Page 3 of Willow Travel Blog Posts

South America » Chile » Atacama April 11th 2009

The way north from La Serena to San Pedro de Atacama was long but pretty uneventful, except that for once the movie was shown in English not Spanish (volume still turned up to max of course) so for a change I didn't need to play the 'make the story up' game (although I've discovered that sometimes the made up version is better than the original)!!! Most of the 18plus hours passed with me peering out at the arid, often moon-like landscape surrounding us, one that was full of rocks, sand and not much else, seemed to go on forever but at times was still quite stunning. Generally I'm not in the habit of booking accommodation ahead and tend to opt for the turn up and wing it approach instead. I'd only regretted it once back in ... read more
Valley of the Moon
Flamingos and salt lakes
Dawn and the Atacama

Facebook, sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it, especially when I'm sat in a hostel with free Internet and the person using it decides to spend 5 years uploading photos or, more annoyingly, flicking through someone else's when all I want to do is quickly check email..... grrrrr. This time though it meant I unexpectedly met up with Chantal and Jeremy, two friends I'd first met whilst squashed into a shared jeep on the way up to Darjeeling in India! I was just back from Easter Island, they'd recently arrived from NZ and I had no idea they were even on the same continent until I logged into..... Yup this one time I loved it! I'd already spent a few days in Santiago before heading out to Easter Island and loved it, especially the Museum ... read more
Moon gazing
The Elqui Valley
The Elqui Valley

Asia » India » Kerala » Varkala April 4th 2009

When I´d booked them back to back overnight trains sounded like a good idea... by the time we reached Varkala on the south west coast of India I´d seriously rethought that decision! Fortunately we didn´t have anything more taxing to do than sit on a beach for the next few days. Various people I'd met along the way had recommended coming south but now, having been, I've learnt to ask why someone liked a place so much before heading off there! Don't get me wrong, I had a relaxing few days in Varkala, just sitting on the beach or walking along the coast to discover heaps of deserted coves - my problem was that it was full of Europeans and not very India. What summed it up for me was when having browsed the menus of ... read more
Sunset with the locals at Fort Kochi
Life on the backwaters
Fort Kochi

South America » Chile » Easter Island March 30th 2009

Down the steps onto the runway at Rapa Nui airport and my first thought was.... at last, heat! Don't get me wrong, Patagonia had been stunning and I'd loved it but I was also thrilled at the thought of being able to put my fleece away for a few days! The owner of the hostel I'd booked greeted me with a garland of lovely bright flowers and I was whisked off to the hostel to meet up with Ann, Gordon and Eamo once more. It'd only been a few weeks since we last met for dinner on the one night we all overlapped in Puerto Madryn but there was lots of news to catch up on. Again though we were only overlapping for one day - they'd booked their flights a month after me by which ... read more
Moai, Easter Island
Sunset at Tahai
Petroglyphs at Orongo

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi March 30th 2009

I had just two weeks left in India and was torn between whether to stay north and see more of the forts and palaces of Rajasthan or head south - I'd met heaps of people who'd raved about the south and how different it was and I was keen to see it for myself. In the end what tipped it was probably visiting the fort at Kumbalgarh - I really didn't think anything would be able to top it. But then as it turned out I found I actually preferred the north! I started in Goa, well Panjim really - I wasn't too bothered about the beaches (half a day at Calangute was more than enough to make me want to run back north - it was a case of spot the local amongst all the ... read more
Vithala Temple

South America March 20th 2009

Where were those darn elephant seals hiding??! 45mins of bumping and skidding along the cliff top at Punta Ninfas in our poor little silver hire car, stopping to peer gingerly over the edge whilst trying not to be swept over by the wind and we were still none the wiser. OK so you might argue that a seal is a seal and I'd already seen plenty in Antarctica, but those weren't Elephant seals, the largest of seals with their distinctive noses. Here at Punta Ninfas, some 90 km southwest of Puerto Madryn, they were apparently (almost!!) guaranteed to be found, but with the exception of a few playing out in the surf we'd yet to see any. In the end we decided to park up, brave the winds and clamber down. We'd been warned about unattended ... read more
Arrayenes Forest
Lake Nahuel Huapi
Elephant Seals

OK so watching glaciers might not sound like the most thrilling thing ever and when we first checked out the bus times I'll admit that I was slightly concerned that 5 hours out at the Perito Mereno glacier might drive me mad. But actually it was great fun. Located in the Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina this is one of only three Patagonian glaciers that are not retreating. And its huge - the terminus is 5 kilometres wide, it has an average height of 74 m above the water and a total ice depth of 170 metres. With colours from white, baby blue to deep indigo its soft peaks at the front looked like Mr Whippy ice cream, and from the viewing platform was absolutely stunning. We'd been sitting there for a few hours waiting ... read more
Perito Moreno glacier
Perito Moreno glacier
Perito Moreno glacier

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 5th 2009

To be honest there weren't many lows... apart from the fifth day when I had a slight sense of humour failure but more on that later! From the little I'd seen of Patagonia the scenery was stunning and the drive from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine National Park was no different - distant snow capped peaks, Guanaco (lowland wild Llamas) munching on grass by the roadside, flamingos wading at the waters edge and circling on the thermals high above, Condors. The four of us, me, Eamo, Ann and Gordon had come to do the W trek, the route of which, unsurprisingly, follows the shape of a W (rather than the slightly more hard core 'Full circuit' or 'Q loop'). Contrary to advice in the guide books though we'd chosen to walk from East to West... ... read more
Torres, waiting for the cloud to clear,,,,,
Lago Grey
Sunrise Day 1.... from the breakfast table at the hostel

Antarctica » Antarctica February 25th 2009

In the end we had 4 days of landings on the Antarctic Peninsular and islands - our very first landing at Neko Harbour had been amazing simply because, wow - we're standing on Antarctica! But for me the highlight of the trip was the time we spent cruising icebergs in the zodiacs and our very last landing at Dorian Bay. The iceberg cruise was the second tour we'd done in the zodiacs. I'd found the first, to see glaciers, disappointing because I'd ended up with the group that pretty quickly decided they'd had enough and wanted to go back to the ship for a cup of tea. So whilst the others were out seeing a whale and watching a leopard seal kill a penguin, I was back on deck, slightly seething. This time though it was ... read more
Gentoo family, Dorien Bay
The Prof, Dorien Bay
Dorien Bay

Antarctica » Antarctica February 20th 2009

The plan was to write just one blog on Antarctica, at least it was until I started looking at my photos. OK so there's probably only so many ice and penguin photo's you want to see, but looking at them again months after the trip has reminded me that it's still the most amazing thing I've ever done. So here goes blog 2 out of 3! I woke up early on our second day at the peninsular - the breakfast call was yet to come and I took the opportunity to head up on deck. With everyone else still in their cabins there was barely a noise to be heard apart from the lapping of water against the boat. The sun had yet to rise over the surrounding snowy peaks and everything had this stunning blue ... read more
Sunset in Antarctica

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