Blogs from Torres del Paine, Magallanes, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 19th 2024

I feel better today but not 100%. I join our group on a hike to a waterfall. We have a buffet breakfast in the hotel then head out for our hike. We try to drive to the trail head but it is so windy the rangers have closed the road to the trail head. Our bus parks and we decide to walk to the trail head. It is an easy (except for the wind) slight uphill hike. The waterfall is beautiful. There is a lot of water in the park, glaciers, rivers and lakes. There is no swimming allowed in the park, which is not a problem because it is summer now and too cold to swim. We were given box lunches and after our morning hike our bus takes us back to our hotel. Those ... read more
Hike to waterfall
Waterfall flows to lake

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 17th 2024

I was sick with stomach issues all last night. No sleep so today I will rest. Unfortunately it is a travel day, we are heading to Torres del Paine National Park. The park was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978. This beautiful wilderness park is popular with backpackers and mountain climbers. They have cabins where hikers can sleep and eat. They are shared cabins not individual cabins. There are campsites also. No camping without reservations and no campfires are allowed in the park. It is very windy here and a campfire could burn the park down which did happen when a camper burned his toilet paper and the flame flew away. Our first stop is a ranch where our group will learn about how gauchos live. A one hour horse back ride followed ... read more
Hike in the park
We made it the park
Horse back riding

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 23rd 2023

We premedicated with ibuprofen Wed night after the big hike, so we were actually not too sore on Thurs. We weren't sure how we'd feel though, so we had booked a horseback trail ride. It left at 9:15 am. We didn't know at the time of booking, but it left from the same place that we started the big Mirador hike. So we got to make that drive twice, but this time we got to sleep in an extra hour. We left the Airbnb at 7am, all packed up again, and started back on the same long empty drive to the park. We made pretty good time and didn't have long to wait when we got to the Hotel Las Torres. Our horseback tour had a few other people: an old Australian woman who thought this ... read more
On the trail
On the trail
Nice view from the horse

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 22nd 2023

Wednesday was our big hike. Patagonia is known for a few things, but hiking is a big part of it. They have a huge nature preserve in Chile called Torres del Paine national park. There are numerous day hikes you can do and many varieties of camping, but we set our sights on the most famous hike: Mirador Las Torres. We left the Airbnb at 6am (so nice not to have to repack before leaving!) in order to make it to the trailhead by 8. There are a few places you could stay closer, or in the park, but they were extremely expensive. Despite the drive we were happy with our choice to stay in Puerto Natales. We had read that it can be a 6-9 hour hike, so we wanted to start early. We got ... read more
Horses at the Hotel Torres
Beautiful views
Lake Nordenskojld

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine August 17th 2023

“If there is a heaven on Earth, this is it”, those were actually the words came out of my mouth when I stood in front of Torres del Paine! I was awed! Speechless! Three jagged edges crowned the snow covered mountain peaks and silently displayed their brilliant beauty under a blue canopy of sky. Waterfalls flowing from the mountain snow emptied into a small river. The light emerald colour water of the river is flowing like a dancing little girl. Not a soul was near by except us. The Nature has given it’s all and the beauty of the Nature is silently observed by Mother Nature herself! I am from Alberta, and I grew up with the beauty of the Rockies in my later part of life. Indeed, Rockies has opened up to me in hundred ... read more
Milodon Cave
Extinct species - Mylodon
A curious look from Guanaco

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 19th 2023

I just spent AUD$30 to do a load of washing. It was money well spent. I will explain later. This story begins at the very pointy southern tip of South America, in Ushuaia. When we got off the cruise ship we were so glad to just walk away and forget about all of the instructions that had been given to disembarking passengers the day before. When you have to get off ... which bus number you will have to get on ... What plane you will need to catch (and no doubt wait an unreasonable amount of time for at the boarding gate). We didn't enjoy feeling like sheep being herded around on the first day of the tour and much prefer independent travel whenever it is possible. We took the opportunity to see the southernmost ... read more
Glaciar Martial
4WD tour
Windy Lago Fagnano

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 18th 2022

(Note to reader - strap in, here comes a long one) I feel a bit annoyed with myself that I haven't kept these up, and that my posts have been rarer and rarer as our trip here has gone on. Part of this was COVID, as sh*t, what do you talk about when you're locked in the house (we don't talk about COVID no no). The other part of this is that generally when I have been inspired to write has been pointing out the little humourous differences in life between here and Canada. Like the travel experiences are great, but generally it's like, we went here, and we did this. Like great, anyone can write that. The true gold is the ridiculous day to day situations that I find myself in here, based on a ... read more
Estuario Reloncavi, Ralun
Volcan Osorno, Saltos de Petrohue, Vicente Rosales Parque Nacional
Rafting the Petrohue, Vicente Rosales Parque Nacional

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 7th 2019

R: Today was a day of multiple walks. The weather was only slightly better than yesterday and was still cold and windy. We were heading to Lago Grey today, so after much the same breakfast as yesterday, we boarded the bus and were on our way. It was about 40 minutes to get to Grey ranger station where there is also a visitor centre. The group had been split today as many people who were not used to hiking had decided to go for the easy walk option around the lake. Me? Well, no. I went in the advanced party of 4 who went to tackle the Ferrier lookout. We were promised amazing views over numerous lakes, and a very steep climb! We set off from the visitors centre with our guide Mauricio, Sergio (the Swiss ... read more
Lago Grey Icebergs
Lago Pehoe
Lago Pehoe and the view behind

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 6th 2019

R: Today was our first big walk. With alarms set to 6am, we were up and moving. Chef had prepared us a huge breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon with toast, accompanied by yoghurts and much strong coffee in a large kettle which was resting in the camp fire. For the next few days we would be provided with lunch options before we set off for hikes and a table had been set up in one of the lean-to shelters on the campsite with bread rolls, sliced meat, cheese, salad and huge bowls of smashed avocados and mayonnaise - a make your own sandwich buffet. Plus trail mix, chocolate and fruit. The amount of avocados in the bowl in the UK would have cost about £30 - but in South America, it was probably a much ... read more
The two person rope bridge
Windy Gap and Pass
Horse Caravan

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 5th 2019

The next morning we were up early and out. It was raining quite a bit now so heading into the national park seemed a bit flat. But people were still enthusiastic so that was good. We travelled on a bright yellow, private overland vehicle. My sub-section of the group ended up at the "party" end of the bus which had train style tables and access to the music and USB ports. The bus came equipped with UNO and various other card games so we whiled away a few hours playing games, and getting to know each other. The bus was really comfy for long journeys however it did have little in the way of heating so the windows misted up with the rain beating against them so it was hard to see out. We stopped at ... read more
Lago Pehoe
Flamingos in the greyness
Setting up camp

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