Blogs from Oceania - page 3


Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory May 9th 2024

Thursday 9 th , DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0Well we both had a horrible night the humidity rises during the night and it got to 75% last night, the air con coped just but it felt like the air was wet. The towels on the line which are normally bone drive after our showers the previous night were still wet, in fact wetter than when we hung them up. I admitted to G today that I am glad that from here our feet are heading in a homeward direction. I don't want to rush but I am ready to start heading back and glad we decided not to do QLD this trip.Nice drive around Fannie Bay and the gardens down town this morning ... read more

Today’s plan is to hike around Kings Canyon. Issy’s opted for a rest day so it looks like I’m on my own. But first I need to survive breakfast. Elderly bus people are packed in here again, and chaos reigns supreme. As was the case last night I struggle to find anywhere to sit, and the queue for the eggs is almost out the door. I wouldn’t have thought it was that hard to operate one of those hotel type conveyor belt toasters, but these guys certainly seem to be struggling. There’s half a loaf worth of slices backed up in there and no one seems quite sure how to extract them. I hope someone figures it out before the whole place catches fire. Eighty-five something lady from Florida doesn't look overly happy about the long ... read more
Kings Canyon
Looking west into the desert from Kings Canyon
The Lost City, Kings Canyon

Today we head 300 or so kilometres north- east to Kings Canyon in the Watarrka National Park. But first a quick stop at the Yulara petrol station, where we enjoy the privilege of paying somewhere around 40% more per litre than the current price back in Melbourne. It seems the premium petrol that we’re told our chariot needs is indeed a very valuable commodity out here. There’s a padlock on the bowser, and the sign says we need to go inside and beg for a key before we‘re allowed to pump even a single drop of this liquid gold. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen anything like that before. I can only assume the whole padlock thing is to stop you driving away without paying, but I’m not sure why you couldn’t do that anyway …. ... read more
Sunset, George Gill Range, Watarrka National Park
Relaxing, Kings Canyon
Sunset, George Gill Range, Watarrka National Park

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory May 8th 2024

Wednesday 8th, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0Up whilst it was dark this morning, need to get G on the road for 7am and with daylight saving that means it is still dark at 6am. Emptied anything of value out of the UTE which basically meant everything, cameras, tools, G’s radio gear the lot, at least it will be safe here in the van. I am staying in camp with Tippy, whilst G will sit and read at the dealers till the car is ready.Decided to catch up on things and did three loads of washing, bedding, towels and our clothes, may as well do something as I have to be here. Only in Darwin I found a bullet casing and a live bullet in ... read more

As I stroll back from breakfast it’s a bit hard not to notice the “do not disturb” sign on the door of the room next to ours. This wouldn't normally be worthy of comment, except it’s been there every time we’ve walked past since we got here a couple of days ago. I guess the inhabitants might be honeymooners. I hope so. I’m not sure I want to think too hard about other possible explanations. Issy’s legs have gone on strike after yesterday’s exertions, so I head off alone to explore Kata Tjuṯa (also known as Mount Olga), Uluṟu’s slightly lesser known neighbour, 50 odd kilometres to the west. It consists of 36 spectacular red granite, basalt and sandstone domes, the tallest of which rises 546 metres above the surrounding plain, and is thus nearly 200 ... read more
Kata Tjuta
Kata Tjuta
Kata Tjuta

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory May 7th 2024

Tuesday 7 th May, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0Quiet logistics day today after arriving yesterday.Car is booked for service tomorrow so we are going to the dealership to make sure all is OK after the fiasco of getting booked in. The receptionist assured us all was well and that we could drop off at 7.30 and hopefully be out by ten, progress at last.Found a lovely shopping centre Gateway with a large underground car park so we can leave Tippy in the cool whilst we have a coffee. Badly needed a haircut and found a nice looking place so went for it. The young girl who washed my hair was aboriginal it was nice to chat to a local about the situation ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Uluru May 6th 2024

Today we plan to take the 10 kilometre odd stroll around the base of the mighty monolith that is the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Uluṟu. But first we must survive breakfast. I decide I must have dreamed I watched a spectacular Uluṟu sunset last night. We just can’t be out here in the back of beyond of our vast homeland; we’re clearly in some mass tourist resort hotel next to Disneyland - screaming kids, and foreign tourists of every colour and creed fighting over a buffet. As I said yesterday we hardly saw a single person on the hundreds of kilometres of road in here …. unless I dreamt that bit as well … and I know I’ve asked before, but where exactly did all these people come from and how did they get here? Anyway, ... read more
Enjoying an Uluṟu sunset
Cave, Uluru
Uluṟu base walk

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory May 6th 2024

Monday 6 th May, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 311kmsWith only a short drive to Darwin, we packed up slowly, we have the pack up plus breakfast down to and hour which is not too bad, would like less to do but we shall see. It is getting tedious having to put out the awning and the kitchen and the fridge all the time, we definitely did not think this through enough for this big trip.The landscape is very similar to home and if I didn't know better we could be around Northam or Toodyay. The trees are low scrub and spiky, I guess all the rain means they have to stay low to survive each year. There is a lot of water ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Uluru May 5th 2024

So today we’ll be heading 450 kms south-west to Uluṟu, the iconic monolith formerly known as Ayers Rock. It’s Mother’s Day, so I went out dutifully last night and bought my beloved a box of chocolates. I then wished her a happy Mother’s Day and espoused her virtues on our extended family chat … well I thought it was Mother’s Day … until someone pointed out that I was a week early. I hope we can still eat the chocolates. We’re up at the crack of dawn for an early getaway … well that was the plan until we notice that one of our tyres appears to be more than a tad on the flat side. Hmmm. But no worries, we’ve got a spare, and a jack, and a wheel brace, so we’ll be on our ... read more
Landscape near Mount Conner
Kata Tjuta
Mount Conner

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory May 5th 2024

Sunday 5 th May, KatherineBreeze Big4 Caravan Park, Cossack NTCost $50.40 per night with membershipRated by us 8/10Mileage 19768 travelled 0Relaxing day unwinding after the long drive, the camp site is so quiet and some lovely people. Chatting to guy who has an MDC thirteen foot van one of the list we were looking at, not keen you have to make the bed every time you set up and your head is in a box which pulls put, wrote that one off, moving up to 15/16 foot next.Had a short ride around Katherine, the town looks run down and in need of some TLC, lots of people in the parks doing not a lot, feels unsafe so we drove on.We have both been to Katherine before and all the gorges are in National Parks ... read more

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