Blogs from Española Island, Galápagos, Ecuador, South America


South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island February 26th 2023

I was thinking about starting the blog with a saccharine sweet story of having been lulled to sleep by the rocking of the ship from the gentle waves. Cool ocean breezes would have danced over me as I peacefully slumbered. The reality is that I hit the bed and crashed like a frat boy after Homecoming Weekend. I was shattered and the death-like sleep I enjoyed was the cure I needed. After a nice breakfast buffet and meeting some more of the fellow travelers, it was time for a wet landing at Gardner Bay on Espanola Island. Into the dinghy we went. Life jackets on, Ecuadorian Handshake executed, and off we sailed over the turquoise water towards to most pristine white sand beach. The point of this excursion was to enjoy the beach, which I did ... read more
Gaurding the Island
Nazca Booby and Eggs
Map of our Trip

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island September 7th 2018

Overnight we travel for about 6 hours - the boat is quite noisy when we are under motor -and in the morning we are at Isla Espanola. We go ashore and discover this is where all the marine iguanas hang out. There are hundreds of them all sunning themselves on the rocks. And even more seals, a lot of cute baby ones too. Another highlight of the island are the waved albatross who are nesting. The chicks are huge and very fluffy. More lava lizards of all sorts of colours. Mockingbirds that wander between our feet. It really is astounding how little fear they have. Several times we have to stop and let the locals pass. Freightor birds spot some dead fish and a fight breaks out with all of them swooping down trying to get ... read more
Cheeky Mockingbird - Punta Suarez
Heaps of Marine Iguanas - Punta Suarez
Marine Iguana - Punta Suarez

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island April 28th 2014

Up early, coffee and then stretch class on the Sun Deck led by Hilda. Breakfast and then a short orientation before we took the Zodiac boats to go deep water drift snorkeling. No coral here and not many colorful fish. Did spot a big school of fish, over hundred I would say but the water was not very clear so could not get pictures. After about an hour took a ride to the white sand beach of Espanola. Lots of sea lions were scattered about the beach, they live in colonies with one dominant male and 15 or so females. One male was very persistently approaching his females on the beach and tried like a soldier to interest any one of his harem, alas, there was no interest from the girls. Poor guy was repeatedly snubbed. ... read more
Galapagos Iguanas Best Buddies
Galapagos Sea Lions
Albatross Egg / Iguana Dinner

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island September 7th 2011

It doesn't get much better than when you find yourself doing whatever you enjoy most. If that comes about by chance, that's good, if by design, it's all the better. My lust for the outdoors, wildlife and photography have come together very nicely here in the Galapagos. After an arduous slog across the southern pacific ocean overnight, one that kept most of us awake as doors slammed, glasses smashed and all sorts crashed around the boat in the big swell, we found ourselves at another paradisical beach festooned with sea lions and patrolled by Frigate birds. The island was Espaniola. The weather wasn't flash and everyone was feeling the effects of little sleep. Nonetheless we walked down the beach to find a rare Galapagos Hawk, sodden from the recent downpour. Perched on a rock at the ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island April 7th 2011

As promised, here is a blog on our 2nd day in the Galapagos. We have a pretty good internet connection here, so there´s a good opportunity to upload photos, which I have done. We awoke Wednesday morning moored off Española Island. After breakfast, we went for a two hour walk on Punta Suarez, where we saw more sea lions, hundreds of marine iguanas, crabs and sea birds up close. Among the many interesting facts about the wildlife that our guide Roberto provided was this gem: Marine Iguanas can survive drinking salt water - they have glands that remove the salt from the water and they sneeze out the salt. Staying on the path here was critical, as the iguanas were busy digging nests everywhere. Because of their dark colour, and the black volcanic rock, it was ... read more
Marine Iguana
Blow hole
Rare Gull

