Blogs from Lady Elliot Island, Queensland, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island March 11th 2023

80 kms off the Queensland coast accessed by 12 seater plane from Bundaberg or Hervey Bay is a tiny coral cay that is 100 percent Eco and 100 percent satisfaction. The southern most island of the Great Barrier Reef and a haven for corals, seabirds, colourful fish, manta rays, turtles & to 330 guests who snorkel, scuba dive, bask or otherwise simply enjoy the teeming wildlife. Where else can you find a piece of paradise where there is Nil to complain about? As Jack Johnson sings "In times like these...what will be will be...and so it goes." A last minute plan to spend time with my sister for Christmas in Queensland leads to a few days on a previously booked out tropical island. Who'd have thought? How often do last minute plans lead to serendipity ... read more
Gotta fly
Feeding her chick

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island January 21st 2015

Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest living structure on earth, actually made up of over 2,900 reefs and 900 islands. It is so large as to be visible from the moon. And let me point out that is is not called the Mediocre Barrier Reef, or the Blah Barrier Reef, or the Whatever, I Can Take It Or Leave It Barrier Reef. It's true that I did spend some time on the reef when I was last in this country. So I thought, not the end of the world if I don't make it to The Reef this time. I have been focusing on seeing and doing different things on this trip, My rellies are all living in different places than 4 years ago, so it has allowed me to explore many new highways and ... read more
Lady Elliot Island
Lady Elliot Island
Lady Elliot Island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island November 17th 2013

To get to Heron Island we firstly had to take the plane back to Bundaberg, where our car was waiting for us. Then we drove up to Gladstone to change our way of transportation once again. Heron Island does not have an airstrip where you can land a plane, like Lady Elliot, but there is still several ways you can get out to the island. Booking our room we got the boat ride back from the island for free, for two of us. We decided that we would use the saved money on taking a helicopter to get to the island. I for one had never been in a helicopter before and I am afraid of heights, but it was still worth it. It was a really beautiful view of the reef and totally worth feeling ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island November 16th 2013

It is our third day on the Island and we decided to have a lazy morning. Taking our time at breakfast and spending some time in the sun. After lunch we went on a guided reef walk, which also is complementary with the reservation of room just like the boat-trip we went on the day before. The water was so low that some of the corals closest to the beach were pointing up above the surface. This made it possible for us to walk around among the coral and our tour guide told us about some of the coral reef and pointed out different kinds of coral and shells. It was really cool! You could really get a close look at these strange animals. But the sun was shining as bright as ever and walking around ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island November 15th 2013

Today is the second day out on Lady Elliot we went on a boat-ride together with some of the other tourists on the island (the trip is complementary if you stay at the resort). In the bottom of the boat there was a large window making it possible to see under the surface without jumping into the sea. But of course it is hard to stay out of the water, both because of the warm climate and the wonders that were waiting on the other side of the window. Everyone jumped into the water and started to snorkel around the boat. A couple of minutes we were lucky enough to be joined by sea turtles passing through and near the end three black manta rays came by. We spent the rest of the day just relaxing, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island November 14th 2013

Early in the morning it was time to continue our travel. We took the car to Bundaberg and from there caught a small plane out to one of the tiny islands in the coral sea, Lady Elliot Island. Sadly we had to leave our car in a long-time-parkinglot, but it would not have been too much use out on Lady Elliot. On an area of 0.45 km2, you do not need any form of transportation, unless you are really lazy, and there are no roads what so ever out on the island either. After settling in, in our room, we ran down to the beach to start snorkeling. Lady Elliot is a part of the coral reef itself and the island rose above the surface about 3500 years ago. This means that you do not have ... read more

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