Blogs from El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón January 10th 2024

There are some rare occasions in life where you can only look on in wonderment, doff your cap, bow, kowtow, salute and pay homage. A Christmas-eve amble along the shoreline of Ushuaia, popularly known as 'the end the world'. Arrive at the iconic but cliched money-shot spot, and chance upon half-a-dozen champagne-swigging revellers and a smallish, taught, rugged, ruddy man standing next to the 'you have arrived sign' and his loaded, long-distance bicycle. Intrigued, linger quietly aside, and try to unobtrusively capture the occasion with a photo or two. It is cool, in the late afternoon, and the tourist spot is unusually empty. One of the party approaches, and hesitantly at first in broken Spanish, then reasonable, thick-accented English, asks if I know who the cyclist is. "Not a clue." "He is very famous in ... read more
Noshi arrives in Ushuaia the day before Christmas
Noshi ride
11pm Ushuaia summer solstice

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón July 2nd 2016

From Bariloche I took a famous comfortable Argentinian bus to the town of El Bolson - or so I tought... El Bolson is a very pleasant village. not that big, with some hippies wandering around and some will say that its easy to find over there someone to smoke with. There are also good treks around town and I thought maybe doing one of theme (although I was still tired from the 9.5 hours of walking to lagona negra a few days earlier). I have also visited El Bolson during my first trip to Argentina - 10 years ago, and I had very good memories from that town (non related to smoking by the way), including a great half day of cycling to a beautiful waterfall and spending a day and a half with a very ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón February 21st 2015

Heading out of El Chaltén we hit the road about 10am for what we expected to be about a 500km driving day on a mixture of pavement and gravel roads, mostly the latter. A nice surprise met us as returned to Ruta 40 with the pavement extending 50km further than was marked on our maps - off to a good start! With the uneven gravel returning, we slowed down and waved to several groups of motorcyclists en route (we've seen so many groups of people making the pilgrimage down to Ushuaia, mostly on motorbikes, about a hundred on bicycles and some even on foot!!!!) A close call with our petrol supply helped us learn some more Spanish to ensure our gas station attendants would always fill the tank to its absolute maximum! (Chilean fuel would give ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón January 29th 2015

On the Carretera Austral there are rod jobs galore and some stretches are closed for 6 hours and if you're caught in between you're caught and then you have to wait, whether you want to or not, We did not so we got up early and drove as fast as possible, Werner , the Swiss, knows no fear and speed on and Alejandro and me got to the same place a littte later. Speed kills, the first strech was tarmac so we made good time but the the ripio started yet again and the going got slower. Soon we hit the road work and the the going got really slow, mud and big rocks, so slippin'an'slidin' was in order. The old part of the road is very nice gravel by all means ,some parts are so ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón January 28th 2015

Perito Moreno is nothing to write home about, the hotel was ok the second steak in the restaurant was ok as well, the troika of aMexican a Swiss and a Swede was joined by a Japanese, big meeting of the UN. Next morning it was time to go to Chile, yet again, we infiltrated Chile via Chile chico and soon we had Chiles biggest lake on our left and riding on tarmac was a sweet memory, back to the gravel, the infamous ripio. Most of it's good but the now and gain you hit some spots with ankle deep gravel the sizes varying between pellets and golf balls, slippery as hell. Take care is the key word slowly into a curve, you might hit bad gravel or some Chilean cuttin' corners. But the views of this ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón December 7th 2013

Wednesday 4th December (Odyssey Day 26) This morning we drove out to Cueva de las Manos (Cave of hands), which was about a couple of hours away. Half of the drive was on a dust road and really steep slopes. When driving over that sort of dirt track, billows of dust come into the truck through gaps around the door and stairs. We have taken to blocking the gaps with scrap pieces of cardboard to keep it to a minimum, and wearing scarves to cover over our lower face. What we could see of the valley below us was beautiful though, with the Pinturas River winding through. The famous artwork is on the walls of the cliffs, under overhangs which shelter them from the elements and keep them in good condition. There are lots of coloured ... read more
Cueva de las Manos
Cueva de las Manos
Gauchito Gil Shrine

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón April 6th 2013

I finally made my escape from Chile. Chile didn't make it easy though. Throughout my time there I ran into Easter weekend, infrequent bus schedules, and a tourist season that was winding down. But I also came across great scenery, wonderful people, and a few cool new experiences to add to the list. I'd say overall I'm just disappointed I didn't have more time to spend in Chile, exploring the Careterra Austral. And there's a lot more Chile I didn't see, so I'd love to come back. At the same token, it's time to go back to Argentina. And I've made a rule that while in Argentina that I must eat steak, or ice cream, or both every single day. This is a good rule. I was headed to El Bolson, but of course it wouldn't ... read more
Frosty Peaks in Esquel
Lookin' good
Many Quilmes' later...

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón April 4th 2013

This updated is for all you Claire followers! What happened to Claire? What caused her to miss the trekking in Torres Del Paine in Chile? We all know it clearly wasn't my super company that turned her away, no one would ever run from that!! And for the record Justin, there is no baby ( though we often talk about the food babies growing in our bellies) Ah, so much to tell Let's take a step back in time to when it all started...... I arrive late into Buenos Aires(BA) on 2nd march as my first destination and Claire is the friendly face at the hostel. We have a late dinner, gossip, head to bed with grand plans for the next day to head to the famous San Telmo market held every Sunday!! So far, all ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón March 14th 2013

We were back to a familiar place that we both loved. A place with, as the title says, shed loads of mountains, lakes and right in the heart of it all a huge 3000m volcano. Pucon was the towns name, and familiar well because it has a landscape similar to New Zealand and a town not dissimilar to an Alpine one. The overnight bus ride flew by and the jet lag was almost gone. What were 4am sleep times had now become 12pm, and our bodies were finally accustomed to the other side of the Pacific Ocean. What we were not prepared for was to be locked of of the hostel for 2 hours in the cold conditions of the Chilean Lake District. We found the place by 6.30am and it wasn't until 8.30am that we ... read more

South America » Argentina » Río Negro » El Bolsón March 6th 2013

Bon le titre est un peu trompeur car je n’ai vu des sangliers qu’au début de la balade, mais c’était pour changer des lacs et des oiseaux déjà vus. En tout cas ils étaient bien occupés à chercher des truffes ou autres et ne m’ont pas entendue au début. Donc Lago Puelo est un lac à 15 km de El Bolson et je dois dire qu’il est joli comme tout, peut-être parce qu’il était baigné d’une lumière spéciale ce jour-là avec les nuages sans cesse poussés/ramenés par le vent. Je peux vous dire qu’il n’y avait pas un chat, et personne à la playita d’habitude prisée j’imagine, faut dire que ça soufflait fort. La balade dans la forêt était aussi étrange, avec pour seuls bruits les arbres qui grincent comme une vieille armoire. Ce parc national ... read more

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