holamundo's Guestbook

26th January 2024
too funny to observe the deers having a bath

Great shot
I love it when you capture these very close up shots. Enjoyed your report. We spent time on Menjangan Island some years ago and it was empty, a good experience.
20th March 2022

Travelling Again
Yay! Great to see you both travelling again ? Sicily looks beautiful, and real great to see you've found somewhere in Europe which is like India! Ah, I imagine being landlocked in Switzerland you would have missed the sea air these last two years. Wonderful that you've been able to explore so many coastal landscapes now, along with beautiful, peaceful and spiritual places ?
20th March 2022

Sea breeze
Oh yes, having a sea breeze again felt soooo good. We cannot complain that we have been locked into Switzerland. For us, it was a good time being always healthy. Business was growing and we could do many things we normally did not do. That was also amazing. But it is also great to be travelling again and refresh the mind differently. Finally, it is all about the right balance. :-)
9th February 2022
church of Agira

Emma's been to Sicily, I haven't
Emma visited Sicily many years ago. I never have but I want to of course. I know that I would enjoy going there. Thanks for blogging from there to give me an idea of what there is to see there. /Ake
9th February 2022
church of Agira

Oh yes, it is worth going there, even a second time for Emma. I feel that we only touched the surface of what there is to see and do on this big island. Happy travels!
5th February 2022

Back on the road again
Dave here....Great to see you out and about! We plan to visit Sicily this spring and are looking forward to it.
5th February 2022

We are curious to read about your trip to Sicily - enjoy!
4th February 2022

We enjoyed hearing your impressions of Sicily as we will be visiting there in May. We can't wait. We will have two weeks to explore. We will check out your YouTube. We are happy you are traveling once again. Keep in touch. MJ
4th February 2022

Oh that is great news. You will love Sicily. Looking forward to read your blog.
18th November 2021
Sri Ayyappa Swamy Temple in Tumpoly

Ayyappatelugu-Lord ayyappa swamy·Sabarimala ayyappa·Ayyappa sannidanam
You wrote this article very well. Very knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing this article Visit ayyappatelugu.com!
21st August 2020
Lord Murugan in front of the Batu Caves

I saw a religious festival 25 years ago
25 years ago I visited Batu Caves during a religous festival. Many of those who took part in the ceremonies walked to the caves while having fish hooks inserted in their skin. It was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. /Åke
23rd August 2020
Lord Murugan in front of the Batu Caves

Wow - that must have been really impressive!
21st August 2020

Entry fee?
I visited Komodo Island almost 20 years ago. I liked it there and would like to go back. However, I've heard that they now have a high entry fee for anyone who wants to go there. Is there also a high entry fee to see the Komodo dragons in Flores. /Ake
23rd August 2020

expensive dragons
To what we found out and experienced, all areas where the dragons live (Rinca Island, Komödie Island, Radar Island) are now part of the Komodo National Park. And wherever there is access to one of these places there is an office of the government charging the entrance fee. On Flores itself there are no dragons, only on the nearby islands. You can go there only with a private boat or a tour. Many choose private boats. These are slow boats. If you just want to go to Rinca Island, that is the cheapest option. But if you want to adventure more in this wonderful world of islands and see mantas and just stunning nature, you should consider either a multiple day sail or a speedboat. But either option, the entrance fee to the park will be charged. :-(
19th July 2020

Kuala Lumpur
How lovely to find a place you really enjoy, can keep coming back to, and still find places to visit and things to do. I'm glad your journey ended nicely in one of your favourite places. Hopefully we'll all be able to travel again soon, and continue to explore and discover the truly amazing places out there in the world.
3rd May 2020

Paradise Island
Wow! It seems like you found the perfect paradise island to relax on and unwind towards the end of your wonderful time in Indonesia. I have really enjoyed reading your blogs on your travels in Indonesia, and I'm very happy to read that you had a wonderful time there. May such lovely memories stay in your mind until the next time you are able to travel again.
23rd April 2020
view from our appartment at night

Second home
KL is one of those hubs that is easily embraced. So much to see and do. Plus you got a lot of business done.
24th April 2020
pool at our accomodation

KL stay
Yes, we can recommend the Ramada Complex (although we had a private appartment - but both use the same pool and other facilities). Well located in the middle of the action, yet nice, quiet and relaxing. The pool is not on the top floor but still really attractive :-)
19th April 2020

Wow, it certainly does look like paradise! It sounds good to be able to plan in some down time towards the end of your trip, and Lombok seems like a perfect place for that ?
19th April 2020

Yes, it is. Lombok is really perfect: it is kind of off the beaten path but without the problems that come when a place is too remote and it has a good infrastructure. And most important lovely people and amazing nature.
12th April 2020

Beach Time
Good for meditation.
8th April 2020

Lovely Flores, thank you for taking me on a trip to this special-looking island. Your journey is becoming more off-the-beaten track, and I look forward to finding out which island will be your next ?
5th April 2020

Komodo Dragons!
Wow, Komodo Dragons! I'm so pleased you were able to see them! And indeed, what an amazing day of snorkelling and wildlife! A lovely read, and wonderful travel escapism - thank you ?

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