


Just beginning to step my stilleto clad foot out of the square

Asia » South Korea » Cheongju July 14th 2013

One of my favourite, and often quoted sayings is that by the much herald non-violent civil activist Mahatma Gandhi "Be the change you want to see in the world". My mum recognised how this had touched me and encouraged me to help others, 'do what you can, when you can, but get an education first. Don't just be helpful, be intelligent'. The impressionable 12 year old self that I was took this to heart. So I participated in MS read a thons (raise money for multiple sclerosis by reading books e.g. my mum donated 50 cents for every book I read, I participated in the 40 hour famine (subsist on barley sugar and water for 40 hours whilst attempting to function at school), I traversed the neighbour hood ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Cheongju July 12th 2013

My top Korea land websites: Answering questions, lesson plans, resources, helpful people, unhelpful whining trolling peeps, this forum has got it all. Actually it really does, and more. Easy to navigate, and infinitely helpful. This site has been instrumental to me when planning lessons, surviving desk warming, and when searching for information. I strongly recommend checking this out before moving here, or if you're already living here and have yet to discover it's wonders. These guys will explain the seemingly un-explainable in a witty intuitive non-judgmental culturally savvy entertaining fashion. They're a married couple from Canada (which automatically means I adore them) who've been here for 5+ years. They have a ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Cheongju July 10th 2013

So it's quite clear that I've been rather remiss in updating my blog as the last blog I published/wrote was in fact on Australian soil. Since then I've set my size 8 (no longer stilleto clad feet) in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Macao, Hong Kong, and South Korea. But never fear, I've reset my password, made an internal commitment to continue blogging and perhaps most importantly I actually have an extrinsic motivation to blog. This motivation is strongly linked to the next countries soil that these feet will be stepping onto - Cambodia. Thus all the necessary boxes are ticked, and I shall be adding my warbling to the already massive amounts of warbling that exist on the inter-webs. You want more information you say? Well, I'm glad you asked. So after a year in ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Cheongju August 20th 2012

Whilst travelling in Vietnam last year I had the pleasure of meeting and travelling briefly with a couple of American girls who positively raved about their teaching experiences in South Korea. Both of these girls were working in South Korea as part of the 'English Program in Korea', more commonly referred to as 'EPIK'. EPIK. 1999. Teach English in Korea. Available at: . "Clean running water? Health and safety standards? Supportive teaching environment? Pension contributions? Signs in English? Food regulations? As easy as being home? Safe? Convenient travel? No theft? Good pay? Road rules? South Korea huh, you don't say." To be fair before living in China my brain wouldn't have even thought to add any of these... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba February 12th 2011

My thoughts at 1.18 am 13.02.2011: So, the countdown has begun - only 2.5 hours until I'm on the airport flyer and only 8 hours left in the country. I'm pulling an all nighter so hopefully I can sleep on the bus/plane. So far I've been up since 9 am so that makes it ... Ok not long at all. I'll update when I have a more impressive number. Sure this can back fire - I could possibly not be in a bed until 11pm tonight meaning over 24 hours awake (never good when combined with a different country, travel, different language, overly emotional individual). Surprisingly I don't feel emotional, rather I feel all cried out (semi-dehydrated from said crying) and pretty eager to just get over there so it can begin already! Don't get me ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba January 25th 2011

Hey kids! Well I've picked a school, Eden English in Nanning. It's the one I had concerns about because of the share accommodation, mainly because I didn't want to be placed with some pervy weird old person. Not that that wouldn't be entertaining, but I'm sure life in China is going to be challenging enough without that added to the mix. Needless to say I'm sharing with a 25 year old female from Canada. Apart from being very relieved, I'm also very excited - I'd love to visit Canada some time, having a someone's first hand account couldn't go astray. On a completely irrelevant and non-essential side note, how great would it be if we were the same size? Hello wardrobe sharing! Lets ignore for the moment the fact that my wardrobe essentials consist of sand ... read more
floods 2 019
floods 2 022
Flood Fishing

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba January 9th 2011

Never fear! Though my plans have changed they still include heading overseas and teaching. I just happened to have moved my relocation a few thousand kms to the North, a place commonly known as China. Yes folks, you heard right, China. My reason for this change stems mainly from the all round better contracts that are offered in China, namely: - flights are reimbursed, - accommodation is provided, - language lessons, - air port pick up (very convenient when you don't share a common language AND are in a different country), - westerner employers; they appear to be a bit more sympathetic and supportive (maybe us westerners are just soft!?), - potential for bonuses/travel allowance Plus a few other extras that vary from contract to contract. There are a few other ways that I have rationalized ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba November 4th 2010

Something to consider doing after my Vietnam contract/before I head home. Their brief introduction: Welcome to the ALIV Immigration detention Volunteering Project This page has been put together to help answer all your questions about the Immigration detention project at christmas Island WA, Darwin NT and Curtin WA. ALIV sends energetic volunteers to to these locations all year round to work with kids, families and adults in immigration detention. Not sure it's something I would want to do alone though, definitely take a lot of emotional and mental strength to get through it.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Surfers Paradise November 1st 2010

SO! Today I paid for my passport - $208.00 dollars, $2.50 for bank statement with Toowoomba address, $10.00 for parking, almost 90 mins of waiting, and 3 different service people, 4 phone calls clarifying whether I had to make an appointment or not. Apparently this is the easy part, so I shouldn't complain - but really, I think it could have been a LOT simpler. Poor Jade had to fill out my application twice (the second time with black pen haha!). Ah well it is done now and I should only have to wait 2-3 weeks and it will be delivered! I'm very excited, this will be the first tangible step towards my trip. Also, it is exactly 1 month until I start my TESOL course. I have just started looking in Toowoomba for Vietnamese community ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba October 18th 2010

‎"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu One of the many quotes I am no doubt going to use during times when the idea of travel starts to scare me. In reference to my previous blog I have now finished my written assessment components for my pt course and now only have 20 hours work placement and 3 pieces of taped assessment to hand in... and have assessed. Will be completed by the time I do my TESOL course, which gives me 6 weeks - plenty of time! I have signed up to and paid for my TESOL course, its official - this IS going to happen. I should have my enrollment/info pack any time this week. In 2 weeks I will be sending my passport off (assuming ... read more

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