Andrew Chapman

looking for my zihuatanejo

Andrew Chapman

Been working for 10 years now, had enough of the rat race, decided I wanted to 'live the dream' so I am about to embark on travelling the world at the end of June 2008. The plan is to start in Mexico, travelling overland to Guatemala flying on to Ecuador then making my way overland down the West coast of South America through Peru, Bolivia, Chile & Argentina. The plan then is to fly on to New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Australia before travelling through South East Asia (East Timor, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam). Hope then to see China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan before heading to the Himalayas in Tibet and Nepal. Hope to finally end up in India and then Sri Lanka. This is the plan, should take around 2 years but who knows what will happen...........

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth June 12th 2023

Day 1: Friday April 7th 2023 – Flying to Perth Good Friday, and what promises to be the start of a very good week. Our first family holiday overseas for 4 years and pre-COVID. I’m discounting last year’s holiday to UK as that was a trip to see family although we did enjoy a week in London at the end. Not only COVID which turned the world upside down, but this is also the first blog for a decade in which time I’ve been blessed with the addition of two sons to my family. I’ll start the journey at the airport in Singapore where we now live (we’ve been here for 8 years) after 4 years in China in Beijing and then Shanghai after my round the world trip ended at Christmas 2009. We’re flying Scoot, ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Jongno-gu August 24th 2011

Wednesday 24th August – Friday 26th August 2011– Unearthing a pride It is 9 months since my last blog, and almost two years since I visited my last new country. Today I am travelling to South Korea, which will be the 45th country I have visited out of the 196 countries officially recognised. To think I travelled for a year and a half and I’ve still not seen 25% of the countries. It truly is a life’s pursuit like I stressed in my last blog. Being an intrepid traveller almost two years is too long to have gone without adding a new passport stamp to the tally, but that is not to say I haven’t travelled. I spent my first year back from my travels – 2010 – chasing a certain young lady around the world. ... read more
21. Model of Tesco Academy, Korea
28. Tesco Academy, Korea
33. Gardens at Tesco Academy, Korea

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hertfordshire » Hertford December 11th 2010

11 December 2010 It is almost a year on from the end of my travels as I start writing this final entry. It has been on my mind for 10 months to write this blog; I even wrote in my last blog entry “I will write one last blog in the new year, to sum up the last 18 months of travelling, an afterword so to speak.” I didn’t intend it to write this blog so deep into the New Year and almost into the next one but inevitably events take over and you get into the routine of work, sleep, work, sleep.....a weekend or two thrown in for good measure and before you know it a year has passed you by in the blink of an eye. Did my 18 months of travelling pass so ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi December 16th 2009

Day 535: Wednesday 16th December - The sharks of Delhi I have always strived to make my blog an honest and accurate account of my travel experiences. I must make a confession however readers that the last two months this has not always possible. Since I made the decision to return home in September I have at times omitted some of my thoughts and feelings as I did not wish to jeopardise the surprise that I wished my homecoming to be. Now, I can be full and frank for Delhi is to be my last stop. By the time you read this I will be home in England. After 18 months of non-stop travel I have decided to call it a day. This is not a sudden decision but something I decided three months ago. There ... read more
1. Bruno dressed as a freedom fighter on arrival at Delhi
5. The spot where Gandhi was assassinated in 1948, Delhi
7. The tomb of Isa Khan, Delhi

Asia » India » Punjab » Amritsar December 16th 2009

Day 533: Monday 14th December - The Golden Temple and the Ministry of silly walks We have arrived in the Punjab, the area which spans from Central Pakistan to North-Western India. The Indian state of Punjab is dominated by the Sikh population, who form 70% of the state’s population. In India as a whole, Sikhs are only 2% of the population. Hindu’s form the majority with over 80%, Muslims account for 12%, Christians 2%, Buddhists 1%. Many of the Indians which came to Britain were from the Punjab for the Indian Civil Service and the British Indian Army in particular preferred to recruit Sikhs, which led to the migration of Sikhs into different parts of the British Empire, mainly for economic reasons. Punjab has more ex-patriots than any other Indian state, and has exported its culture ... read more
2. Golden Temple, Amritsar
3. Clock Tower, Amritsar
4. Golden Temple & Clock Tower, Amritsar

