Blogs from Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana August 28th 2023

The Frugal Expat names ten of the most dangerous cities in the world. I have been to four of them: Rio, Cape Town, Acapulco, and our own St. Louis, Missouri. The remaining six are in the Middle East, or Venezuela and Honduras. Though it has been over ten years since I have been to these cities, I will tell you that I (we) had very good experiences in these cities. Rio was one of our first trips to South America. We stayed on Copacabana Beach, and strayed only on a bus tour, along with famous Ipanema Beach, the Hippie Faire, and Christ the Redeemer. I do not recall feeling unsafe anywhere, though our drivers took us through some sketchy areas and favelas. I would love to go back, perhaps to the famous Carnaval celebration. The food ... read more
Cape Town
Rio de Janeiro
St Louis

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 22nd 2023

Arrived in Rio after an overnight flight courtesy of Delta. Obtained a few winks, but the comfort level of Delta, which I consider the best U.S. airline, did not compare to the Virgin Atlantic flight we took last summer, at least not on their Boeing 767. Nonetheless, we spent much of the day with Marcio, our tour guide, being ferried about the city. And this is a very large town with some thirteen million calling it home. Not infrequently, we find the traffic in Atlanta atrocious. Well, it cannot hold a candle to this place. Driving is a hazardous sport. Motorbikes move about the lanes much as they do in Italy, except more cavalierly, producing curses from Marcio. He labels these folks "organ donors" as an average of two are killed in the city each day. ... read more
Chinese Viewpoint
Chinese Viewpoint
Hilton Copacabana Beach

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 18th 2023

Most of you folks are aware Sheila suffered a stroke at the Falcon's game on 20 November. Yes, this has not been a pleasant experience, but this stout Bird continues to make progress through her hard work. She now walks with the aid of Bella (her name for the purple cane) in secure places or with a rollator (and, of course, Bird demands we supply the rollators name, which is Rosie) in locations with many people. About a year ago we made plans for a trip down south. After the stroke we anticipated cancellation would be required. However, every neurologist (four of them) indicate she is perfectly capable of taking the trip and, in fact, should go. Yes, of course, we are making significant modifications. We will not independently access the various sights. Rather, we are ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 20th 2019

For a first time visit we decided a guide and driver were essential and we chose BeFree Tours run by Marcelo who was himself the guide and driver for the day. We set off early about 8.15am to get to Christ the Redeemer statue before the crowds. It was already hot and humid. A tram takes you up to the base of the statue. Good to pre buy the tickets to make sure of a place when you want. We had 9am tickets but got onto the 8.40am tram. There is a lift at the top but unless you are disabled you might as well use the steps and avoid a queue as it is only a short distance. It was already very busy but we managed to get the usual photo of the 38 metre ... read more
Christ the Redeemer
View from top
Lizard in Tijuca Park

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 13th 2019

It has come to my attention that I don’t apply sunblock right up to my clothes. I have woken this morning with 3 pink rings around my neck and shoulders outlining yesterday’s vest. So this morning I am wearing a t shirt. I feel hideously overdressed is a city where the preferred attire is a bikini which barely covers your nipples. It’s our last day in Rio so we’re going up Sugarloaf Mountain. We’ve left it till last because frankly I hate cable cars. It’s not natural to hang in mid air in a glass box on a bit of wire and Sugarloaf Mountain requires some serious mid air hanging. First you take a cable car up the neighbouring Morro da Urca. Then you take a second cable car to Sugarloaf. Basically you travel a kilometre ... read more
Morro da Urca
Morro da Urca
Sugarloaf Mountain cable car

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 10th 2019

We get up and go for breakfast. We deal with yesterday’s dietary deficiencies by consuming a mountain of fruit – mainly mango – the sweetest, juiciest mango I have ever tasted. I also have some sausage and eggs, although there’s a slight delay in proceedings while a women attempts to light her cigarette on the heat source under the breakfast buffet. Then we set forth along Copacabana Beach. It’s 8.30 and the prom is already heaving with walkers, runners and cyclists out for their morning constitutional. It’s like an exotic Bournemouth; we have the Overcliff, they have Sugarloaf mountain. We walk the full 4 km length of the beach, and back again. By the end it is 36 degrees and we’re rather warm and sweaty. After a pit stop at a beach bar, we round off ... read more
Copacabana Beach
Santa’s post Christmas R&R
Copacabana Beach

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana January 9th 2019

We’re off on our travels again – this time to South America, starting in Rio de Janeiro. It’s a long journey; our first day, having already spent 2 hours on a coach, consists of 13 hours of flying plus 4 hours at various airports, finishing with an hour taxi ride. I have a heavy cold. I can think of better ways to spend the day, like tucked up in bed with a mansize box of tissues watching daytime TV. But at least everything is punctual and I get the chance the read the Tattooist of Auschwitz in one sitting. We fly via Madrid with less than an hour between flights. After landing, I see the old man get my bag out of the overhead locker, then we get separated by a crazy lady who decides to ... read more
First Brazilian beer

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Copacabana October 2nd 2018

Dann war es also soweit, es war Samstag den 29.9 und somit der Start zu meiner 3.5 monatigen Reise durch Süd- und Mittelamerika. Ebenfalls war dies noch der Geburtstag meiner lieben Schwester, an dieser Stelle nochmals alles Gute. Die beiden Flüge Zürich-Frankfurt und Frankfurt-Rio de Janeiro liefen trotz kurzer Umsteigezeit in Frankfurt einwandfrei ab und ich kam planmässig sonntags morgen in Rio an. Nach kurzer Erholung im Hostel fing ich an die Stadt zu erkundigen. Zuerst ein kurzer Spaziergang am berühmten Copacabana Strand entlang. Danach ging es weiter auf den Berg Corcovado mit der weltberühmten Christus Statue. Die Aussicht vom Berg war dank dem klaren Wetter absolut fantastisch. Getrübt wurde die Aussicht nur durch die unzähligen Touristen die sich ebenfalls auf der Aussichtsplatform befanden. Trotzdem sah man die beiden Strände, Copacabana und Ipanema und natürlich den ... read more
Christus Statue
Copacabana vom Zuckerhut
Escadaria Selaron

This morning we woke up really early for some reason. I think the time difference has something to do with it. It was 6am and the sun had just started to come up. The skies were blue and hazy and the weather looked great which was weird as the forecast was thunderstorms. We tried to go back to sleep but it didn't happen so we leisurely got up and were down having breakfast at 7.30am. It was pretty busy for a Sunday morning. The sun was still blaring when we finished so we got some beach towels from reception and headed to the beach determined to make the most of the sun. The night before my sunburn had come out but somehow it had got worse overnight. I now had one bright red foot which was ... read more
Us having drinks in the beach ... again ?
My ‘small’ bag neatly ready for check in
Steph desperately trying to wedge hers into the flight bag!

We got up this morning about 8am and went for breakfast in the hotel. Hoping to have something healthy I was disappointed! The only fruit they had was melon which I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to so I stay away from. There was so many sugary biscuits, cakes and other carb heavy items plus meatballs and quiche! So after some toast and a couple of the biscuits plus some nice passion fruit juice we went to the reception to ask for help on the best way to go visit the Maracana stadium which was something I really wanted to do. Steph wasn't so keen not being as interested in football but hey ho we couldn't come to Rio and not visit the most famous football stadium in the world! The day on reception was pretty useless ... read more

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