Blogs from Limbe, West, Cameroon, Africa


Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe June 26th 2012

Tuesday June 26 Today we crossed into Cameroon after stopping in Ikom. We picked up pasta and ingredients for a tomato sauce and a noodle omelette for lunch (yay!) before I bought some ridiculous pants and an old t-shirt to wear if we got stuck so I wouldn't destroy my clothes. The elasticated high-waist pants will probably never see the light of day, more suited to... Probably rags! The road was slow going but not too bad to begin with. The usual small potholes, crevices and uneven ground with occasional muddy areas was nothing we hadn't seen before and we were beginning to think we may be lucky with the weather and conditions. We met traffic moving in both directions but it was only when a truck bumbled towards us and refused to move off the ... read more
Bumpy, but the roads are still good
Glad we're not going up there

Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe December 27th 2007

After several hours at the Nigerian side of the border trying to exit that country, we ended up spending the night at the Cameroon border post as we were already hitting night fall by the time entry was being sorted out. This is the real disadvantage to group travel, because border crossings take 10 times longer when you're trying to get 20 people and a large truck across. Christmas day was one to remember. We drove a total of 36km in 8 hours, the roads were that bad. This, after several locals and police men had told us the roads were very good. In fact, they were good because they were dry. During the wet season our truck would not have had a chance at getting through. We made it the rest of the way to ... read more
And the roads get better...
Stressed out driver
Bad roads 1

Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe January 30th 2007

Hola espannnnia Lo primero agradeceros vuestros mensajes de apoyo. me encanta leerlos y aunque no pueda contestar a todos me acuerdo de todos y cada uno de vosotros, lo juro! Han sido unos dias moviditos desde que me conecte en lome. muchos km y muchas cosas que contar. Gabriela os podra contar con detalle y mejor verbo algunas de ellas en persona. aqui os resumo alguna: 1.dos burros dos pluto o "lanavarra" -como algunos la conocen- ha pasado unos dias dificiles...una semana antes de la llegada de gabi, en pleno desierto, el brazo basculante partio. No podia mover la moto del sitio asi que regresamos al pueblo anterior en busca de nuestro amigo garibaldi para que nos sacara del atolladero. cuanto pesa la moto? 250 kilos. pas de probleme, dos burros. y esa es la historia ... read more
recogiendo campamento
duchita en el pozo

Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe February 21st 2003

We pretty much drove straight from the border to Limbe, stopping once for a swim/wash in a roadside creek. The first night we camped at Mile 6 Beach, our two trucks plus two from Economic Expeditions (four toilets and four showers between us all!). Despite all the people, it was a beautiful beach, and when we got up in the morning the trees were full of Mona monkeys who quite happily posed for us. In Limbe a few of us went to the Limbe Wildlife Centre, run by the same organisation that ran the places we went to in Nigeria - Pandrillus. This place in Limbe was more like a zoo than the others. All the animals looked happy and healthy enough - and this life is way better than where they came from - the ... read more
Mona Monkey, Mile 6 Beach, Limbe
Rescued chimp, Limbe Wildlife Centre
Lowland Gorilla, Limbe Wildlife Centre

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