Amiralee & Luke


Amiralee & Luke

We love travelling and about to head off to Europe for a 121 day trip. Joined for memories and to share with friends and family

Europe July 30th 2011

After Pompeii it was time to head north to venture into France. We took our time exploring more little towns. We effectively found a road which we liked the look of and drove down it, until something else caught our eyes or we decided that it was time to stop. This method was great to see the countryside however was not very effective in traveling north, as we managed to do a massive circle. So we once again pulled out the road map and decided to travel north. We dropped back into sienna where we found out that the free/eagles derby was going to be played the following day. So we did what any good wa people would do, and found a hotel with wifi and checked in for 2 days so we could attempt to ... read more

Europe July 23rd 2011

After spending several days in small country towns we decided that it was time to hit the big city, Rome. We found a caravan park booked in, and caught the public transport into the city to check out the sights. We spent 4 days exploring. We spent our first full day at the Vatican city. When we arrived we saw a massive line. There were no signs marking what the line was for, so we assumed that it was for the musseums. We joined the line and patiently waited, giving evil looks to the people who pushed in, and making sure that they didn't push in directly in front of us. After about 45minutes we finally got to the front, went through security and found out that we were in the line to see the basilica ... read more

Europe July 23rd 2011

It has been such a long time since we have "blogged" apologies to all, I will try and remember everything which has happened. After departing from our host mother at our little bed and breakfast we have heard of so many stories of people free camping on deserted little beaches and having a spectacular experience so we chose a peninsular heading north and went forth.  Poor hoot had a stressful day climbing the winding alp range which was really well sign posted of how fast you should be going into the corners and little villages with door steps that open onto the road. We finally made it to this little town called vlasici and parked on the wharf that was connected to the beach. This quaint little town has the population of 200 and we had ... read more

Europe July 6th 2011

Hi everyone, After Vienna we went to Budapest.  Budapest uses the hungarian frank as their currency. The change in currency meant that we had to find an ATM some where in hungry to obtain cash. Once we passed the border we started pulling over at the petrol stations looking for money. At one of these stops Luke jumped out of the car and all the windows were down. Two guys came up to the van and started washing the window, amiralee said no, but they said that my husband said to do it. After luke returned and had no luck with atm's these 2 fellas expected to be paid. We offered 1 and two euros but they said that they couldn't exchange coins and wanted any notes we had. We both thought that they are scam ... read more

Europe June 29th 2011

Sorry that we haven't written in so long. We went to post a weeks worth of stories, but i accidentally deleted it.  After berlin we spent a day at the sauxenhausen concentration camp. This was a big eyeopener within knowing so many peoples who knew there fait was slim of surviving and it also involved trying to beat so many school excursions to each site to have silence within the building or compound. Afterwards We headed south to Dresden, where we decided to do the sly thing and park in a truck bay right next to the city centre for 6€ per night. That evening  we decided to go out and see the nightlife of Dresden. So we got dressed up, which means that Luke found a top which doesn't smell too much, and amiralee puts ... read more

Europe June 15th 2011

The day of picking up our van is here! We were so excited that we woke up and was packed ready to go before 6am, so we went back to bed for a few hours, because we weren't expected till 10. we trammed and then train it to the major airport of Amsterdam and then rang the fella to come pick us up. We got to encounter our first driving experience on the right side of the road and then it dawns on us that we will be doing a lot of this in a few minutes..... We arrive at this auto hotel which is for long term vehicle stays for the airport and are greeted by a chubby bloke who looks like a used car salesman and are told that our van has a flat ... read more

Europe June 5th 2011

Sunday the 29th we were still in Galway and decided to go and see some Irish dancing. Our only issue was transportation.  We decided to take the bus into the city, and then transfer buses to go to salt hill were the performance was. Unfortunately the buses are not very reliable, and Luke and I have no idea were we are to catch them from. We missed the first bus from the city to salt hill because we were standing at the wrong location. The following bus was to come at 7.15, but never showed. So we are currently waiting on the 7.35 bus. We are very lucky that we left so early to see this show, otherwise we would be in trouble. The show is called trad on the prom and is from the producers of ... read more

Europe May 29th 2011

Saturday 14th may we arrived in ireland. We have rested up over the weekend, and didn't even go to a pub. We did go for a ten mile hike to see as much of Dublin as possible tho. Our accommodation was a very mellow hostel which once was used as wine cellars so looked really pretty but without the hostel atmosphere. The layout was slightly random, with lots of little rooms which appeared from nowhere. They had a pool table located in a tiny corridor, which did not allow enough room to play, so we didn't even bother with it.  We have just hopped onto the bus for our 10 day tour and have  realized that we have to drop our standards of this tour compared to the previous one. The previous tour consisted of 27 ... read more

Europe May 14th 2011

Tuesday was labelled as castle day. We went to a super market in the morning to buy the days food and saw a few ruined castles, learning that the majority of them were strategically built on high ground or on  century old lava piles. This was quite interesting and great to see. For lunch we were dropped off at a wrecked castle and was told to go have lunch while Leo fuels up the bus, to our surprise the castle was filled with youngsters getting blotto. We found out that it was there last day of school and they had wagged to live it up. They huddled in the rain under a pagola while it poured down and they embraced lee and I saying that we know how to drink because were Aussies. That evening we ... read more

Europe May 10th 2011

Wow.... It's currently Monday evening, and I have finally found time to sit down and write some more, the only problem is that we have had a none stop weekend so it's hard to remember it all. Edinburgh is laid back. It has the same atmosphere as San Fran. Our exploration started with a free walking tour around town. 4 hours later and we were still walking. It was the best tour that we have been on so far. The guide was a comedian and has written a book on the history of Scotland. So he knew what he was talking about, and made it very entertaining.  We spent the  afternoon on a tour of the levels below the streets. It was interesting, but I thought that we would be allowed to go further down and ... read more

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