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April 29th 2011
Published: April 29th 2011
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Orting's new sign! Orting's new sign! Orting's new sign!

Goodbye Orting!!
Here I am again in Sea-Tac about to take off. I am gaining a slight bit of bitterness towards this airport since I don't really want to be here right now. Usually, it's a pretty exciting place but today kind of snuck up on me. I am about to board a 9 hour flight to London, hang out there for about 6 hours, and then board another flight to Istanbul. For a year. Yikes!

I just enjoyed a fish sandwich in the airport, which is a pretty random choice for me, and may sound gross, but with my lack of an appetite the last few days, I bought it immediately once I realized it sounded good. And it was delicious.

As much as I love traveling, I really do not enjoy travEL. The process of getting from one place to another sucks. I know I shouldn't complain when we have nice planes, food, and now internet, but really...24 hours in the same clothes, talking to no one, and just wanting to shower and sleep is never fun. I'm jealous of all the people I see traveling together today...and I'm remembering last year about this time when I had Jake with me. Sigh....

The food is definitely helping me feel better. The last few days I wake up thinking of things I need to do and worrying about my luggage being overweight and costing me a fortune, and if I'll make all my flights, and what I'll do when I get there. It's a constant state of uneasiness. I wish I could control my nerves because I know everything will be fine but for days before a big trip I feel anxious and emotional! I guess it is pretty emotional leaving people though, so it all makes sense. It really is an interesting thing that I'm about to meet total strangers and then live in their house for a year. I'm excited though!

Let me talk about how this trip is already off to a great start, despite my feelings towards leaving too soon. Both of my bags were overweight, as always. And when I checked in online at the house before I came, I quickly learned that I am allowed ONE checked bag. On an international flight. Unbelievable! At least to me. Who goes somewhere overseas and only needs one bag?! For a year?!?! AHHHHH So I
Packing with LaceyPacking with LaceyPacking with Lacey

Total Chaos!
paid extra already for the second bag and knew I would have to pay the overweight fees as well. I was not looking forward to it. There was a mean man at the British Airways counter yelling at people and he was almost done with his customer but I was hoping really hard that I wouldn't have to go to him. I quickly squeezed up to this nice looking lady and was greeted kindly. I thought my first bag was exactly 50 pounds but if it was over I was going to move a few things into the second bag because that one was already 66 lbs, and I only wanted to pay the charge on one bag. The first one was a little bit over, bad sign. She let it go. I quickly told her that the next one would DEFINITELY be over, and by quite a bit. She asked me how much. And I said multiple times, "a lot." It was about 15 lbs over and I have no idea HOW or WHY but she let it go!!! I was shocked and so grateful! She kept saying, "I helped you out, I let it go." I was like,
Last pic with girlsLast pic with girlsLast pic with girls

Love and miss them
"I know, I know, THANK YOU!!!!"

That used to happen to me back in the day traveling to and from school but it was when my bag was 5 or 6 pounds over. FIFTEEN! On an international flight!! Thank you, Ma'am. How could that not be a great start? 😊

More good news: I have been WAITING, impatiently for this website to update it's page. The day has come! I'm not sure it's better because so far I've just been confused. But I'm sure its got to be and I just need to use it a few times. It was not really cutting it before.

I can't believe I'm going to Turkey right now. You definitely go through phases before a big trip and right now I'm thinking, "Where am I going? How did I get here?"

I am very thankful that I got to see all the people I did while I was home....California, East Coast, and good ol' Washington friends. I only wish I had more time with them! I hope everyone knows they are more than welcome to come visit!

I miss home already! But I've recently learned that years fly by.
Bye Destiny! Bye Destiny! Bye Destiny!

And her new beautiful house
See ya soon!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Korean Air and BritishKorean Air and British
Korean Air and British

Same place I left from a year ago!
My plane to LondonMy plane to London
My plane to London

Yes, that was taken a few seconds ago, ha ha

29th April 2011

Bethany!! I am so proud of you and know that you will have a great experience in Turkey!! I'm so glad I got to see you and thank you so much for making that happen! You are such an adventurer and so brave! You inspire me! I love you and look forward to our next encounter!!
30th April 2011

The First Episode
It was great to see you again, albeit briefly! Your mom just sent me the link to your blog, so I'm thrilled to be in on the first episode and look forward to keeping up with your adventures over your year. Safe travels. We'll all be here, looking in and sharing your world from afar. Hugs, -Aunt Tricia
2nd May 2011

I'm like so jealous right now...
Haha, My two bags were collectively 22 lbs. overweight (15 and 7) when I moved home from Thailand and the United lady let it slide, I was like rock on! Can't wait to hear/see more about Istanbul! I'm so jealous!

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