Nyrie and Jersey!

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April 20th 2011
Published: May 28th 2011
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This is going back a few weeks but I'm determined to finish my blogs about my east coast trip!

I met up with Nyrie in NYC and we headed back to her home in Jersey. I hadn't seen her for nearly a year and a half so we were definitely excited for a reunion! Her and her husband were moving into their new place they just bought while I was there so I got to help with that. It was pretty funny when we realized that Jake was the first person to stay the night in their first place (when we visited for the wedding 2 years ago) and I got to stay with them the last night in their first place and the first night in their new place! Confused? Ha ha

Our train from the city landed us in the middle of Rutgersfest 2011, which is a huge party at Rutgers University. It was unlike any parties I have ever seen or been to! The roads were completely clogged with cars, cops, and people. You could hardly move. It's actually a concert that happens annually, but afterwards it obviously becomes a whole bunch of drunk college students. It is estimated that 40-50,000 people were there this year, and Nyrie and I were walking in the middle of it, suitcase and all. It was a cold night so we were dressed accordingly but stood out like freaks in this crowd. Fully covered and carrying a suitcase. Everyone was staring at us, and a crowd of guys asked if I had drugs in my suitcase for them. There were girls wearing sports bra's and basically underwear, dumping beer off roofs and onto themselves.

The event has been happening for 30 years, but this year they had Snooki come speak at the school. It's pretty hilarious, but wouldn't be if I went there, that the school spent $32,000 on her coming to speak. Her theme was, "Study hard, party harder!" in true Snooki fashion. I guess the students took her advice but it ended tragically...four people shot and 11 people arrested. This resulted in Rutgersfest being cancelled forever!!

I had never heard of Rutgersfest and definitely had no intention of going, but it was quite a big deal and I'm proud to say I attended the final Rutgersfest! Ha ha ha.... But it was comical for Nyrie and I, and well never forget it! I should mention, that was no one was killed or seriously injured. I also should mention why we were there. John was picking us up and the only way to him was to walk through the streets where it was happening, the roads were totally congested.

The next morning we got up and started moving! John and Nyrie just bought their first place and I was so excited to help move into it. It wasn't far away, and friends came and helped so it went really well. The rain held off until just as we were finishing! Their new place is so cute and I'm excited to see it all when it's finished and decorated.

Saturday night was so fun! It was Nyrie's friends birthday and we decided to go out for Korean food! I was so excited to show Nyrie what I'd been eating for a year, and to finally have some delicious bbq. I miss the food so much! It's so good! New Jersey's Korean bbq wasn't quite the same, but it was still good, and overpriced of course. I bought some soju so everyone could try Korea's famous alcohol,
Janho home! Janho home! Janho home!

The new place!
I hadn't been missing that. The food was great, I got to speak the little Korean I know to the waiter, and then before we left I asked if there were any noreabong's in Jersey and he said yes! Korean karaoke is now one of my favorite things to do and I knew Nyrie would love it and really wanted her to see it. Luckily, the birthday girl loved to sing as well so we all went....for 2 1/2 hours! I think that's the longest I've ever done it, and once again it was extremely overpriced but that's what you get in America! We had so much fun and I'm glad everybody went 😊

Sunday I got to see John & Nyrie's church and attend a wonderful Palm Sunday service. Unfortunately, it's been too long since I've been to a good church service and it reminded me of that. Maybe I should stay in one place long enough to find one! New Jersey is such a diverse place, it was great to see that in a church. Doesn't happen as much in Puyallup! It was very cool to see so many different people in a church, the kids choir

pretty pink
was like the old poster of all the races of children holding hands around the world.

I'm so grateful that my sweet friend was willing to leave Monday (after moving into a new place, and on her spring break from school) and drive all over the east coast with me! I'm not sure what I would have done without her. The trip would have been very problematic. From Jersey, we drove south a couple of hours to Delaware to see my friend Brittany. Brittany and I met in 3rd grade and have always been friends, despite miles and miles between us. Her and her husband are in the air force and have been living in Dover for a couple years. Staying the night at Brittany's was the most amount of time I have spent with her in at least 3 years! It was great to see her and Adam. She cooked us a wonderful dinner, we caught up on each other's lives, and then before bed, we took a trip down memory lane. Brittany dug up old pictures of us and we showed them to Nyrie! Pretty hilarious! Not only pictures, Brittany had multiple old cards and letters I had written to her in 3rd and 4th grade. They were ridiculously cheesy and stupid but we got a great laugh out of it!

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to see Brittany!

29th May 2011

Missing you!!
Thanks again for the wonderful blog about Jersey! I am just remembering that I saw you right before that and don't know when I will again! So sad!! Oh well...you and Jake are the wanderers!! Looking forward to the next entry!! Love you!!!!!!

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