Blogs from Oceania - page 4


Issy’s opted for another day of rest and relaxation on the large deck of our AirBnb, overlooking a small swimming pool, and why not. … well in my case it’s because I struggle with the whole relaxation thing … so I leave her to it and set off to explore the splendours of the West MacDonnell Ranges. First stop is the spectacular Simpsons Gap, where a stream has again managed to erode its way through 100 metres or so depth of the mountain range. It seems this whole area was once part of the sea bed. As the waters receded they found weak points in the rock and progressively eroded them away over the billenia (is that a word?) to form the gaps, chasms and gorges that we can see today. So that explains the sand ... read more
Ormiston Gorge
Standley Chasm
Ellery Creek Big Hole

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia May 4th 2024

Saturday 4 th May , KatherineBreeze Big4 Caravan Park, Cossack NTCost $50.40 per night with membershipRated by us 8/10Mileage 19768 travelled 819kms includes trips around KununurraEarly start to the day coffee and sarnies packed for the long run to Katherine.We are only some 50kms from the NT border so we have run down our fruit and food supplies in case we get stopped at the border. Despite what I read on the net it would seem there is no border going into NT, there is a large quarantine point going into WA however, typical laid back top enders. Within a very short space of time almost immediately the car GPS advanced the clock in the car, the one and a half hours that NT is ahead of WA, with no mobile reception it ... read more

Issy opts for a rest day, so I bravely set off alone along the Ross Highway to explore the wonders of the East MacDonnell Ranges. First stop is Emily Gap where a sandy dry river bed has created a deep sheer sided gap through the range … well it’s not actually dry, there’s a swimming hole here complete with jumping rope. There’s a sign to the effect that taking photos in the bit of the gap beyond the swimming hole is not allowed for cultural reasons … which is probably a bit superfluous … the water completely fills the gap, so you’d a need submersible camera, or ropes and crampons to climb around the water on the rocks … well actually no, it’s just the submersible camera option … you’re not allowed to climb the rocks. ... read more
Corroboree Rock
Landscape, Corroboree Rock
Emily Gap

We’re a bit slow off the mark after our nearly 700 kms of driving yesterday, like nearly lunchtime type slow when we finally make our way out the door. I guess we must have needed the rest. We plan to spend what’s left of the day exploring the town. First cab off the rank is Anzac Hill, where we get excellent panoramic views over the town and back towards the MacDonnell Ranges and Heavitree Gap. No surprise it’s called the Red Centre, the colours of the soil and rocks are an unmistakably distinctive dark reddish orange. Next up is the Olive Pink Botanic Garden. I ask Issy what colour olive pink is, and she rolls her eyes. It seems I should have known better; Ms Olive Pink founded the garden back in 1956. We take a ... read more
Olive Pink Botanic Garden
Sunset, Anzac Hill
Alice Springs Desert Park

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia May 2nd 2024

Thursday 2 nd May , KununurraG’Day Lake KununurraCost $45.00 per night with membershipRated by us 6/10Mileage 18949 travelled 0Slow and lazy start to the day, planned trip out to Wyndam and whatever else we can see on the way.You can not even start to show the scale and expanse of the scenery. The hills and roads go on for ever and change all the time as you drive along, the sun changes the colours and the shadows change the shapes, a moving landscape,The creeks are almost all full of water up here after the big wet, they have such strange names, Dead Horse Creek, Black Flag Creek, Maggies Creek to name but a few, you have to wonder by who and why they were so named. Watching for any brown tourist signs we ... read more

Today we’ll be slogging an arduous nearly 700 kms north into the Northern Territory and onto Alice Springs. We stop to get a caffeine fix and stretch our legs at the thriving metropolis of Marla, population 38. It might be small, but the roadhouse supermarket wouldn’t look out of place in a Melbourne suburb. There’s not much you can’t get here - food for both pets and humans, toiletries, clothes, and even tools to fix your caravan. There’s no mobile reception, but they’ve got that covered too - three phone boxes lined up next to each other out the front. I wonder if many of the younger generation would even know what one of these things was. I get chatting to the two young service staff, she’s from Spain and he’s from Ireland. There do seem ... read more
The border
Kulgera Pub
Kulgera Pub

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Coober Pedy April 30th 2024

I get chatting to the motel manager over breakfast. She says that her occupancy rate’s currently well down, which she attributes almost entirely to the well publicised recent civil unrest in Alice Springs. She tells me that lots of bus tours through here have been cancelled, and even some of the scheduled Ghan services haven’t run due to lack of passengers. She says that the situation in The Alice is deplorable; gangs roaming the streets armed with guns and machetes, smashing cars and property, and injuring people. She says that the curfew has helped, as have additional police services, but it’s far from a complete solution. Hmmm. Alice Springs is our next stop, and I’m suddenly feeling relieved that we’ve opted for accommodation a few kilometres outside town. This is all incredibly sad. It seems to ... read more
The Breakaways
Welcome sign
Mullock heaps

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands April 30th 2024

Outside of work my time in Rotorua was filled with card game and movie nights with my coworkers, visits to the hotpools at the polynesian spa and the night market on thursdays. I ended my stay there with a white water rafting tour, where we went down the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the world. Only one of the three boats in our group manager to go down the 7m fall without ending outside down and it wasn't mine. So I did as instruckted and curled up into a ball until the Rapid brought me back up to the surface. One of our guides lost a shoe and I hit my arm somewhere leaving it bruised, but the General Konsens in our boat was that this was way better that if we had just stayed upright. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia April 30th 2024

Tuesday 30 th April, KununurraG’Day Lake KununurraCost $45.00 per night with membershipRated by us 6/10Mileage 18949 travelled 0Having looked at the flights and tours on offer around here we are shocked at the prices. The helicopter ride over the Bungle Bungles start at $1,500 each and they all include a hike, which I cannot do. The only one with no walking is $3,045 each which is crazy. Whilst chatting to the girls on reception I noticed a brochure for JJJ Cruises and on investigation I was pleasantly surprised, for $242 each we get a coach to Lake Argle and a cruise down the Ord river back to Kununurra from 11.30 am and taking in the sunset back at 5.30 pm, we booked.What an amazing day, Hazel who drove the coach picked us up ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Coober Pedy April 29th 2024

Today we head into the real outback, a five hundred and twenty kilometre slog north along the Stuart Highway to the famous opal mining town of Coober Pedy. But first up is a visit to the impressive Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden on Port Augusta’s northern outskirts. We read that the concept of a garden here was first proposed in 1981 and it opened in 1996. It covers an area of some 250 hectares and includes species collected predominantly from arid areas of South and Western Australia. Next up’s a short drive east to the Matthew Flinders Red Cliff Lookout which, as the name suggests, sits on top of a cliff on the west side of the narrow headwaters of Spencer Gulf. We read that the great navigator came here during one of his many expeditions. ... read more
Lake Hart
Matthew Flinders Red Cliff Lookout
Matthew Flinders Red Cliff Lookout

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