Page 4 of onthegogirl Travel Blog Posts

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean February 17th 2022

Second sea day, no cane, no moisturizer. Oh well, i am managing to get around. Probably will do me good. The sea has been rolling and the wind blowing so i’m loving the rocking. I heard that there are 1,000 guests on board....the ship holds 2,600 so the are no lines at any venue. Headed to the Billboard for happy hour, stinger time and trivia then headed to dinner. A Cesar salad and a very tasty trout, followed by vanilla ice cream with cinnamon on the side, hit the spot. Retired to my cabin for movies and dozed off at 12:00. Morning dawns overcast but the sun comes out just a we approach Bonaire. No plans to get off as my snorkeling days seem behind me. The island looks much the same, crystal clear waters, dutch ... read more
High Tea
The kids

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean February 17th 2022

Second sea day, no cane, no moisturizer. Oh well, i am managing to get around. Probably will do me good. The sea has been rolling and the wind blowing so i’m loving the rocking. I heard that there are 1,000 guests on board....the ship holds 2,600 so the are no lines at any venue. Headed to the Billboard for happy hour, stinger time and trivia then headed to dinner. A Cesar salad and a very tasty trout, followed by vanilla ice cream with cinnamon on the side, hit the spot. Retired to my cabin for movies and dozed off at 12:00. Morning dawns overcast but the sun comes out just a we approach Bonaire. No plans to get off as my snorkeling days seem behind me. The island looks much the same, crystal clear waters, dutch ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean February 16th 2022

The day started out overcast and windy and went downhill from there. I discovered my cane was missing and no one has turned it in. Then i bought my moisturizer and left the bag somewhere but the real kick in the teeth is when i learned that my redemption of HAL credit card points was not executed. Conversations with the Front Desk and the credit card company were unsuccessful so that is three for three. Still, I was invited to dine with Bill and Sandy, (BS) according to them, so thats a plus. I have walked farther this morning than in the past six weeks so thats a good thing. Not if only i can find my cane and moisturizer i’ll be almost even. It was “Gala” night so I decked myself out and met Bill ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Fort Lauderdale February 14th 2022

Today dawned rainy. A front is moving through. No worries for me though. I repack, brew coffee and proceed to iron my blouse. It has literally been years since I held an iron and I had forgotten the great satisfaction of watching the wrinkles disappear. I ordered a car to the port and while waiting I met a couple who had just returned from The Nieuw Statendam. They gave me good information and were over the moon by the service on board. 11:30 my car arrived, 11:50 checked in, 12:05in my suite, unpack my carryon and head to the Lido for a pasta lunch. Sail away was lovely all the ship’s horns sounded as we pulled away from our sister ships The Rotterdam and The Zuiderdam as well a a Royal Caribbean and another two I ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Fort Lauderdale February 14th 2022

2KZLago Mar. Not to be confused with that other place with the name backwards. Arrived and called home and settled in for a twelve hour nap. Breakfast was outside and between people watching and bird watching I really enjoyed it. No one here is masked except staff, and me. The guests are either young with kids or older with many families with teens. The resort is full. The prices are resort rates. Not opting for the buffet $18 and not very hungry I ordered off the menu; apple juice $3.25, coffee $3.50 and pancakes $15.75. I asked for just one pancake and when the check came, the waitress has just charged me $6 for the pancake. Kind lady. Next was heading to the airport for my Covid test. I asked the concierge for a taxi and ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Fort Lauderdale February 13th 2022

I am so out of it. Packing, that used to be routine now isn’t. Nearly forgot my make up and bathing suit bottoms. Forgot to take my IPad and phone from my carryon going through security and found out there is no First Class lounge at LGA. Drat. So here I sit at the gate for the next two hours. Still it’s a beautiful day, my driver was very nice and we made good time (too good) and I am getting used to wearing a mask. The airport is empty. Wondering if the plane will be but not hopeful since there are lots of people at the gate with me. I thought I’d kill some time at the bar but a cosmo was $30. Bagged that idea. People seem to be behaving well so far, wearing ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Takanini February 18th 2020

NZ 2020 Bits and pieces. It’s been ten days since I got home and still feeling the effects of jet lag. A word about the flights. No matter how you fly, these flights are killers. One thing I noticed when landing in LA from NZ was how grumpy the people were. Grumpy and rude. The people I came in contact with in NZ couldn’t have been nicer, more friendly and helpful. From the woman pushed my chair to the wait staff at the hotel to the port personnel, smiles were everywhere. Contrast to LA where I felt I was putting everyone out. Just doing their job seemed a burdensome chore. Also the difference between the Auckland airport and LAX is striking. It seems like we are becoming a third world country. One thing stood out was ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Akaroa February 6th 2020

Akaroa, NZ Today was all about being on the water and wildlife sighting. We board the Black Cat and head out into the harbor, the remnants of a volcanic caldera like Santorini. We are looking for dolphins, penguins, fur seals and sea birds. As we cruise, we pass Onuku Maria a Maori village where there is a meeting house, a kitchen and accommodation for Maori traveling there for meetings and festivals or just to visit local residents living in the area. Soon we were met by Hector Dolphins. These are the most endangered dolphins. They measure about three feet versus nine feet for bottle nosed. They have been driven to the point of extinction by long net trawlers. With a perdition rate of 7% and a reproduction rate of 4% it appears their days are numbered. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura January 30th 2020

Where to begin? On November 18, 2016 at 12:01 our tour guide reached for the remote to turn off the TV. His wife had just gone up to bed. Before he could press the button the TV went off and then all hell broke loose. The house began to shiver and shake, furniture were careening in all directions and he headed to the kitchen and crawled under the table. Cabinets were flying off the walls, their contents tossed about. The howling noise was like nothing he had ever heard before or wants to hear again. When the shaking subsided he cautiously made his way to the bedroom where he found he wife beside the bed with a five drawer chest on top of her. He was able to get her out from under and they carefully ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Norfolk Island January 25th 2020

A day at sea. I know folks who say they would be bored cruising. I never seem to have that problem. Today I awoke at 5:30 and that seems to be my routine so far. Checked my email and the news then had breakfast in my cabin; juice, cereal and coffee. It was then time to visit Australian immigration officials as we will hit an Aussie port tomorrow. Headed to the Lido for my smoked salmon and sat in the sun to enjoy. Next I went to a lecture on bio-diversity in the South Pacific. It was excellent. Checked out the casino to see if we would have a tournament but only three signed up. Took a little time on my deck chair chatting with my next cabin neighbor and reading and before I knew it ... read more

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