Blogs from Vanuatu, Oceania


Oceania » Vanuatu » Espiritu Santo September 12th 2023

Here is my second entry on Vanuatu. I have to admit, exploring an active volcano and diving one of the biggest WWII wreck is a little too much for me over a single blog. My trip is soon turning to an end. I came back home in Bali last night, and yes, it feels good to be at home! Espiritu Island, also known as Santo is a 45 minutes flight from the capital Port Vila to Luganville. The flight is on the local Air Vanuatu ATR72. The are few things to see or do around Santo. I'm here only to dive the US President Coolidge wreck, so I have to admit I didn't do it all the way to Champagne Beach. This beach is one of the only cool ones around. Yes, cool beaches are not ... read more
The wreck is 600 feet long, that's 200 meters...massive!
US President Coolidge is sunk on his all the cargo is just a mess...
Nice ramen in Luganville...

Oceania » Vanuatu » Tanna September 5th 2023

There are very few direct flights from Solomons to Vanuatu, but none of the days I'm looking for. So the easy way was Honiara to Nadi, night in Nadi and on next early afternoon on the Fiji Airways ATR72, propeller, 2 hours flight from Nadi to Port Vila! Port Vila is the small capital of the Vanuatu archipelago. What a surprise coming from the Solomons. Here the main industry is tourism, and it shows! I haven't done my homework before landing here! The three official languages are Bismala, French and English. Bismala being a mix of the past two colonial powers! I'm spending the first night in Port Vila. The visit to the local supermarket, Au Bon Marche was a fun one. Nothing is cheap here, but it's impressive how many French products are available here! ... read more
Beautiful isn't it... Tanna Island...
We spent close to 2 hours here...doesn't make me feel more secured...

Oceania » Vanuatu February 5th 2020

Day 7 We were escorted to the tender by Francisco on to a boat and off to Mystery Island. The weather was hot and sunny. We had a couple of swims and Kevin did some snorkelling. I took the goggles and had a look at the fish. Brilliantly coloured and plentiful. Bright purple, yellow and green. Huge coral. Bought another necklace to use up our last Vatu. Gave some kids the pencils that we had bought over. Back to the boat for a shower and lunch. It rained again this afternoon. Went to see the Boys in the Band show. 3 guys singing tributes to male groups eg Franki Vallie, Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel. A great show... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Espiritu Santo February 4th 2020

Day 6 Walked into town after collecting a map. VERY HUMID. Passed some markets including one person selling BATS . We kept walking and visited the prototype of a WW2 museum with many relics left behind from the US occupation including the very wide road through the centre of town. We gave a donation and walked back towards the boat with the intention of a cold beer at a waterfront cafe that we had seen earlier. We made it just in time for the rain to start. And down it came!!! Great wifi and two beers later it started to relent. We left and caught a taxi back to the boat. Got changed a see were very wet. had lunch and a sleep. The humidity is a killer. We had a shower then and headed to ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu February 1st 2020

Day 5 We had to wait to be allowed off the ship as we needed clearances from local authorities because of coronavirus. When we got off we negotiated a scrum of touts to get a Water Taxi in to town $5 pp. A lovely ride which took us past boats that were shipwrecked during the last cyclone. Nothing has been moved to cleaned up. Nowhere to put the wrecks presumably. Easily found the yellow building which housed the Duty Free store. Very cheap prices 1.75 litre Hendricks ($85). Decided to come back to it after a bit of exploring. We found a cafe and had a Tusker beer and used the wifi. We then went for a walk around town and through the markets. Bought two pieces of pineapple wrapped in banana leaves. Juicy and sweet. ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Tanna September 23rd 2018

Port Vila on Efate is a world way from our days in Papua. Port Vila is laid-back and safe. They grow coffee here so we wander along the harbour front to find ourselves a coffee shop, Nambawan Cafe. It does serve excellent coffee, Vanuatu-grown of course. The harbour setting reminds us of the Caribbean, with yachts, large and small, from all over the world . In the South Pacific many islanders speak a form of Pijin English. By phonetically saying what we read, or listening carefully to what is said, we can understand a lot. Nambawan = No 1, meaning best; U no kam insaed = Keep out; Tabu sitapon step = Don’t sit on the steps. We have a kitchen here, so shop for fruit and vegetables in the market. People are invariably friendly and ... read more
Market shopping
BOOM! Mount Yasur

Oceania » Vanuatu » Efate April 23rd 2018

Blog 30 Part 1: Port Vila, Vanuatu, April 18 ,2018 – Weather forecast: partly cloudy; temperature 28°C, wind 28kts (7 Beaufort) – overnight gusting to 44kts – 2 to 3-meter swells Today’s port of call is Port Vila, the capital city of Vanuatu, which was a former French/British colony. They jointly ruled the island chain from 1906 until independence was achieved in 1980. Of the 82 islands that make up this island nation 62 are inhabited and are home to approximately 300,000 inhabitants, some of whom actually practiced cannibalism as late as the 1960’s. There are approximately 105 different indigenous dialects spoken by this population. Today the islands are a peaceful tourist destination with a rugged coastline and a rolling verdant rain forest. Our tour today took in the magical and mysterious world of ancient Melanesia ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Hideaway Island December 6th 2017

LAST STOP, VANUATU Vanuatu… I love the name; it just rolls off my tongue. When I got to Vanuatu, as usual, I was tired after traveling and just wanted to rest. Beautiful weather and a beautiful swimming pool still could not lure me from my room. I ate and browsed the internet looking for a dive resort. Many people fly to Espiritu Santo Island for diving but I had limited time and even more limited energy. I saw there was a little island resort nearby, Hideaway Island, so I packed up my luggage and changed hotels. Hideaway is only a five minute ferry ride from the mainland. The ferry runs all day. If it is not moored on your side there is a signal to press and the boat driver will return quickly to pick you ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Tanna February 15th 2017

Sorry for the week or so of not blogging, rest assured I have been celebrating in the mean time and now that I've got internet, I shall get back to daily blogging from today (and also be typing up notes from the missing days). But for now, today. Starting with the death of Buddha. Parinirvana is celebrated by Buddhists who remember the death of Buddha and think about their own mortality. I attempted meditation - I am not good at it. For starters, the guided meditations I tried annoyed me almost instantly - the soft voices speaking very, very slowly. So I learnt to breathe from a Buddhist monk's youtube video (proof the internet has everything). I read the rest of 'Introduction to Buddhism' that I began on Friday. Describing the life and death of Buddha. ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo February 26th 2016

New Caledonia The alarm sounded at 6.30am and we rushed up to the viewing platform to see the cruise ship approaching the harbour of Noumea, New Caledonia. As the sun rose, we watched as the captain delicately glided the giant ship into the semi circular harbour scattered with fishing boats. Drums started to beat and as we peered over the side of the boat native islanders dressed in bamboo skirts and smothered in white body paint were greeting us by singing traditional tribal songs. Having survived three choppy days at sea we were eager to get back onto solid land and explore Noumea. The majority of people from the cruise booked onto organised tours but we decided to break away and venture into the town on our own. Using a combination of Will's broken French and ... read more
Thatched housing - Lifou, New Caledonia
Xepenehe- Lifou, New Caledonia
Lagoon, Port Vila, Vanuatu

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