Page 2 of onthegogirl Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Florida » Fort Lauderdale January 9th 2024

For some reason I couldn’t sleep the night before leaving. Ride to airport uneventful and the flight to FLL smooth. Check in routine and then took a little nap. Marylou arrived shortly after Seven and we shared a salad and we’re in bed by nine. She had been traveling since 3am. Beautiful day, we had coffee then went down to breakfast. I tried grits and followed the lead of a fellow guest. Added brown sugar and honey. Very good. Then I took MaryLou on a walk. We exited the bar area to the dining terrace and found that all the gates to the pool area were chained. When we tried to get back in we found that all the doors were locked. Thought about climbing the fence …..not. I had my phone so I called the ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City September 2nd 2023

This is our last port before disembarking in Montreal. The last two days have been a bit of an adventure. Two nights ago I had a double order of escargot. They didn’t taste as good as usual but I ate them any. Later in the piano bar I started coughing and hiccups and then threw up in my wine glass. Account to Marilyn I was very discreet. I sat out the set and went to my cabin at the break. During the night all hell broke loose. I won’t go into details. My throat was very sore and I had a headache. First thing in the morning I went to sick bay, had a Covid test and was negative. I am fully boosted but all night I was wondering what would happen if I had to ... read more
Quebec City

The weather has not been cooperating. We did have a sunny day but it was a sea day. Those who went ashore returned chilled and wet. Needless to say I wasn’t one of them. When I first started cruising I wanted to explore every port. Now i’m content to relax on board and enjoy sharing meals with other guests. Have been blessed so far. Such fun people. Last night I dined with Peter and Denise from Perth. They are on a eighty nine day odyssey and this is just a small segment. From Montréal the are driving to Toronto and a family reunion, then on to Vancouver. From there they are sailing to Sydney with stops in Hawaii, Polynesia and islands in the South Pacific. After a flight from Sydney to Perth they arrive home at ... read more
St. John

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 27th 2023

Halifax is rainy so I am staying on board. Reading, enjoying a luscious mushroom and brown rice chowder, solid A. Have to find another book. Tonight dinner at the Pinnacle. Delicious dinner of steak tartare and rack of lamb with mashed potatoes, a glass of Cabernet and Key Lime Pie. It must be the sea air as I was in bed by eight, slept through the night and awakened by breakfast at 7:30. Finished my book, will look for another. The TV lineup us awful. News in Fox, CNBC and BBC. Two sports channels, food, HGTV, and Prime one Prime one. I find the Bow and Aft cams more interesting. Today is a sea day and the skies are overcast, the sea calm but I do see a few whitecaps. I feel little motion until I ... read more

North America » United States » Maine » Portland August 25th 2023

The sky is a cloudless blue, gulls hang out and it 6:30 a.m. breakfast is a 7:30 so I am on the veranda enjoying a cup of coffee. After breakfast, I intend to explore. It’s been many years since I was on the Zaandam. Portland is a busy port. Two ferries have arrived, the line handlers are busy securing the ship, a plane just landed and the gangway is going up. There is construction going on too. One thing I notice is that there are areas of the ship that are dark. The antiques are medieval, the focal point in the atrium is a huge organ four floors tall. Then in contrast there a signed guitars by rock stars on one wall, another wall has ancient masks. The Crow’s Nest is perfect. Comfortable chairs, a circular ... read more
St John, New Brunswick

North America » United States » Maine » Portland August 25th 2023

From the taxi Travel is more stressful than it used to be. Booked a business class seat for my train ride to Boston. Unfortunately that is the last car on the train. Still, I managed. If all goes according to plan, the conductor will lift my suitcase from the overhead and a Red Cap will help me to the taxi stand for a 30 minute ride to the ship. The Business Class car was the furtherest from the station and the Red Cap earned his tip today, it was a very long train. All went as planned but the cabbie soaked me $20. Still I was off the train and in my room by 2:00. Bit knackered as I got up at six thirty but went to the Captains welcome party, sans Captain who may have ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao January 19th 2023

All went smoothly from leaving the house to checking in at the hotel in Fort Lauderdale. We are all excited to be on this adventure. Our rooms overlook the port so the view should be great during the day. We walked across the street to an Irish Pub. Wendy had nachos, I had Guinness Brown Bread with a pull and Bill chose the winner with smoked salmon. Will eat there again. By that time we all were wrecked so off to bed we went. After a restful sleep I awoke and there were four ships in port. Looks as if i’m awake early Sunday I can watch our ship come in. We met for breakfast at 8:30 and it looks like the entire hotel was there. We finally found a table, went for coffee and juice ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan October 28th 2022

Eagles, Life in the Fast Line; Doobie Brothers, Without Love; Fleetwood Mac, Bowie, Van Halen, Toto, Beatles, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Hendrix, Elton John, Santana, Pink Floyd5 this band can do it all. I even got up, not on the dance floor, and moved to the beat. If I were sixty years younger and single lol I could be a groupie for this group. They are not only great musicians, but also seem to friends. Forget the rocking seas, the foggy days, the aching back, good music heals all. The little bird lives. It has been identified as a European Robin. Someone reported fresh bird poop so I’m hopeful it will land safely like so many immigrants in the past. Today, the 25th, is sunny with calm seas. Plan to sit on my deck chair and pretend ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic October 23rd 2022

I Sunday, 23 and the seas are calming and the skies blue. My back is improved but still concerning. It will either be healed by the time I get home or....... Yesterday, in that time before getting out of bed, I spotted our little stowaway. I had heard about it at dinner a couple of nights ago. It appears the fluffy little wren or sparrow flew on board in England and then was unable to fly home. That morning it was riding on my deck chair. Wish I had something to feed it but the best I could do was put out half an orange. Two days later it was still untouched. Imagining it making a new home in the USA. A note about the rock band playing in the Rolling Stone Rock Room. They are ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea October 22nd 2022

We are now on the high seas. Our two ports in Europe, La Harve in France and Plymouth in England started out rainy but cleared up as the days went on. I had planed to explore Devon and experience Devon High Tea but it was a tender port, the seas were rough and my back is aching. So I bailed. Last night I enjoyed a lovely veal chop and capped the evening off listening to the rock group. I so wanted to get up and dance but sanity prevailed. One brave woman got on the dance floor solo and the lead guitarist joined here for a bit. The seas began to get rougher by bedtime. During the night we were rocking and rolling and today there is rain, thunder and high swells. I am thankful for ... read more

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