Page 2 of Willow Travel Blog Posts

South America » Peru » Lambayeque » Chiclayo October 3rd 2009

'Couldn't find a room in a hostel so I've checked into the Radisson....' OK so perhaps not the exact words of the text Shirley sent me but they're pretty close! At the time I was sat at a truck stop halfway through a 24 hour bus journey from Cusco to Lima and facing the usual dilemma of biscuits vs. crisps for breakfast, everything else on offer being, well, meat, meat, meat or.... i.e. not very veggie friendly. As she was only here for 3 weeks Shirley had taken the posh option and flown to Lima, leaving me to the much slower 'el cheapo' option which would get me there a day later. But it seemed she'd arrived to find the hostel room we'd booked not quite as advertised and after discovering that none of the others ... read more
The 'pyramids' at Tucume
Gold! And this was just the start...
Fountain spectacular, Lima

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu October 1st 2009

The small friendly town of Ollantaytambo was easily my favourite stop along the Sacred Valley, with its impressive Inca fortress, stunning views and grid like Inca town planning it was a fascinating place to spend a day. The Inca Emperor Pachacuti built a town and ceremonial centre here when he conquered the region in the mid-15th century and the rebellion leader Manco Inca later retreated here in 1536 after his defeat by the Spanish at Sacsayhuaman. Francisco Pizarro's younger brother Hernando followed with his troops, determined to capture the rebel leader, but at Ollantaytambo they met fierce resistance; the Inca's forces showered them with arrows, spears and rocks before flooding the plains below the stronghold making it difficult for the Spanish horses to manoeuvre. Hernando ordered a hasty retreat and Ollantaytambo became the only place to ... read more
Along the streets of the Inca town of Ollantaytambo
The Incas also built at the top of Huayna Picchu
Steep terraces of Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco May 25th 2009

With just a few days to explore the historic city of Cuzco I discovered, rather controversially, that I didn't like it all that much! And yes I'm pretty certain that'll be the complete opposite view to everyone else who's ever been there. I found my disappointment compounded by the fact I'd looked forward to coming for so long, really ever since I'd visited the Mayan sites of Mexico and Guatemala in 1997 and discovered a love of pre-Colombian history. Perhaps I'd just seen so many unexpectedly fantastic places on this trip that it couldn't match up. There were a few things I did love though, like the two excellent vegetarian restaurants I discovered (I was in absolute heaven!!), but I guess that seems a little contradictory when I say it was the zillion foreign tourists along ... read more
The streets of Cusco
Santa Domingo

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca May 20th 2009

In keeping with the bad habit I fast seemed be developing (and seriously needed to lose!!) it was dark by the time we finally pulled into Puno bus station. OK so we hadn't helped ourselves by having a lazy morning, not leaving Arequipa until lunchtime for what I already knew from experience to be at least a 7hour journey, but on the upside at least this time I had company!!! We pretty much jumped straight in a taxi as soon as we arrived, picking a random hotel from the guidebook and heading straight there - we even managed to haggle the room rate, although perhaps not as well as we should have seeing as we later discovered we were the only guests! After a night when even I got cold (Puno sits at 3860m and with ... read more
Sunset at Amantani
Our rower
Uros islands

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon May 16th 2009

Having woken up early and with a sudden burst of enthusiasm I decided to see if I could make it to Arequipa (Peru) from where I was staying in Sorata, Bolivia, that same day - 14 hours, 5 buses, a rather uneventful border crossing later and we finally rounded a corner to see the lights of Arequipa brightening up the dark sky ahead. Of course we arrived late, just the 3 hours mind, not pulling into the bus station until 11pm. I hadn't booked anywhere to stay and neither the thought of spending a night in the bus station nor the idea of trying to find somewhere to stay at this hour was especially appealing. Fortunately though the Dutch guy (and only other gringo on the bus) who'd been sat next to me was rather more ... read more
Santa Catalina Convent
Walking down into the Colca Canyon

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Sorata May 11th 2009

'Hold onto your bags!!!' At least I think that's the message the lady from the bus company was trying to give as she waved us onto the night bus from Uyuni to Potosi, a trip memorable only for the record breaking number of potholes that we jarred and bounced our way across during the next 8 hours! I think there were actually more potholes than road! But the lady was really sweet and seemed quite determined to tell us to watch out for our bags in case some undesirable decided to relieve us of them in the middle of the night. Nice too that she thought we might be able to get some sleep.... Potosi: Mines and Mints Needless to say the bus arrived late and slightly disorientated we finally pulled into Potosi at @ 2am, ... read more
Poshing it up - the view from our lounge in Copacabana

"Excuse me, are you Max??" Loitering on the street whilst trying not to look tooo dodgy we'd already accosted two or three likely targets, each guy looking slightly bemused before making a hasty retreat down the road. Our target was a 19 year old Scottish bloke by the name of Max and our reason for stalking him, to suss out how much Spanish he spoke and whether he'd mind translating on a Salar de Uyuni tour. You see we'd found a tour leaving the next day and whilst the price was right the driver didn't speak English. With the three of us (me, Marika and Will) more at "survival Spanish" level we were keen to see if the other person already booked on, Max, spoke Spanish as the agency claimed and if so whether he'd mind ... read more
Day 4: Sunrise on the Salar
Day 4: Sunrise on the Salar
Day 4: The Salar de Uyuni

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza April 22nd 2009

I really shouldn't complain considering that ALL the buses I've taken in Bolivia have been far better than any I had the pleasure of 'experiencing' in Africa or India. I mean in Bolivia I've not been on one where it seems everyone but me is puking (some into a receptacle, others not...), I've not sat next to a young girl with diarrhoea and a bus driver who refuses to stop for her (I'll let your imagination do the rest with that one....) and hey, I've even had a whole seat to myself! But you see Argentina and Chile have spoilt me. These days I'm used to smooth roads and 'semi-cama' buses - fold out leg rests, seats that recline so far you can almost convince yourself you were in a bed, empty buses that mean as ... read more
San Felipe Nery
The stunning scenery around Tupiza
La Casa de la Libertad

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku April 20th 2009

The city of La Paz varies in altitude between @3000m - 4100m, a fact that was enough to blow my mind even without the altitude sickness I was suffering from! OK so perhaps travelling here from sea level in just one day hadn't been the best idea ever but experience told me my first few days at altitude were going to be pretty evil regardless and there really hadn't been anywhere else to stop in between. Still I tried to be a good little backpacker during those first days, pushing myself out of the hostel to do 'touristy' things (interspersed with lots of sit down breaks!) by day but inevitably being back in bed at an embarrassingly early hour, having finally succumbed to the pounding headache and nausea, whilst everyone else it seemed went out partying. ... read more
Plaza Murillo, La Paz
Soldiers outside the Government Palace
Plaza Murillo, La Paz

South America » Chile » Tarapacá » Iquique April 17th 2009

Iquique hadn't featured on my original plan and I'd rather ended up here by accident. Or you might call it a lack of planning ;0) Basically I hadn't booked the bus from San Pedro to Salta in Argentina in time (even though I knew it only went 3 times a week, derrr), didn't want to wait a few days for the next one and decided a loop around Bolivia instead sounded like a much better idea. Look at a map of the region or try the buses in Bolivia and you might challenge the wisdom of that one! In the end it turned out to be a great decision..... except of course it wasn't quite so straight forward. The easiest way into Bolivia is a 3day Salar de Uyuni tour from San Pedro itself. But it ... read more
Vicunas grazing by the lake shore, Lauca NP
The road to Bolivia
Sunset on the road

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