Bryan Avery


Bryan Avery

IT Consultant, earning money to go travelling

Now an English Channel Swimmer too

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai » Borivali November 23rd 2011

We decide to take a tour to the famous Dharavi Slum area of Mumbai, after speaking with a number of people who had visited them they all said it was very interesting and well worth it. So our tour started by us meeting at the Church Gate railway station at 9am where we were to be met by our guide. After paying the guide 12rp each the guide bought our train ticket, this was to be a short ride on the very wide Mumbai local train. These trains have doors but they are constantly open, they have a huge number of handles hanging from the roof of the train for people to hold on to and all the bars or what look more like cages are shiny silver. Even though we were travelling after the rush ... read more
11 - P1130707
10 - Main street for the working slum
12 - P1130708

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu June 27th 2011

Still to publish...... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh May 16th 2011

We had pre-booked Sar, a Tuk Tuk driver to take us to S21, Russian market and the Killing Fields. He turned up on time at our guest house (10am). First stop S21 (Tuol Sleng Prison), we spent about an hour walking around which is quite enough time in such a shocking place. The first building Block A is where the Vietnam photographers found the fourteen Cambodians, one in each room, each had been tortured and beaten to death, their poor bodies just left where they died. The photographs that were taken are just unbelievable, at first you wonder if the photos are just made up to shock you. But it soon becomes clear that they are actual photos and real tortured people. The fourteen people have grave tombs outside in the court yard as a symbol ... read more
2 - S-21
3 - P1070062
4 - P1070064

Oceania » Fiji » Nadi March 1st 2011

Finally after a month in a Camper van, we were released from Addington Jail in Christchurch, and not a day too soon either. we got away from the major Earth Quake in Christchurch which has killed over 100 people and still many missing. We made it to Nadi, Fiji - another place we always wanted to visit but never thought we would, and here we are! Having landed at the airport, Donna our guide who picked us up from the airport, informed us that The Drift Inn where we were supposed to stay - was closed as it had been condemned. she had arranged for us to stay at another hostel, Wailoaloa Beach resort, just for the night as we wanted to go island hopping. She then recommended coming to Mana Island, and Ratu Kini's Backpackers ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch February 22nd 2011

Today, Tuesday 22nd February, well what a day and so close we could have been right in the middle of the Earth Quake. The day started at 9:15 the bus to take us to the airport was late, and our flight was due to take off at 10:35, finally the bus arrived and ferried us to the airport. we had checked in and just before going through security Bryan realised that his beautiful Digital SLR camera was missing. :-( so after a call to the Jail Hostel he found the camera was on the bus and that they would be back at the airport in 15 minutes, it was 10:00..... we did discuss what to do if the bus didnt arrive on time. the camera cost more than the flights so financially it would be better ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park December 19th 2010

Well what an experience this was. Our guide Dieter took us through the canyon which was now frozen and the river and waterfalls frozen with it. It was so cold, -23c, that two of the camera’s stopped working. Words can’t describe it adequately so click here to see the photos of the url= read more
Photo 3

North America » Canada December 14th 2010

Now on the Canadian 1 train to Vancouver, stopping over at Jasper. Sitting in our big seats getting ready for 3 nights on the train, it's 10pm at night and we are in Toronto Union Station. We're excited but tired at the same time. Three night trying to sleep on the train and only 9 stops and then we are off. Quite a daunting trip, but is said to be one of the best railway journeys of all times. Well it's now 3:30am, train still going along. Would not say it is going to be the best night sleep, or in fact best three nights sleep I'm going to have in my life. So glad I have brought my own pillow. With no WiFi on-board it means it's going to be a long trip, which ... read more
Train ticket
Toronoto Station
Edmonton Station

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto December 9th 2010

Arrived in to Toronto in the early afternoon in the train from Ottawa, nice train ride which came along side the great lake. We walked to our accommodation in China Town, which took some 45 minutes, the accommodation was a house, run by chinese, so you needed to take you shoes off at the front door, all the house in the street seemed to be sloping towards each other, and walking up the stairs to our room it was no different, you leaned to the left, not much but enough to unsteady your balance. The room was basic, looked clean. We dumped our clothes and head out for a walk. Dropped by Kensington Market and in to a cafe call Kensington, it is run by a French Moroccan lady who is a bit of a character, ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa December 8th 2010

Leaving many message on Facebook, letting all our friends know we were spending the night in jail, was very funny, some even caught the bait and we're thinking of bailing us out! Have a read of this and you will see why we booked it....! "Plan a unique and memorable trip to the best Ottawa Hostel that'll not only include its sights, attractions, and activities but your overnight sentence in jail as well! The HI-Ottawa Jail Hostel is the only hostel in North America located in a former prison that operated for over 100 years. During your stay in this Victorian-era architectural relic, you'll sleep in former jail cells, the prison hospital, or maybe even the governor's quarters! Visit the Carleton County Gaol Heritage Centre located on the hostel's un-renovated 8th floor to see and learn ... read more
Arriving in Ottawa
The bunk bed
Mug shot

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City December 4th 2010

We arrived in Quebec, after just over a three hour train journey, with changing scenery, but most of it was very flat, with the occasional mountain in the distance. There was only three carriages on the train which was quite a surprise, the journey was comfortable, the train had mains points and WiFi, quite fast too. We arrived at Quebec station, took the tourist pictures of the train, and headed to find our hotel, the main part of the station was very pretty and very french, quite impressive for a station. Our walk to the hotel was set for an hour by Google maps, so we knew we had quite some time, but we did not know we had to climb up a hill, the maps don't show hills, remember we have all our luggage too, ... read more
Dentist Chair
Battlefield Park

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