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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
June 6th 2010
Published: June 6th 2010
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I've done so much over these last couple of days that I don't even know where to start.

I've been waking up to the sound of menacing laughing seagulls (honest to God, the creepiest thing I've ever heard). Then getting my fill on Nutella, the best thing ever created. I've eaten so much of that and pizza and gelato. Everything is decently priced and so darn delicious.

Yesterday, two of the girls I'm living with and I went "ghost huntin'" at the Colosseum. None of us had seen it yet and to see it at dusk for the first time was one of the prettiest things I had ever seen. I still need to invest in a tripod but I just spent a lot of money at the art store getting my canvas to start my painting. it's 2 40x50 cm canvases with a 30x80 cm one going below it. It's rather large and is a bit intimidating for my first painting here.

I just realized that I've been in Rome for almost a whole week and I've done so much. We have a new goal here... to pump out at least one decent sketch everyday. Oh, and drink at least one glass of vino a day. I'm starting to get used to it.
So, for sketching today, we went up to one of the seven hills of Rome and saw the view through the "keyhole" .. breathtaking. But, I can't say what it is.

Then we went and sketched in San Sabino church on the hill. They were setting up for a wedding. I decided that I want to get married there. It was so serene.. People started filtering in so we decided it would be a good idea to head out, so we wandered to the door and got stopped by the priest. All of the sudden, the organ started playing the processional and the bride walked in. We ran to the back of the church... just accidentally crashed a wedding. A gorgeous wedding at that. The bride looked so beautiful. That's decided. I'm getting married in Rome.

Had sushi for lunch today and got a new purse for 5 euro at a flea market type thing.
I don't really have much energy to write a full out awesome blog. Walking around in the hot sun all day really takes a lot out of you.
Probably going to spend the night inside and watching movies. Going to the Roman Forum tomorrow to do sketches and starting to paint. It's going to be extremely busy with class here on out. Going to the beach again this upcoming weekend. Goal for the week: get a darn swimsuit.


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San Sabino ChurchSan Sabino Church
San Sabino Church

Where we accidentally crashed the wedding.

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