Blogs from Santiago, Santiago Region, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 14th 2024

We have had a full day, back in the room for the moment, well for the night, we just decided that once again we are not hungry enough for a full meal, so we will forgo getting dressed for dinner, dealing with the metro there and back when we aren’t really hungry for a nice dinner. That seems to be happing a lot this trip, could be metabolism changing as we get older, we are eating to much at lunch (which really isn’t the case) but for whatever reason we have cancelled a lot of dinners. Trust me we are not going hungry but are saving money. On top of that, I am exhausted and we have a drive to the coast tomorrow. So why not enjoy this very nice room we have? Back to our ... read more
View on the way up
Santiago, Andes in the Background

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 13th 2024

Another early travel day, well not 4 am early, but still up by 6 so we could make our 11 am flight to Santiago. We did have time for a quick breakfast before we were in the cab at 8. Travel Tip, if your flying to another country out of Buenos Aires, you do need to allow extra time, getting through immigration is not a quick process. We were fortunate as our hotel concierge made sure we had a taxi at 8 so we had plenty of time to get to the airport (the in city airport), immigration and customs. Once through security, immigration and custom we still had 90 minutes before our flight. This is only because we got to the airport earlier. If we would arrived 30 minutes later, we would barely have made ... read more
The Andes
View from my blogging station
Iglesia San Francisco

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 29th 2024

Anyway, we're back... in South America. Our crazy trip around the world brought us back here for five amazing weeks to see everything we missed the first time around (that's the plan anyway).On to Chile.Santiago is another well known city.. . fog The city is located in a beautiful location at the foot of the Andes, surrounded by mountains. The downside to this is that the area is exposed to low cloud cover, which in turn picks up the noise from cars and city factories. I'll keep my return intact by running until I leave Santiago.Our hostel, Happy House in the Barrio Brasil area of ​​the city, was possibly the best we stayed at on the entire trip (no mean feat). Not much to look at from the outside, the place is huge, beautifully restored in ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago July 5th 2023

Wow! I can’t believe that it’s been almost four years since I posted my last blog to share with my beloved Travelblog friends! “What happened to you, Tab”? Yes, what happened to me? Well, first I had an accident in Africa in 2018 and I was forced to cut down my trip. I flew back to Canada for an imminent surgery on my leg. Then the downtime ended when I planned to travel back to Africa again in 2020 to cover Rwanda genocide! Bang! The pandemic hit the world and destroyed our world order. Like many of you, I was restless but powerless to change the world. So, what did I do? Well, I continued to write my experience of traveling around the world and publish them as books. I got inspiration from my aunt, an ... read more
Near empty food court in early morning
Photo- Op with the ladies in food court
Busy Santiago street

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 19th 2023

Being February, summer has arrived in South America. It is hot, dry and the wildfires are burning rampantly in the southern part of Chile. A haze of smoke fills the air and as we fly in from Rapa Nui. The views are masked… few mountain tops can be seen. Sad because this normally would quite scenic. But, it’s summer…. We spent a couple of days in Santiago before and after our trip to Rapa Nui and a couple of days in Valparaíso before our visit to the desert. Both cities are worth a visit, but each can easily be explored in two days. Santiago is the grand jumping off point in this part of the world. The airport is modern and flights from all places land here. Almost all destinations in Chile reached by air depart ... read more
Piano Stairs
Scenic Valparaíso
Music in local Restaurants

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 4th 2022

Friday. 03/04022. Santiago. Our main event was a visit to the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos (Museum of Memory and Human Rights.) It is mainly a museum about the period leading up to the election of the socialist president Salvador Allende, the subsequent coup d’etat by the fascist general Pinochet and the following 17 years of dictatorship. It included information about Truth and Reconciliation Commissions which were established in countries throughout the world, many more than I realized. The experience was moving and troubling but hopeful since Chile managed to return to a democracy. In the afternoon we returned to the Municipal Sculpture Park that is spread along the riverside for a better and longer look at all the art. For dinner we went to the wonderful Restaurant Peumayén Bellavista for their featured ... read more
Memory & Human Rights Museum, Santiago
Memory & Human Rights Museum, Santiago
celebrating the death of the dictator, Pinochet, Memory & Human Rights Museum, Santiago

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 2nd 2022

Wednesday. The nearest metro station was a 10 minute walk away and we took the subway train the Plaza de Armas, in the center of the old city. The large baroque Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral is there. It has a barrel vaulted ceiling and many beautiful stained glass windows. In the plaza we watched a woman lovingly caress the head of a horse who carried a mounted policeman. In another part of the park I was approached by a prostitute. We visited the nearby Chilean Museum of Pre Columbian Art. The upstairs galleries with the largest number of artifacts was closed due to the pandemic, but there is a basement room with artifacts from all the regions of the country. On the ground level facing an interior courtyard are galleries of donated artifacts on tables, most under ... read more
"To the Indigenous People" sculpture
Plaza de Armas
Plaza de Armas

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 1st 2022

Tuesday. Smooth disembarkation from our ship that took us to Antarctica then a bus to the airport. Beautiful day and I had a window seat on the east side of the plane which afforded views of steep snowy mountains, deep valleys, many mountain lakes and towns of the Andes. Santiago. Taxi from the airport to our B&B in the Bella Vista district at the apartment of Christian, our host. The area has a Bohemian atmosphere, low-rise buildings with many many murals, nightclubs, restaurants and an obvious gay presence. It sits at the base of San Cristobal Hill which has a large statue of the Virgin Mary on top, a sculpture that was made in France then shipped to Chile. A funicular runs to the top, but unfortunately it was closed, so we took the bus to ... read more
The Andes Mountains
Virgin Mary
San Cristobal Hill

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago August 20th 2021

Interesting about Chile, where Mr. Mike and I did some serious wine tasting a few years back. Chile is the only major wine country in the world where no phylloxera exists. A lethal insect, phylloxera devastated most of the world’s vineyards in the 19th century, after which vines were necessarily grafted onto resistant rootstock. But most of the vines in Chile today remain ungrafted. Phylloxera’s curious absence is not fully understood.More zin than cab?? Cabernet Sauvignon plantings superseded Zinfandel way back in 1998. Today there are 94,854 acres of Cabernet; but just 40,061 acres of Zinfandel. Most of the Cabernet is planted in Napa and San Luis Obispo counties. Most of the Zinfandel is planted in San Joaquin and Sonoma counties. (Winespeed) PS, I am not a big fan of most zinfandel.... read more
Some Chilean carmenere
Try some Lodi wines

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 3rd 2021 3rd February- Santiago - Chile We started our virtual tour today in front of the Palacio de La Mineda (Palace of Mint) The seat of the President Chile. It also houses the offices of three cabinet ministers: It occupies an entire block in the area known as Civic District. We heard how Chile’s armed forces stage a coup d’état on 9/11 1973 against the government of President Allende, the first democratically elected Marxist leader in Latin America. Allende retreated with his supporters to La Moneda, this fortress-like presidential palace which was surrounded by tanks and infantry and bombed by air force jets. Allende survived the aerial attack but then apparently shot himself to death as troops stormed the burning palace, reportedly using an automatic rifle given to him as a gift by Cuban dictator Fidel ... read more

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