Blogs from Sal, Cape Verde, Africa


Africa » Cape Verde » Sal October 22nd 2023

Cabo Verde is an archipelago of 10 main islands, the Easternly point of Africa. Most of them, by the name of the country, are very green. Well, Sal Island is not one of those green islands. The island is the most Northeastern of the country, the closest from Africa being only 640kms from Senegal! One more country to discover for me, one I wanted to visit for a while! You have follow my path to reach Sal Island all the way from Congo. I could have also fly in via Dakar or Casablanca, but this is actually slightly more challenging! The fun part, the airline flying the most plane into Sal Island is TUI...this gives you a clear idea of the public you'll find around it, not really my personal dream! The island is well-known as ... read more
Diving the Boris wreck...
The Salinas in an old crater...
The South of the island is known for the beautiful beaches...

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 13th 2014

Hello my fellow travellers! So, I'm back in Sweden after a somewhat tedious flight which was delayed by about an hour. But at least they showed a good movie on the flight that I hadn't seen before so some good, some less good. Since we arrived so late in Stockholm all the trains had already left but I was fortunate enough to get a ride to the bus station by me ex girlfriend's ex and there I was given a free bus ride to my friend's place by a very nice driver. He could probably see that I was tired and that I didn't know it wasn't possible to buy tickets on the bus. I arrived at my friend's place at around 3 am and went straight to bed. Anyway. I enjoyed Cape Verde but, as ... read more
Tired Traveler

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Espargos March 12th 2014

Hello my fellow travellers! Today we went into Espargos, the capital city of Sal, it's a quite small and quiet place really. There's no hustle and bustle here, no tourists, no stress and no sellers. Just everyday people getting on with their everyday lives, such a thing is always a pleasure to see as it feels more genuine, nothing put on spectacle to suit a tourists camera or envision of what the destination should be like, only reality. Getting there was interesting though, as we approached the minibuses we stopped in a clothing shop where Lisa found a dress she was interested in. I came inside for a while to act as taste/moral support but after a while I went outside as it wasn't quite my venue. When I looked over at the minibuses it seemed ... read more
Rare Meat!

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 11th 2014

Hello my fellow travellers! Today's submerged escapades have come to an end. We went out with the submarine Neptunus (in honesty it's just a glass-bottomed boat) and took a look of the waters outside of Santa Maria. The tour was pretty short and only had three stops, although the two first ones were so close to each other that I didn't realize that there were two separate stops. Those were of two shipwrecks at just a few meters depth. There wasn't that much to see of it though and the water was murkier than I expected and even though I love shipwrecks these ones didn't rock my boat so to speak. The third stop was far more interesting! Beneath the waves is a statue of Jesus, called the Christ of the Seas. It was put there ... read more
On the Neptunus

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 10th 2014

Hello my fellow travellers! Today has been a nice and calm day. Me and Lisa has pretty much just been laying around and reading all day. We did take a stroll down to the pier (dodging around the two main streets as best as possible to avoid all the sellers) to check up about going over to another island but it turns out that it costs almost as much as the whole trip combined which is just insane. We did however go down to the people that organize the glass bottomed boat tours and booked a tour on the Neptunus for tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it even though it was a bit pricey. After we had booked our underwater adventure we sat down in a quiet restaurant and just reflected on events so far. ... read more
Kids Playing Soccer

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 9th 2014

Hello all my fellow travellers! So, thus far this travel with my now ex girlfriend has gone remarkably smooth, a few minor disagreements and such but nothing major. Far easier then I expected to be honest which is good since I'm not really in the mood for any arguments. We decided to get up early and take a walk into the nearby desert, the scenery out there is really nice but unfortunately it's a bit spoiled by some trash that litter it. Still, we found a couple of nice places to sit down and read while enjoying some refreshments. I rarely find the time to read on my travels and I must admit I kind of like the slower pace this time, I guess I'm getting old. Oh well, at least I'm not laying on the ... read more
Desert Flower
The Desert
Dreaming of New Worlds

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Espargos March 8th 2014

Hello again my fellow travellers! Today me and Lisa took a great tour of the island of Sal. We went by a minibus so we were a small and manageable group. Our guide picked us up at our hotel and then we went by a couple other hotels until the whole group was together, around eight people I think. The tour began with Monte Leão, the lion mountain, which is located in the Murdeira Bay and it is a beautiful spot. According to our guide it is the most photographed spot on Sal, I don't know if it's true but it might be. We sat down here for a while and just enjoyed the view. The waters around here are swarming with urchins, the whole seabed is littered with them. From there we went to the ... read more
Local Market in Espargos
Gift for Lisa
Blue Eye

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 7th 2014

Hello there my lovely travellers from around the world! Today's African adventure is at an end. Today we was given a tour of the small town of Santa Maria so now we have learned where all we might need is located (although, seeing how you can walk from one end to the other in like 15 minutes we would probably have figured it out). It is as I said a very small town, you can easily explore it all in less than an hour. From walking around here today I have made a couple of small reflections though. First of all there are a lot of dogs here, but they are all very well tended to, not even remotely like it was in Romania. Here in Cape Verde dogs are much like our cats in Sweden, ... read more
Santa Maria and Baby Jesus
Castelos do Sal
Fresh Vegetables

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal » Santa Maria March 6th 2014

Hello my fellow travellers! Today, after a 7½ hour flight we finally arrived in Santa Maria, a small, charming town on the south tip of the island of Sal in beautiful Cape Verde. It is my pleasure to introduce a new travel partner to this blog as this time I have my now ex-girlfriend Elisabeth (henceforth called Lisa) with me for the trip. We actually booked this trip while we were still a couple and I can honestly say that I have no idea what to expect of this trip at this point since we haven't really spoken that much since the break-up. We're not on bad terms or anything, I guess it's just a natural effect of what's happened. I don't expect us to get the relationship back on track with this trip, I am ... read more
Beautiful Patterns
Delicious Sandwich

Africa » Cape Verde » Sal January 9th 2009

A no-stress holiday in a wonderful place... read more
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signs of life

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