Day 4 - Goodbye Inverness:

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September 4th 2017
Published: September 6th 2017
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After two days of camping in Inverness, I packed my slightly damp tent and the bike panniers, wished Heading North Nigel well on his similar, but reverse trip, and got on the road. But not before stopping at McD's for my breakfast meal deal and coffee.

The sky was promising some moisture, so I put on my pannier covers and front bag shower cap (I forgot the cover at home, and a 3 pack of shower caps from the £ Shop fit the bill just right, and with two spares.)

I started with an immediate climb out of Inverness (I should know by now, most towns are by rivers, and most towns will require climbing out of).

After about two hours, as it had started to rain, and as the wind was wearing on me, I swerved into a small shop for a quick coffee and snack. I ended up talking to an elderly gentleman for about 20 minute (past adventures, Canada, hills ahead).

The route was undulating throughout the day, with lots of kickback from a strong south west wind. The off trail path though a portion of the Cairngorm National Park was astounding,.. lots of hills, forests and heather (progress was slow due to picture taking).

I made my destination, Newtonmore, at about 5:30, at which time it was raining lightly and that looked to be a theme. I spied two hostels and was considering them over my original camping intent. I decided to cycle to the campground and check out the facilities. The result being... they looked desolate and sparce (old modular trailers) and uninviting.. A quick turn around and I was back at the more appealing of the hostels.

The hostel door was locked and no one was at the adjacent house, but two contact phone numbers were posted. To bad my cell phone had no signal (again). A guest showed up and let me in, but no landline was found to exist either. Picking through my change, I used a payphone (they still exist) and was able to have the owner come over and register me. Then, off to the Co-op to pick up the evening's meal.
The aftermeal activity was to work on my blog. Shortly thereafter, the fire alarm went off, and continued as myself and the othet guest tried to figure out how to stop it (no owner on site). Eventually, after we scrounged more change, I phone the owner, and she came over to attempt a shutdown. Success was achieved after about 15 minute.

Then, it was back to my blog, and a turn in (no others in my dorm room).


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