Blogs from Batemans Bay, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay August 22nd 2022

The Aussie East Coast bushfires of 2019 and 2020 were not only the most devastating and destructive in documented history with over 5,900 buildings destroyed including over 2,800 homes and 33 lives lost...but the estimation of loss of wildlife was in the billions. The images of blackened singed koalas and wallabies in burnt, scorched, smoking wastelands circled the World in 2019 like the soundwaves from the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa in the 1880s. Coastal towns and extensive areas of bushland in flames from Queensland to Victoria...even Kangaroo Island in South Australia...images of residents cramped on beaches in orange grey smoke consuming the lungs and skies...desperate for rescue from naval ships and fishing vessels. And among the stories at the time were the attempts to save the animals at Mogo Zoo in southern New South Wales ... read more
Cotton-Top Tamarin
Golden-Lion Tamarin
Emperor Tamarin

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay December 31st 2015

New years eve. Our last day: just 16km or so to Batemans Bay. A bit more walking through Murramarang national park, a long walk along Long Beach and a final river crossing at Cullendulla river saw us pretty much home. We were not sure about Cullendulla river as it was also a very wide crossing and we would be getting there at high tide but we found an old car tire right on the bank that helped us float our packs across while getting the tire at least a little closer to a recycling depot! Yet again everything just worked out. The walk overall had been brilliant. I just love the ocean and somehow when you are at the seaside everything just falls in to perspective. The constant soothing sound of waves coming and going. Coming ... read more
Starting the day topped up
Beautiful early morning sun

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay October 24th 2015

Dat was ff stressen... maar eerst het verhaal vooraf. We hebben er al 2000 km op zitten en zijn bij onze laatste oostkust plaats beland. Het was een geweldige tocht met veel strand gecombineerd met vele nationale parken iets verder land inwaarts. We hebben een walvissencruise gedaan bij Nelson Bay. De eerste keer dat we gingen was de zee zeer onstuimig en Nynke werd flink zeeziek. We hebben die dag maar één staart van een walvis gezien en dus zei de kapitein van het schip dat we een keer terug mochten komen om het nog eens te proberen. We kregen alvast wat pillen tegen zeeziekte mee zodat we ze wat eerder in konden nemen. Maar eerst zijn we de hunter valley ingegaan waar we een geweldige wijntour hebben gedaan. Je moet je echt inhouden om niet ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay August 21st 2014

Not the sort of morning you want to wake up to on the day you plan to set off on an eight week adventure. Torrential rain, howling winds, bleak skies and cold!!! Definitely cold. Not to be deterred Lou and I agreed to meet in the Bay as planned and off we set. I guess the best summary of the first two days of travel is to say it was wet, windy, cold and exciting if you count the swollen and raging rivers we encountered, evidence of some serious rainfall. We spent the first night at the Shoalhaven River .... after a seemingly endless climb up the Clyde Mountain ... two old loyal 90s vintage Toyota Hiace wagons did their owners proud as they soldiered slowly but faithfully all the way to the top. A new ... read more
Shoalhaven River
Shoalhaven Camp
Crookwell Wind Farm

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay March 13th 2014

There was a mix-up with our site fees, today. Barry went to pay for another night and was told they owe us $15 as we’d paid twice. We hadn’t, so we left them to sort it out. We invited the couple from the gliding club, John and Jill, over for a coffee and some apple loaf (from Baker’s Delight in Batemans Bay - yum) and we chatted about old times and new adventures. They had a campervan which was set up with awning and equipment all around it so they were confined to the area. We invited them to come out with us for the day as we went to South Durass to look at some strange rock formations on the beach. We made sandwiches and then all set off. John took us on a short ... read more
Wasp Head
Wasp Head
Wasp Head

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay March 13th 2014

We dropped John and Jill off at their caravan and then went to look at Pretty Beach, which they had recommended. It was accessed through the Murramarang National Park that led to another lookout over the beach. It was quite nice but I preferred Wasp Head. We encountered another black wallaby as we walked back to the car, and a little yellow breasted bird, which I think was a Yellow Robin. It was hard to tell as he wouldn’t stay still long enough to get a good look, little pest. The next day, March 14th, was our 33rd wedding anniversary and, as we would be on the road going to our next destination, we decided to have our celebration dinner a day early (instead of forgetting about it until days or weeks later, as we often ... read more
Murramarang National Park
Murramarang National Park
Merry Street Restaurant

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay March 12th 2014

Slept in today and then got a few groceries and some more “150 Lashes” beer at Bawley Point – just up the road. Then headed into Bateman’s Bay. We were too late to see any galleries or the Museum as they all closed by 3pm. I did find a perfect little black handbag for $2 in Vinnies and a wrist strap for my stick in Mobility Measures so I won’t keep dropping it when I’m taking photos or leaving it behind (both have happened regularly). We also got a 20 litre water tank with a pourer to replace the old one, which was now in the bin. We had a late lunch at a cafe that overlooked the Bay and the bridge that opens when tall vessels come in (it didn’t open while we were there ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay March 11th 2014

I woke and needed the loo around 6am. When we don’t have power we have to use the electric pump to bring water from the tank into the taps and loo. The pump is VERY noisy and would wake everyone nearby, including Barry. I decided to take a torch and go down the path to the camp toilets, instead. It was sunrise, to my surprise, so I got my camera and watched and photographed as it changed colours, subtly but very prettily. Then back to bed and a sleep in till 10:40am. Lazy, huh? Nice though. We spent the day doing the cleaning and washing. The signs in the Laundry said that they used bore water and the management took no responsibility for any discolouration caused by it. I decided to risk it and put my ... read more
Merry Beach
Merry Beach
Merry Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay March 10th 2014

Time to say goodbye to the airport and move on to Merry Beach. First we found a dump site in Moruya so we emptied out the tanks and refilled the fresh water. The drive was uneventful, thank goodness, and we arrived at the Merry Beach Caravan Park at Kioloa (between Bateman’s Bay and Ulladulla). For $15 a night we had a spot in the second row from the beach. You pay more for the front row but we didn’t mind at all as there was no-one in the first row so we got the lovely view of the sandy beach and gorgeous blue green water - cheap! After setting up, we went for a walk along the beach and I couldn’t resist another paddle. There were kangaroos standing around in big mobs under the trees and ... read more
Merry Beach Caravan Park
Merry Beach Caravan Park
Merry Beach Caravan Park

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Batemans Bay January 25th 2014

So here we are in beautiful Batemans bay!!!! Batemans Bay is a town in the South Coast region of the state of New South Wales. The town is located adjacent to the princes highway about 280 k's from Sydney and 760 k's from Melbourne. It has a population of 11,334 and is the closest seaside town to Canberra, making Batemans Bay a popular holiday destination for the residents of the ACT. Loved this place, we stayed here for 2 nights, would have stayed more but it cost a packet but well worth it. Lots of going out in the boat, but alas still no fish caught by the boys, its lucky were not relying on them for food. would deffinately go back, and we managed to catch up with Tina and Keith again, before they headed ... read more
Batemans Bay
Batemans Bay
At the top of Pigeon house Mountain

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