I arranged a private ferry to the jetty closest to the railway station. I pulled my suitcase for the last leg of 300ms to Aswan railway station. No tea but grabbed a nice lebanah baguette. As soon as the train pulled off, I was staring at my clock. Was it not supposed to reach Luxor at 7.49am? I even stood at the train compartment door with my ... read more
Red sea
The dark batches are the corals
Sea shells on the boat board

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Sharm el-Sheikh July 1st 2022

I didn’t plan to blog about Egypt but after being here a couple of weeks I decided to record some of the quirks of Egypt and the Jaz Fanara hotel in particular. I had decided to spend some time in Egypt, at a hotel on the beach and close to a reef where it is easy to spend a lot of time snorkelling. The plan being not to leave the hotel, but snorkel, read and plan more trips which is why I called the blog a little patch of earth. A few weeks before leaving Gillian found she was free to join me so we added her on to the booking with Tui. The airport experience was still chaotic and surprisingly Tui handled it less well than easyJet. The queues were long, only 2 check-ins open ... read more
You can see the reef clearly
Across the pool to the main building
Palms pretty at night

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada April 20th 2022

Well its day 3 in Hurghada and we should be off to the ship later on today but before I go into this - have you ever felt a real plonka well,I feel a first class plonka. So I hear there are mosquitos so I come prepared as normally Mike is like a dart board for mosquitos, they love him and not only try to get a 180 they try to get every tile on the board. Anyway, I digress so I buy mosquito repellant and whilst picking this up from boots I see a bite relief click it gadget - thinking never seen this before. So last night I got bitten by one of those little bugger mosquitos on my leg - so think ohhh now I can try that gadget I got. So get ... read more
Don’t put the black plastic bit on the bite - Plonka
Tanker passing us

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada April 19th 2022

So day two or is it, that is the question as I had a really bad night’s sleep. The air conditioning was so loud and coupled with that Mike decided that tonight he was going to snore like an elephant - not that I have heard an elephant snore, ha ha but I am sure Mike could have given a herd of elephants a run for their money. So up and a cup of tea (brewed by Mike as usual he told me to add haha) looking over this view, which is not a bad view to look over at in the morning. So off we go down to get breakfast and pass sun-beds with you guessed it towels on and no one sitting on them - the Germans are here. It is so funny as ... read more
The Germans have landed!!
What does this mean don’t know right from left
Princess in the desert with a camera

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada April 18th 2022

So get to the airport early as we saw the chaos at Manchester airport on the news - well that was a mistake as like us well nearly a full plane of people did the same and we had to wait until the Tel-Aviv passengers had checked in. So there were hundreds of passengers waiting for the Hurghada flight check in. Well Easy Jet check in is non existent of check in people as you have to do it yourself. i.e. you have to print your own baggage labels attach them to your bag and then put your bag on the conveyor and send the bag down. I did this but put the identifying luggage slip on the bar code of Mike’s boarding card - well after steam had left his head and he shouted at ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada April 17th 2022

So at the airport the day before flying staying in a hotel due to having to get a Covid PCR test 72 hours before getting onto the Star Clipper - what a ball ache this is as we do not need to have a test to get into Egypt or our final destination Greece - but hey ho we live in these uncertain times. We will be getting our results within 1 - 3 hours so at least if we are positive we won’t get onto our flight to Egypt, we might as well stay at home. I must admit I am getting a little bit excited which I was not earlier on in the week when I was a real stress head. Star Clippers kept on asking for a copy of my passport as they ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea January 24th 2022

Eine Tauchsafari in Ägypten: Das steht bei vielen begeisterten Tauchern auf der Prioritätenliste weit oben. Das lang gestreckte Rote Meer zwischen dem Golf von Suez und dem Golf von Aden gilt als Tauchmekka für Profis und Einsteiger. Es zeichnet sich durch eine überraschende Vielfalt an Fischen und eine Fülle an interessanten Tauchplätzen aus. Klares Wasser mit sehr guten Sichtweiten erlaubt, die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt unter Wasser ausgiebig zu bewundern. Nicht zuletzt lockt das Rote Meer mit einem besonderen Erlebnis: Hier gibt es Stellen, an denen sich verschiedene Haiarten beobachten lassen. Schwimmen mit Haien: Was ist zu beachten? Grundsätzlich gilt: Haie sind Wildtiere, deren Angriff ein Mensch kaum etwas entgegenzusetzen hat. Entscheidend beim Schwimmen mit Haien ist, eine Angriffsreaktion nicht auszulösen. Die Aggressivität ist bei den Haiarten sehr unterschie... read more
Riffhai mit Taucher

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