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island March 14th 2011

Day 7. March 14, 2011: Espanola Island Punta Suarez, Espanola After we ate breakfast, we departed at 8:15 am for Punta Suarez, Espanola. Also known as the giant Albatross International Airport. Unfortunately, there were wintering (summering?) in Peru, so we just went up to the “runway” overlooking the ocean. This was a half mile loop. We were met by sea lions playing by the jetty, and we saw lots of marine iguanas. The marine iguanas are also very colorful now since it was mating season. They were grey with green and red highlights. We saw some digging in the ground preparing nests. We also saw a Galapagos hawk, Galapagos Mockingbird, lots of finches, boobies, and swallow tail gulls. There were two Galapagos Dove eggs underneath a rock right in the middle of the trail. Back on ... read more
Surf and Sea Lion
Galapagos Hawk
Anne and Sea Lions on the Beach

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island December 17th 2010

More walking, snorkelling and generally being awestruck by the beauty and wildlife... The water is freezing which I didn't expect and on some of the beaches with really fine sand the visibility has been less than great but there are no complaints from this crew, even Wayne trying not to complain about seasickness - poor thing - wondered why he would book a cruise when standing on a jetty can make him feel queazy but he will tell you its totally worth it and he's coming back to do it again as soon as they build bridges from island to island. Next day Post Office Bay on Floreana where we left postcards and picked one up to deliver to Mermaid Waters. We also explored a pirate cave (a lava tube that is deep and dark and ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island October 9th 2010

Galapagos Islands Observations for Future Travelers (October 7, 2010) • Overall, this was a very special destination and a great trip with good photography opportunities. My fellow passengers were from a variety of countries and it was a real pleasure to meet and become friends with such a diverse group. Everyone was very kind, fun and most importantly… on time for gatherings. The food was well prepared and tasty, with a predictable menu of fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish. • There are several size boats to cruise on with the most common size being 16 passengers which I cruised on. My trip was for 7 nights/8 days which averaged two tours/stops per day with most being wet landings. The dry landings are normally onto concrete steps which can be more challenging if the seas are rough. ... read more
Baby Sea Lion
Natural Beauty
Blow Hole

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island July 24th 2010

Española bietet Heimat fuer eine Kolonie von Albatrossen; wir beobachten die Voegel beim Brueten und tolpatschigen Landungen. Die Albatrosse muessen vom Innern der Insel bis zur Steilkueste watscheln, wenn sie starten wollen; dort stuerzen sie sich von den Felsen und werden vom Wind aufgefangen. Beim sogenannten Blowhole spritzt - abhaengig vom Seegang - eine bis zu zwoelf Meter hohe Wasser(staub)fontaene empor. Daneben fuehren Blaufusstoelpel ihren Paarungstanz auf, begleitet von merwuerdigen roehrenden Geraeuschen. Bevor wir heute ins Wasser duerfen, muessen wir eine Notfalluebung ertragen - offensichtlich hat vor einigen Jahren ein betrunkener Kapitaen ein Touristenschiff kentern lassen, wobei einige Reisende ertrunken sind. Da Todesfaelle schlecht fuer das Geschaeft sind, wissen wir nun, wie man Schwimmwesten seemannsgerecht anlegt. Dann Schnorcheln mit Rochen in der Gardn... read more
Booby, blaufuessig

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island June 15th 2010

The yacht was driven overnight to Punta Suarez on Espanola, the southernmost island in the archipelago. After the best breakfast in South America we hopped into the dingy and luckily had a dry landing before our 3 hour walk. Once again, sea lions played around the dingy and as soon as we got off we were surrounded by vividly red crabs scuttling across the lava rocks, and sea iguanas (live to 80 years) perfectly camouflaged and very hard to spot. We learnt that the sea iguanas can spend an hour in the sea, using their tails to swim, feeding on algae using their 3 pointed teeth. They then return to land, with their bellies on the hot black lava, returning to 35 degrees. They eliminate the salt from their digestive system by spitting it out through ... read more
Blue Footed Booby!
Blue Footed Booby!
Blue Footed Booby

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