Blogs from New Zealand, Oceania


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands April 30th 2024

Outside of work my time in Rotorua was filled with card game and movie nights with my coworkers, visits to the hotpools at the polynesian spa and the night market on thursdays. I ended my stay there with a white water rafting tour, where we went down the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the world. Only one of the three boats in our group manager to go down the 7m fall without ending outside down and it wasn't mine. So I did as instruckted and curled up into a ball until the Rapid brought me back up to the surface. One of our guides lost a shoe and I hit my arm somewhere leaving it bruised, but the General Konsens in our boat was that this was way better that if we had just stayed upright. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Paeroa April 24th 2024

Hallo zusammen endlich endlich ist es mal wieder soweit und ich habe mich zusammen gerissen und mich mal wieder hin gessetzt, um Euch ein kleines Update zu geben. Eigentlich wäre ich ja schon wieder in Deutschland, denn am 17. April 2024 ist mein Visa ausgelaufen und mein Flug von Auckland nach Frankfurt ist an diesen Tag gestartet - allerdings ohne mich. Und das kam so: John kam auf die grandiose Idee einfach mal die Immigration zu fragen, ob ich nicht verlängern kann und natürlich ist das so eine Sache, wenn ein Neuseeländer sagt: „Ach probier das doch einfach mal!“, aber auf der anderen Seite keinerlei Ahnung hat wie das so mit Visas, Einwanderung und eben überhaupt in dem Zusammenhang mit Regierungsinstitutionen funktioniert. Aber John ist einfach jemand der einfach mal probiert und schaut was passiert… Ich ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 6th 2024

We had been warned. Auckland is damp and freezing throughout the winter months. Thankfully, we would only be there for three days! All of the foregoing is true, but our little stay gave us enough of a flavor of the place to persuade us both that we should return another (warmer) time. Though we were sleeping at a wonderful, peaceful hostel outside the center (Brown Kiwi), we spent the first night resting at an old work colleague's house on the other side of town, where we had been invited for supper (and quite a few bottles of wine). The following day, we cleansed ourselves of the hangover by walking for over two hours back into town, gaining a beautiful sense for the various suburbs on the way back,In addition to the region's often unpredictable weather. Once ... read more

After having some fish and chips and paua (abalone) fritters, a coastal Kiwi favorite, we drove several hours up and over the beautiful mountains running through the backbone of the country. We stopped at the alpine hamlet of Hanmer Springs before dropping down onto the desolate west coast. We were quickly finding there is more solitude to be found on South Island, with long stretches of uninhabited and inaccessible coast. It wasn't until the 1960s roads were built and these areas were even easily reachable. We spent the night boondocking outside of Hokitaka before moving on to the southern Alps and glacier country. We stopped at Franz Josef glacier for a quick hike through the rainforest to a viewpoint of the glacier, but the clouds and rain from that morning had socked in most of the ... read more
Mt. Cook cold plunge
Shotover Jet
The Routeburn Track

We drove to Mt. Cook National Park for Easter Day. This park is home to the largest peak in all of Australasia, Mt. Cook, and 72 glaciers. The park is equidistant between Christchurch and Queenstown, which we quickly learned means it's overrun by hordes of daytrip tourists. We hiked the busy main 3.5 mile trail on the Hooker Valley trail to Hooker lake. It was a warm and sunny day so the swim in the glacier lake I planned on was not entirely unpleasant. The water was a brisk 37 degrees but it felt like all of our cold plunge training culminated in this one moment to sit on some icebergs and to a crowd of 100+ spectators. We were traveling a bit ahead of schedule at this point so I decided to keep on cracking ... read more
Best campsite!
Wandering albatross

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura March 29th 2024

We flew early to Christchurch in the South Island from Auckland after a terrible night sleep in a beautiful boondock spot along the bay just minutes from the city center. Unfortunately some partygoers decided to get raging drunk and were smashing beer bottles during the night. There's always one night of idiots while boondocking, let's hope that was it for the trip. We picked up our beautiful 17 ft. Toyota campervan that would be our home for the next 11 days. It was a huge upgrade for us, our first van being functional but this being cozy and luxurious by comparison. We drove a few hours north up the coast ending at the seaside town of Kaikoura. This town is one of the best places on earth to snorkel with dolphins in the wild and the ... read more
The perfect camp spot

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland March 24th 2024

Travel is not reward for working, it's education for living-Anthony Bourdain Back to the Pacific Ocean and following in the footsteps of Captain Cook. In the past year I have been tempted by some incredible airfare flash sales to the South Pacific, and here we are again, this time headed to New Zealand after a deal too good to pass up with some Delta miles I earned on a credit card. We, like so many others, have been enchanted with going to New Zealand ever since seeing the Lord of the Rings movies. This incredible country largely stayed off travelers radars before Peter Jackson showed the world the gorgeous expanses offered here. He recognized its the only place that could double as a fantasy world with little needed cgi. Our flight was a 13 hour non-stop ... read more
A hobbit toilet!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua March 24th 2024

When I arrived in Dunedin around lunch time 4 weeks ago, I went to the hostel to drop of my bags and went out to discover the city. This let me to a streetart scavenger hunt which was very fun. Sadly one of the artworks I had been looking forward to the most had been over painted (there was a reference foto). The next day I went on a nature cruise to see the albatros and sea lions. We were very lucky as we saw three of the four sea lions that live in the harboor. My last day in Dunedin I visited the world steepest street and spent the afternoon at the beach. With 16°C water temperatur the ocean wasn't very warm, but warm enough to go swimming. Beaches really are my most favorite place ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Paeroa March 16th 2024

Hallo zusammen, bevor noch mehr Zeit ins Land geht, möchte ich doch den nächsten Blogpost präsentieren. Wie schon zwischendrin angekündigt geht die Reise diesmal auf die Spitze oder den Gipfel des Mount Karangahake. Normalerweise wäre ich morgens früh los über den Rail Trail von Paeroa zum Parkplatz der Gorge gelaufen, aber das hätte mich schon mindestens 90 Minuten gekostet und dann von da zum eigentlichen Startpunkt bestimmt noch mal 90 Minuten. Deshalb hat John mich mit dem Auto morgens um 9 Uhr rum zu einem anderen Parkplatz gefahren, der schon etwas weiter im Gelände liegt und dadurch hab ich viel Zeit gespart und konnte somit mehr Zeit in neuem Gelände verbringen. Der Startpunkt, von dem es da los ging heißt „Dickie Flat carpark“ und liegt eigentlich mitten im Busch. Außerdem ist es ein Platz, an ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown February 29th 2024

I'm leaving Queenstown after three months. Three months.....somehow it feels like it has been both less and more than that. Time passed in the blink of an eye, makong it unbelieveble that it's actually been this long, nur there are so many memories packed into these three months that it feels like it has been much longer. Leaving Queenstown and the people I met behind is really wired, especially, because if I return in the future most of them will be gone aswell. That's the thing in a city full of travellers, there is always someone leaving and someone new arriving taking their place. I am now sitting in the bus to Dunedin and I am equally as sad about leaving this chapter behind as I am exited for the adventures ahead of me. I'll spent ... read more

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