Blogs from Santiago, Cape Verde, Africa


Africa » Cape Verde » Santiago » Praia August 8th 2017

Dear All Greetings from Cape Verde, country number 76! And what an amazing country this seems to be. Cape Verde consists of a group of nine sizeable islands, and countless smaller ones, stretching out in a semi-circular archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. My impression so far is only of its main and largest island, Santiago, and based on this first impression, these are bleak, desolate and actually quite stunning islands surrounded by an ocean of impregnable blue. They are spectacular, and they have come as a very welcome relief from my travels in Africa. I have certainly enjoyed traveling in Senegal and The Gambia, they have offered new experiences and it has been pleasurable exploring a region of the world I’ve not yet set foot in, but in all honesty the two countries ... read more
Rua Banana
Fortaleza Real de Sao Filipe
Me, Cafe Shack with a View

Africa » Cape Verde » Santiago January 27th 2016

Hello from Santiago island in Cape Verde (CV) , one of 10 islands once ruled by Portugal but independent since 1975. We are now firmly in the Tropics..300 miles from Senegal on the west African coast. CV is a friendly place pop. 128,000 with 58% of the population under 50 years. There are so many young people that children go to school in shifts the first from 07.30 to 13.00 and the second from 13.30 to 19.00. Could be a good idea for London! There is 25% unemployment but still very low crime rate this our guide thought was because no one goes hungry. They give food but not money to the unemployed. Most young people who may have gone to one of 4 universities on the island will move abroad to work. The climate is ... read more

Africa » Cape Verde » Santiago September 21st 2012

21 February, 2012 Tarrafal, Cape Verde In all my years, I never saw that patched up green wooden door open Until tonight. Curiosity was going to make this a late evening. Indented into a wall of orange rock and unpainted mortar piled high enough to block from view all beyond it save for a lone palm with a diadem of blinking red, orange, yellow and green lights woven into its crown. There has never been anything notable on this quiet street in this quiet coastal village on the northern tip of Santiago island. That is until tonight as the door has swung open. Just below a single bulb over the door jamb reads a hand painted sign "5al Pedra & Cal" and from the surrounding shadows hard soles and heels scuff the cobblestoned streets making towards ... read more
Corpo da Paz
Praia de Presidente Tarrafal

Africa » Cape Verde » Santiago May 28th 2007

Idiosyncrasies of unknown origin conjure against the possible football-culture binomial. It seems that in the modern western traveler cosmogony the world is divided in two groups separated by waterproof doors. On one side of this imaginary partition find place those brainless football lovers who eat meat, drink beer and listen to cheesy songs. Incapable of thinking to anything deeper than a corner kick, they sits just opposite from the liberal traveler who wear the kefiah, listens solely to ethnic music, eats tofu and has never served mess. And definitely doesn’t take any interest in football, bourgeois fetish for excellence. I usually fit better in the second group, but when big football events approach, I transform myself in one of those many slaves of the television whose only worry is about the possible lack of TV ... read more
Dog vs Cow
Man vs Piglet
Tarrafal Bay at Sunset

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