bvchef's Guestbook

12th November 2023

Full circle
Glad to see you are a couple of hours from home. Hope the family is doing well and yourself.
21st May 2023

Rocky Roads and Wildlife
Gosh, that path does look very rocky! I imagine walking on it can't have been much fun. Amazing wildlife though, and the fact that they just ignore you and go about their natural lives as if you weren't there indeed makes the Galapagos such a special place. Air conditioning, good food, beer and bed at the end of each day sounds perfect!
21st May 2023

Rocky Road is Better as Ice Cream
I couldn't imagine walking on that rocky path it is had rained. But, as with most things in travel, it was well worth the hike to see all the wildlife. And yes, the time on the ship was just the answer for the days activities. Thanks for following and commenting.
17th May 2023
An Adventure in the Making

It was hard not to smile
That little dinghy represented yet another incredible adventure in the making.
17th May 2023
Nazca Booby and Chick

I do too
That we were able to pass so closely to them was a surprising gift.
17th May 2023

Brenno Breaks Barriers.... and snorkels!
Bravo my friend. You took to water like a new born penguin. Travel Brenno is always so impressive! Life has been far too busy since our return and we need to publish our final Galapagos blog. You've given us the push we needed. I miss Barb and Diane. I need to reach out to them. Eager for more.
17th May 2023

Like a new born penguin
I like that. Can't wait to read the final Galapagos blog from you. And yes, I miss Barb and Diane too. They were such fun people.
30th April 2023

Choosing Wisely
It looks like you chose wisely to go to the Galapagos, Brendan! Such amazing experiences, such amazing wildlife. I'm similar with the snorkelling - I'm actually a big fan of swimming (in a swimming pool), but had to really pluck up the courage to go snorkelling in the Galapagos. I was so glad I did it, as I imagine you were too. I visited the same tortoise reserve as you on San Cristobal Island - lovely place, lovely animals! 😊
1st May 2023

Surprisingly, I was very wise
Yes, this trip was very wise. It was more than I had imagined, and I am glad I was open to trying new things. I love that you visited the same tortoise reserve.
22nd April 2023

I had a similar experience arriving in the Galapagos, Brandon. I cried walking over the tarmac. There is something so special about those paradisical islands, I think many people feel it, like a return to Eden. And you found your very own crab, yay! Glad you were persuaded to try the water. I love water, but am no fan of deep water or sharks - I'm glad I overcame my fears to experience both these while there. I'm looking forward to reading more 😊
22nd April 2023

The Islands Are Very Special
My own crab, yes. I love it. I am glad I decided to try the water too. It is all part of traveling. Thanks for following along.
15th April 2023

Yum yum
Mmm, it's making me hungry reading this Brendan (or should I say Brenno!) I'd read how Maria was able to meet with you and still do the cooking class at a moment's notice in MJ and Dave's blog - what a wonderful lady! I hadn't read how you "chose" to do the empanada dish though, lol! The nicest empanadas I have ever had were from a chain of eateries when I lived in Paraguay called Don Vito. I have no idea how they were made, but my taste buds still tingle at the thought of them, even though this was over 20 years ago. Definitely a must if you ever go to Paraguay, which admittedly is probably unlikely for anyone...! Glad you got a few ideas for Chef Brendan back home 😊
21st April 2023

Love Food
Don't you love how food can transport you back to a place, even years later. Sadly, Paraguay is the only country in the South Americas that I did not go. May need to go there if the empanada are so good. And yes, I strongly voice my opinion on what we should cook. Sometimes Brenno just takes over. lol
5th April 2023
Red Footed Booby

Look at those red feet! Beautiful. Wildlife in the wild is the best.
5th April 2023
Red Footed Booby

Very Red Feet
They were almost vermilion. Wildlife at home is absolutely the best.
5th April 2023

3 Weeks
5th April 2023

This little bird was so fluffy and content
5th April 2023

A wish choice
We were happy to be on this trip with you. Travel Brenno squeezed every ounce of adventure there was to have and you became very good at snorkeling! Bravo. Time to move to Florida. LOL.
5th April 2023

Travel Brenno, Who Is He?
Yes, I was able to squeeze every ounce of adventure. Not sure where Travel Brenno lives while I am not traveling, but perhaps Florida may hold the answer.
5th April 2023

Boobies aplenty!
Dave such thing as too many boobies!
5th April 2023

Boy Howdy
Isn't that a fact!
5th April 2023

What a great way to spend time . BV has a great way of showing and teaching and learning ,. The best chef i know. Thanks
the island are the best way to see nature at it best .Thanks

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