Blogs from Asunciòn, Paraguay, South America


South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn March 25th 2024

Many of us took a transport from Argentina to Paraguay some time recently the rest of the bunch in arrange to sort out my Brazil visa issues. The Brazilian Government office in Bolivia denied me a visa since my bank explanations didn´t have my title on them, fair my account number. No sum of clarifying that my bank does that for security reasons was progressing to make them issue me a visa. So I made a few articulations with my title on them prepared for my another visa endeavor. Recently I connected for the visa at the Asuncion International safe haven equipped with my bank statements and they didn´t indeed inquire for them. I couldn´t indeed donate them absent! And rather than a 48 hour turnover, my visa was prepared to choose up in three hours. ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn February 20th 2023

Due settimane in Paraguay... ENCARNACION: E' la capitale estiva di un paese senza sbocchi sul mare. La sua fortuna è quella di sorgere sulle sponde del maestoso fiume Paranà e di essere così dotata di due gradevoli spiagge cittadine di sabbia dorata riportata da chissà dove; fortuna per modo di dire perchè, a seguito della costruzione di una grande diga più a valle, l'innalzamento del livello delle acque ha portato alla scomparsa per sommersione di un gran bel pezzo dei suoi quartieri storici che sorgevano in riva al fiume. Provvidenzialmente però, quello che è diventato il nuovo lungofiume è stato negli ultimi anni trasformato in una animata zona turistica con spiaggia, viale orlato di palme, ristoranti e bar all'ultimo grido e, per non farsi mancare proprio nulla, anche di un modernissimo sambodromo costruito a regola d'arte. ... read more
Carnevale di Encarnacion
Trinidad: il campanile e le rovine
Ciudad del Este: Ponte dell'amicizia Paraguay-Brasile

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn April 2nd 2021

At Easter time in 2017 we found ourselves in Paraguay, we had been travelling up through Peru when El Nino caused terrible flooding and the only way to get out of Lima was to fly. Why not fly to Paraguay? The weather forecasts said it would be dry there and it seemed like an exiting plan that we were never likely to carry out at any other time. After travelling across the country to Brazil to view the Iguassu Falls, then taking an odyssey down into Argentina to view the falls from that side, we circled back into Paraguay through the Missiones. We once more found ourselves in Asuncion, on Maundy Thursday of Semana Santa. Having stayed right in the centre of the town on our first visit we decided to opt for a smarter hotel ... read more
Crumbling Colonial Building
Cemetery Statues

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn January 18th 2019

The ancient air conditioning unit seems to serve no other purpose than to make noise. So we slept badly and I wake up rather grumpy. We have a whole day to explore Asunción. I’m not sure what we’ll do in the afternoon. Probably sleep, as we need to leave for the airport at 3.30 am tomorrow. We set off at 9 am for some sightseeing. First stop, the railway station – South America’s first station. I ponder briefly the point of being first, it would seem beneficial to have more than one or where would the trains go? There is what can loosely describe as a museum, plus an original train from 1861. Next we go to the cathedral, which is locked. We head instead for the waterfront (the Costanera) but the cathedral’s security guard tells ... read more
Railway station
Railway station
Railway station

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn January 17th 2019

Today we are travelling 200 miles west to the Paraguayan capital of Asunción . By bus. This is the old man’s route planning; I am a little bemused why anyone would want to do either of these things. The bus departs from Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, so first we must cross the border. We briefly consider the bus-border-bus-border-bus combination. Then book a taxi. The good news is that we make good time through the border. The bad news is that the taxi driver has forgotten the time zone change, so we arrive at the bus station two hours early. Fortunately, the bus company (NSA) has a VIP lounge where we can wait in air conditioned luxury, which is good as it’s 40 degrees outside. I’ve not been looking forward to this journey but the bus ... read more
Ciudad del Este bus station
Empanadas with security guard photobomb
Panteón de los Heroes

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn October 8th 2017

Paraguay, a landlocked South American nation, of comparatively low profile must surely only really appear on the seasoned traveller's itinerary, and even then it most probably comes across as a piece of curiosity which gives rise to a discovery process of sorts. Background reading had set the scene, but then again, this is a nation like none other, as this alternative-style blog entry should hopefully go to prove. Let's just see if the highlights of Asuncion can explain and manifest themselves through the more inexplicable findings on the trip. Up first is recoleta cemetery, and yes, this is a bona fide tourist attraction, where nothing - repeat, nothing - is quite what it seems. Whether or not you are familiar with any of the famous Paraguayans buried here ceases to matter, for this is an enclave ... read more
Wall art (Asuncion; Paraguay)
Cathedral (Asuncion; Paraguay)
Government Palace (Asuncion; Paraguay)

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn November 23rd 2015

We spent the day in asuncion looking around the city which is an old city with beautiful old buildings and quaint craft markets selling traditional Paraguayan goods. It's very colourful and vibrant as well as being rather classical in its building style. I was keen on buying a nanduti which is a colourful handmade lace decoration but when I found them they were made out of a coarser material than I had envisioned. It's a fairly small city of around 500,000 with a young vibrant population. After catching up on some washing etc we went to the supermarcardo and bought some nice chilean wine, blue cheese and crackers and olives and went to Deane's room (coz he had the best balcony) and met up with the others while we watched the sun set behind Asuncion's city ... read more
View from Deane's balcony
Lovely afternoon

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn November 20th 2015

Puerto Guijarro to campo grande The Brazilian border was a real breeze to get through. If only they were all this way. We rode toward campo grande on a largely straight well maintained road which was tinted in the terracotta colour of the clay. We rode along through the pantanal where there were plenty of wildlife signs advising to keep a watch for many different and exotic wild animals. This area is one of the largest producers of soybeans in the world. Agriculture is huge here with thousands of acres of land cropped and countless cattle. Campo grande to Ponta Pora, Paraguay On arriving at Ponta Pora we didn't initially realise we had crossed into Paraguay as there's no visible border to cross. We then found that one side of the road is Brazil and the ... read more
Animal signs on the pantanal
Thousands and thousands of these

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn November 20th 2015

Into Brazil and Paraguay We got up early to be at the Bolivian border when it opened at 8.00am. We proceeded to immigration and were first there,so basically in got our stamp and outa there. Next we had to clear the bikes out of Bolivia, but the 'office' (read Container here) was to open 8.30am. Well we waited and waited,finally a lady came and opened up at 9.20. This was just a formality so was no problem. We happily left Bolivia behind as we proceeded to Brazil and got our stamp from immigration before going to customs to import out bikes.....well,what a pleasant surprise, NO PAPERWORK!!! The fellow just checked our passports to our registration papers and welcomed us to enjoy Brazil. With huge smiles we rode off into the Brazilian country side and there was ... read more
Cool 3D image in our hotel
Gerardo catching the tram
Rosco, waiting for the next train

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn March 22nd 2015

So here I sit in Ciudad del Este, the most eastern town in Paraguay, on the border to Argentina and Brazil, and gateway to the Iguacu Falls, one of the 7 natural wonders in the world. And before I can tell you about them I better update my blog to what has happened the last few weeks……. My last blog entry was about my adventures in the north of Argentina and how I escaped the floods in Miramar. And while it was pretty tense for a while for me, and I had a cool ride in an army truck as well, it was one of these trips that I will remember for a long time. After I arrived back in Cordoba I had a long trip to Asuncion. They told me it would be 18 hours ... read more
Border crossing into Praguay
Me at the crossing
Presidential palace - Asuncion

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