Blogs from Kimbe, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea, Oceania


Oceania » Papua New Guinea » West New Britain » Kimbe July 8th 2012

"Diving is only as good as your ten best diving pics"...coming back on this... So where do you start writing such a blog....the words won't do it, and the pictures.....just half of let's jump in the water... Before joining the MV Febrina I spent my two last days diving out of the Walindi resort. First day two pretty average dives. It was like, ok, is this it? I hope not. Second day, two more dives and PNG started to honor the reputation it deserves! The next step was joining the MV Febrina for four days and a half of diving. In total, I did 21 pretty cool dives. How do you rate a liveaboard (and this is my 12th)? It depends on few important things. First, the diving...I know, this is pretty obvious...second, the crowd, ... read more
460 dives...and my third sighting of dolphins underwater....WOW!!!
cuttie nudibranch...

Oceania » Papua New Guinea » West New Britain » Kimbe July 2nd 2012

Every great meal need an amuse-bouche, this time, the amuse-bouche is average, and the meal was amazing. What do I mean? I've got too many pictures to sort out, so here is already something to start with. As it happened the last summer, Tiffany and Leslie are spending few weeks in Vietnam with their Mum. July is not high on the business agenda, beside being connected, so this is my little yearly holidays...I've checked, Leslie and Tiffany are doing well....they don't know yet what I've dived, neither do you... Pretty soon, I'll have dived in more countries than my age. Could have been done faster...but I'd better aim for quality than her it more diving adventure. Cindy, I'm in your garden...Shane....would have been fun to have dinner in the most expensive Holiday Inn in ... read more
find the little crab...
arriving in Hoskins...

Oceania » Papua New Guinea » West New Britain » Kimbe April 24th 2011

Blog Two...Diving The FeBrina Fantabulous!!! Where to begin - above or below water? We've done 26 dives and as the days progressed we asked ourselves..."how can this get any better?" And it kept surpassing the previous day's wonderment. First of all, The FeBrina is the only boat out in the PNG waters here. The serenity and solitude contributes to this magical experience. Rimmed in the distance is a trio of volcanoes that enhances the sunrises. In the evenings the lightning brightens the horizon. Mesmerized by the sunlight on the water, the deep blue abuts the turquoise-green pateches of coral reef. On the boat, we are two of only twelve divers - a group of six from Sacramento, a professional underwater photographer from the Cannary islands (some of the attached pictures are his-bet you can tell which ... read more
Blue SeaStar
Blue Ribbon Eel
Cowry Shell

Oceania » Papua New Guinea » West New Britain » Kimbe March 25th 2011

We talked about visiting Papua New Guinea for a long time. We finally got there September 2010. It's a land of diverse cultures, remote tribes, over 800 separate languages, 600 islands and some of the best diving spots anywhere in the world. We headed for Kimbe Bay, New Britain, for a 7 day liveaboard trip on the Febrina. We dived with about 9 other divers and Josie our dive master. Underwater, we saw some stunning corals and lots of pygmy seahorses, some found nowhere else. The second stop in our journey was at Tufi Dive Resort for some macro diving. Tufi was our favourite spot overall; we saw incredible creatures for the first time ever such as the Spanish Dancer, dwarf cuttlefish, pipefish, frogfish and so many nudibranchs. Steve and I are definitely hooked on macro ... read more
Palm Tree Nuts
Natural Malaria Cure
Bringing Firewood Home

Oceania » Papua New Guinea » West New Britain » Kimbe August 30th 2010

So I have made this like a little diary so I have written a little here and a little there: Day 2 - first day of diving: After a last minute panic run to the chemist to get some drug to clear my dodgy sinus and ears I made it to the airport to catch my flight. Very excited indeed I boarded and the views from the plane was great! The great barrier reef is pretty cool from the air! Made it to PNG in Port Moresby, the capital. As we entered the arrivals hall we were greeted by men in hawaii shirts (well i suppose they are not from hawaii but you know what i mean..) singing and playing cheesy pacific music, with flowers behind their ears, love it. Made it to the domestic terminal ... read more
Great barrier reef
Witu Islands

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