Blogs from Kribi, South, Cameroon, Africa


Africa » Cameroon » South » Kribi January 31st 2011

Cameroon...entering into this country from Nigeria entailed crossing a long, single lane bridge that passes high above one of the many fish-filled rivers winding their way through the region. The river is banked on either side by high rock walls that give way to thick jungle, and besides the small sturdy bridge and border control posts on either end, the only human influence that can be seen is that of a small dugout canoe that ripples through the water as the villager guiding it searches for a suitable spot to find dinner. As I walked across the bridge I had to stop to take it all in; no photographs because African border police are suspicious people, but it's not like a picture could have done justice to the beauty of that place anyway. That first view, ... read more
path to the Kumba crater lake
Crater Lake

Africa » Cameroon » South » Kribi February 13th 2008

On the night of the semis of the Africa Cup between Cameroon and Ghana, me, Audrey, Brian, John, Dave and Cam went to town to see the match on the big screen, it was very lively, crowds dancing and cheering, I have never experienced this kind of excitement watching on big screen TV, the crowd welcomed us, urging us to join in and Brian did his girlie dance to Cam's amusement. Eventually Cameroon won and will play Egypt in the finals. There was a commotion early on as a Ghana fan almost got beaten up on the bleachers just above where John is sitting, got worried for a bit as we dont know how rowdy the fans would become, anyway the fan escaped without harm. Dancing and cheering with the locals we made our way back ... read more

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