Adele Helene land


Adele Helene land

Born in the UK, moved to Spain age 20 (still here!) travelled most of the world but still plenty more to see! Life's too short to stay in one place forever... these blogs are written to share our travels and adventures.

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go, I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." Robert Louis Stevenson

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean November 8th 2016

A beautiful Caribbean sunrise greeted us this morning and I decided to make the most of it with a run on the jogging track. Bearing in mind it was 7am I was shocked to find it full of walkers, more kind of made running impossible as there were so many going back and forth, it kept slowing me down (not that I am fast by any stretch of the imagination!) so I gave up and decided to go to the gym. Again it was so busy, out of about 15 or more treadmills and bikes, they were all taken. I knew there was an early abs class so decided to give that a try and found that also full!! I have no idea where all the fitness freaks came from! Certainly not from the garden café ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic November 7th 2016

Another day in paradise, lazing in the sun and having a laugh with new friends, did my usual early rising and off for breakfast and surfed the internet looking for the next cruise next year! Had a light lunch and a good snooze in the sun for the afternoon. Decided to make it a quiet one tonight so had a drink in Shakers enjoyed some people watching before going to the Divas of Motown show which was really good, the singers were excellent. Sat next to a Geordie couple who were part of the group with the drinks package problem, the bloke’s latest problem was that they were allegedly running out of Coors beer…he was very concerned, his wife also looked angrily concerned and believe me I wouldn't have wanted to be the bar man who ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic November 5th 2016

Quite breezy and a little overcast when I woke up but followed my usual routine and went up to grab our favourite bed. Seems to be the same bunch of early risers every morning. Mr tall and mysterious who has a super-sized coffee mug which he fills regularly until he then. Oves on to chilled white wine, he seems to be on his own, possibly gay but keeps himself to himself. Then there's Larry from Cambridge with a house in Barcelona, with his wife who's name escapes me, always lively and an early drinker, enjoys his football and a friendly guy. The Canadian lady who has been on all our cruises is also usually up early, despite late nights in the casino. Another early bird is a petite blonde with her husband who I think are ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic November 3rd 2016

up to the sundeck and left our bags and towels in the hope the clouds would clear, ever the optimist. Grabbed some breakfast and checked what was going on on the rest of the ship. Realised there was one of our favourite events on, the presentation from the chief officers. Always good fun and very informative. As usual with NCL the captain and crew are good fun. The captain, as I mentioned was same as our previous Epic trip and the hotel director the same too, just a new chief engineer. Anyway most people asked sensible questions, even the lady who asked how many eggs the ship goes thru on a crossing seemed to have a relevant point! Although Richard couldn’t actually say exactly, I have been doing some serious damage myself to the egg stocks ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic November 2nd 2016

Today was a port day on the island of Tenerife. I worked here during two winter seasons and frighteningly realised that the last time I was here was 20 years ago! Anyway, as usual woke up early but Alex was pleased I did this time as we had an amazing view of the island as we sailed alongside into the port of Santa Cruz. (Jeez, I am drinking a coffee from the breakfast buffet as I type, man this is strong stuff, if this doesn’t propel me round the jogging track nothing will). Anyway, back to Tenerife. We had decided to rent a car and drive up Mount Teide, the volcano on the other side of the island. I had a couple of emails to do so Alex went off to grab us a croissant for ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic November 1st 2016

Woke to a lovely sunrise and headed up to the VIP deck to drop our bags before going for breakfast. Spent the day sunbathing and gazing at the sea with the only disturbance being a loud bunch of guys discussing the previous night’s Halloween costumes! Lunch at the buffet seemed busier than usual and the veggie options were limited so healthy salad for me which was counteracted by the pina colada I ordered when I got back to the deck. Lazed around some more until my conscience got the better of me and had to go and run the jogging track. Did about 3.5k on there while Alex shot some hoops and did some weights in the gym. Tonight was the ‘Norwegian Night out’ a dress up or not, night. Slipped (or should that be squeezed) ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Alboran Sea October 31st 2016

Up at the crack of dawn to go and secure sunbeds in the so called ‘quiet area’ which Alex discovered had nice sunbeds at the front of the ship. Got there at 08.30 to find it didn’t open until 09.30 so messaged Alex in the room to hurry and come up to the buffet for breakfast. Enjoyed a nice. ‘trying to be healthy and not put back on the 3 kilos I lost’ type breakfast! Spent the morning in the quiet area which ended up far from quiet as the ‘Cruise Next’ folk were still kicking off over their non-existent drinks packages! Popped down to switch the credit card we use for onboard credit as preferred to use a more dollar-friendly one and found the guest services area rammed with the ‘Cruise First’ guests with the ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona October 30th 2016

Extra hour in bed as clock went back but ‘clocks shmocks’ I was wide awake and excited to get ready by 7am much to Alex’s dismay. The cruise line advises you get to the port no earlier than 11, we were there at 9, which was actually an hour later than the previous year! Manage to check our bags in with the porter and prepared for a long wait. As regular NCL clients we have a gold status so can check in in a dedicated area. During the wait we got chatting to a lovely funny gay couple, one Brit one Austrian but live in the US, had a good laugh with them before being told we had to move out of the area while they fumigated! (WTF!) One of the gay guys had a total ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona October 29th 2016

Up early to go for a run (well not as early as I run at home, but still). We ran 5k down to the port, over the bridges to the cruise ships and back, stumbling across a new shopping mall we hadn’t seen before, noted that down for later. Lots of activity down by the port with dozens of men dressed as women in crazy drag costumes, men and women in leather ‘gimp’ suits proudly displaying their butt cheeks and hundreds of multi coloured balloons. It appeared they were filming an LBGT movie, set around the Barcelona Pride day. The American tourists certainly looked bemused, with lots of comments like “these crazy Europeans” being bandied around. Back to the hotel to shower, then, following the fitness theme, we rented two city bikes and embarked on a ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona October 28th 2016

Aaagh, had no time to blog, been kind of busy! After a great evening in Alicante had a good sleep and was up early to head to the airport. Hotel only ten minutes away so easy journey. Then it got tricky. Email from Seguro parking had said to meet the rep at the gift shop so I left Alex with the bags, in fact he looked like he was looking after half the airport’s bags (we don’t travel light) and headed to gift shop. The email said the rep would be wearing purple, so every poor unsuspecting person who decided on purple as their colour-du-jour, was pounced upon by a crazy blonde English woman thrusting her car keys at them. Just before the purple wearers called security I decided to call Seguro parking where a broad ... read more

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