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra December 16th 2009

Day 531: Saturday 12th December - Attending an Indian wedding Mention Agra to 95% of people back home and they will probably return a blank look. Instead, mention the Taj Mahal the city’s most famous landmark, and India’s iconic symbol and 95% will know exactly what you are talking about. We arrive in the city of the Taj Mahal two hours later than scheduled, but the train’s delay works in our favour, meaning we arrive at 8:15am. As we exit the station we are approached by an Indian man who sounds Australian once he starts to speak. Paul, as he introduces himself was born in Tasmania but has lived in Agra, where his mother is from, for the last 20 years. He tells us he has a guesthouse in Taj Ganj which has a rooftop view ... read more
4. Agra Fort, Agra
16. Relaxing in Agra Fort with the Taj Mahal in the background, Agra
24. The back of the Taj Mahal taken from Mehtab Bagh, Agra

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Varanasi December 11th 2009

Day 529: Thursday 10th December - The city of life....and dead bodies, which float down the River Ganges! Today we could have had a lie in. Could being the operative word. With our guesthouse overlooking the River Ganges and the life of the city which is centred on the ghats (a series of bathing steps or platforms that lead down to the river), you wake when the city decides to wake, which is early. In fact, the city never really sleeps, or the noises that drift into our room never stop. It doesn’t help that we are within earshot of Manikarnika Ghat, or the burning ghat as it is colloquially known, where bodies are cremated around the clock. More of that later though. Loud processions with drum beats and other musical accompaniment are often heard in ... read more
3. Doing the laundry, Varanasi Ghats
7. Hanging the clothes out to dry, Varanasi Ghats
8. The Ghats, Varanasi

Asia » Nepal » Lumbini December 11th 2009

Day 527: Tuesday 8th December - Travelling on the roof of the bus to Buddha’s birthplace We leave our relaxing surroundings in Sauraha and the friendly staff of the Chitwan Forest Resort behind and take a four and a half hour bus ride to Bharairawa, to the west and just a few kilometres from the Indian border. India can wait until tomorrow, we still have one more day on our visa so therefore we still have time to see Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, and one of four sacred Buddhist sites in the world (the other three are in India). The bus to Bharairawa initially consists of mainly tourists as it leaves Sauraha but soon fills to bursting. It isn’t the most comfortable of rides. The next bus ride between Bharairawa and Lumbini is equally as ... read more
1.Bruno riding on the roof of the bus to Lumbini
2. Riding on the roof of the bus to Lumbini
3. Prayer flags everywhere, Mayadevi temple, Lumbini

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan December 11th 2009

Day 524: Saturday 5th December - Calm after chaos I’m not sad to be leaving Kathmandu behind this morning. It isn’t a city to relax in and I’ve had enough of the constant noise and chaos that accompanies it. I get up early (5:30am) to pack my bag only to find that there is another of Kathmandu’s frequent power cuts. I have to pack my bag by torch light and trust to luck that I leave nothing behind. Bruno and I then walk to the bus station, through Kathmandu’s already buzzing streets and get on the bus to Royal Chitwan Park, in the south of Nepal, and a 6 hour drive from Kathmandu. I try and sleep most of the way which is easier said than done with Nepal’s roads and the constant use of the ... read more
2. Buffalos crossing the river, Royal Chitwan Park
6. Elephant Breeding Centre, Royal Chitwan Park
8. Taking a dug out canoe down the Rapti River

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Boudhanath December 3rd 2009

Day 521: Wednesday 2nd December - A very public cremation The last time I was in Kathmandu I got food poisoning and something I ate last night gave me stomach cramps throughout the night. The food in Nepal is probably the most westernised cuisine I’ve had anywhere on my trip outside Australia and New Zealand but I very much doubt the hygiene standards are of any, well, standard, apart from that is inadequate. I’m almost afraid to eat anything now in Nepal and I’ve never had trouble with the food anywhere on my trip apart from here. I’ve had food poisoning, illness on my trek, lack of energy in Pokhara and now stomach cramps and my finger is pointing firmly at the food hygiene in every case. Because of this it takes me a while to ... read more
5. Bodhnath stupa, Kathmandu
6. Preparation being made to a cremation ghat, Pashupatinath, Kathmandu
8. Pashupatinath, Kathmandu

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