Blogs from Puerto Varas, Los Lagos, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas July 22nd 2023

As our bus made its way down the highway after the trip to Osorno volcano, our tour guide Jenny stood up with mike in her hand. “We are going to take a boat ride in Lake Todos los Santos”. Yup, that would be our next destination. Los Lagos region where Puerto Varas is located, is famous for its beauty of lakes. Lakes, rapids, waterfalls are scattered throughout the region and water sports like river rafting are popular in the region. Lake Todos is about 76 km east of Puerto Varas. Well, it’s just one day here for us, so more we can cover in a day is a bonus for us. Yes, we had to buy a separate ticket for the boat ride as it was not included in the tour cost. But I tell you, ... read more
Lake Tados los Santos
A view from the boat
Canvas of Nature!

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas July 16th 2023

Our flight to Puerto Montt from Santiago was scheduled to depart at 5:37 am. That’s the first flight of the day from Latam Airlines to Puerto Montt. That’s damn early! And now-a-days one needs to arrive to the airport even 2 hours earlier even for a domestic flight. From our Best Western it takes at least half hour to reach the airport in the wee hours. So, we had to wake up at least 1 hour to get ready, allowing 30 minutes each for Ryan and me to share the facilities. We just returned from a day trip of Valpariso last night. And we sure were tired, but we didn’t have a choice! Did we sleep at all? Well, you do the math! Hotel reserved a cab for us who came on time. We dumped our ... read more
Lake Llanquihue
A rtoad to paradise
View from the hilltop

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas February 6th 2018

Lovely day with the penguins and a very sweet and enthusiastic German Jamielowe lookalike volunteer who spoke English and came on the boat with us to help us with our Spanish translation. Good job too! There were Magellanic and Humboldt Penguins together and this is of course the only place in the world where they are found in the same place. For anyone who may not know this, its the southern most edge of Humboldt habitat and the northern most edge of magellanic habitat (or maybe its the other way around (Pat to confirm please)). Magellanic have 2 black stripes, Humboldt have one (of course) but v difficult to see the difference! All photos look like blobs on rocks so I have substituted a picture of not a penguin but Pete during a lovely walk after ... read more
This is what a volcano should look like....
Training continues for Torres del Paine...desolacion or desolation doesn't make much difference to me.
Lagos de Todos los Santos, with Argentina in the background

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas June 5th 2017

Why are there so many dogs in Chile? With a no culling policy, many dogs are literally born and die on the streets. Estimated 2.5 million dogs roaming in large groups, abandoned by their families on low budget or let out deliberately to do as they please. Acceptance, is part of the community and culture with no cruelty tolerated. Meanwhile, the uncontrolled canine growth population has to weather the cold winter and disease, which kills and no medical care. The dogs appear to be well mannered and citizens and tourists are quick to feed and care for them. On a personal many dogs to fall in love with...and I was honoured because one fell in love with me! He followed and later traced via Facebook his owners were located. An agreement was struck and he's ... read more

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas February 12th 2017

Every time I take a walk into town, I watch how quickly the blackberries are ripening by the side of the road. No doubt, other licals and tourists are waiting to try them too! Another berry, that is presently ripe and peppering the pathway is called Macqui berry. Eatable, a local showed me that when eaten directly off the tree, you chew and spit, leaving a purple tongue! On googling, it looks as though they are regarded locally as a diet suppliment and have some cardiovascular health properties. I think I will try another time via jam or beverage, than spitting them out along the roadside :)... read more

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas January 25th 2017

My first driving experience was within five days of arriving into Puerto Varas, with my Uncle who i hung on to every word re driving on the opposite side of the road to Australia.. The problems for me are the busses and trucks that come so close. Roads are very narrow in some parts. Cars cut you off, first in first serve and every street corner (and I mean every street courner in the centre) has zebera crossings, pedestrians have right of way. At peak, two lanes become 4 and you have to negotiate other peoples moves or take a bus which runs every six minutes to the centre of Puerto Montt (next City up from here which feeds in and out heavily daily to the surrounds) or choose to drive between morning 9.30am to 11am ... read more

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas December 20th 2016

As recommended by everyone I improvised a detour to Puerto Varas. It is famous for its picture perfect volcan Osorno. Unfortunately I didn't have amazing weather the whole time there so I just visited a town nearby and some cascade but didn't do anything extraordinary here. The view on the volcanos was great when the clouds were not hiding them! ... read more

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas February 27th 2016

R : On Sunday, we took a bus back to Chile across the Argentinian border. We said goodbye to Pablo and our great Airbnb in Bariloche and headed for the bus station. We were quite sad to be going really. The bus took about 6 hours, and headed around the lake to some pretty towns and beaches, before heading through the Andes to the Argentinian border. We got chatting to a Danish and German girl who had brought their weight in cheese onto the bus, knowing that Chilean border security are hotter than Australian customs on foreign muck being brought into their country. They had been to El Bolson which is famous for its cheese. Anyway, the upshot is they had too much cheese and we're sharing it around the bus, and it was better than ... read more
Historic German building
Best lunch I ever had on a bus

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas February 23rd 2016

Puerto Varas e Pucon si ubicano nella regione dei laghi in Cile. Che a me forse piace più della parte argentina. Come dice questa donnina del lago di Garda, il Cile è selvaggiamente spettacolare. Puerto Varas mi accoglie al tramonto, dove la cima roseggiante del vulcano Osorno si riflette sull'immenso lago Llanquihue, un lago grande come il Mediterraneo praticamente. Il vulcano Osorno è circondato da laghi, boschi, paesini e tutti li circonda con la sua stazza imponente e la figura ipnotica. Convinta dal padrone dell'ostello, francese di Nantes, il giorno dopo prendo la bici e me ne vado costeggiando il lago fino a Fruttillar, un paesino vicino. Fruttillar è un paesino vicino appena 32km solo andata, di cui 15 in salita. Arrivo in scioltezza, cioè sciolta da caldo e fatica. Mi butto nel lago gelato che ... read more

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas March 20th 2015

Feb 27 - Friday - Puerto Varas Travelled again through beautiful country side past lakes and through farm land and rain forest. Found our accommodation which is a cabin right on the lake edge. The opposite bank is barely visible. Went into town and bought supplies including blue berries and raspberries which are cheap and sweet! Bought some "black raspberry" (blackberry) ice cream to go with it. Came back and chilled for the afternoon, enjoying the beautiful location and getting super frustrated at the internet! The atmosphere in the town was extremely smokey, but a little better at our cabin. Apparently there are some quite serious fires burning somewhere but we can't work out where. Drove out looking for a place to view sunset on Osono, and got some ok pictures. Feb 28 - Saturday The ... read more
Puerto Varas
Puerto Varas
Puerto Varas

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